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libra2libra83's picture

BM wrote FDH an email. In the email she is now trying to blame SD's bullying on....Us. We moved to a new apartment. This has caused her "so much stress" that she can't cope. According to BM, SD needs stability, that she is not coping due to this move.

We moved for many reasons. One of them being that their was a raging mold problem that covered multiple rooms. They also tried to raise our rent form 1550 to 1800. Not going to pay 1800 for a mold invested apartment simply because SD is not coping to the new move.

She also called our lawyer to try to set up a consultation. (She does not know we are getting our ducks in a row for court)

This is also from the same woman who has tried to move across country and state 3 times in the last two years.
