libra2libra83's Blog
BM wrote FDH an email. In the email she is now trying to blame SD's bullying on....Us. We moved to a new apartment. This has caused her "so much stress" that she can't cope. According to BM, SD needs stability, that she is not coping due to this move.
We moved for many reasons. One of them being that their was a raging mold problem that covered multiple rooms. They also tried to raise our rent form 1550 to 1800. Not going to pay 1800 for a mold invested apartment simply because SD is not coping to the new move.
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We got a lawyer...
Yesterday, SO and I obtained a lawyer in regards to getting SD's SSN, since BM is still refusing to give it to him. While we are at it, SO figured he would get a few things changed from the original order, such as being able to claim SD every other year on taxes. As of now, BM claims every year even though SO has SD 50% of the time and pays child support. He is also going to get my name off of their custody order. As of now, BM has it that I can not be left alone with SD. Yet she can leave SD with every Tom, Dick, or Harry that she feels like leaving SD with.
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SD is a Bully
I personally don't have a problem with my SD. I like her, and get along really well with her. She is almost 7 years old. She previously got in trouble for bullying a young girl at her after school care place. Both of her parents talked to her, and she was grounded from TV for 2 days. We had her last weekend. We got a call from her care facility around 6 pm to discuss SD bullying the same girl...again.
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Saw this on Facebook today
I really enjoyed the comments on this letter. Especially the one where one woman tried to explain that a marriage should always come before the child's wants and an anonymous SD stated that children always come first.
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OT-Wine makes it all better.
SO is out of town all weekend, and lets just say I couldn't be happier. I have more then enough wine to enjoy my weekend of solitude. Wish my fellow steps could be here to join, I have plenty to share.
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Why would you do this to your kid
BM picked up SD today from our house. SO and I had an amazing day with SD that had all of us super happy. When BM arrived, everything went to shit.
BM wants to put SD6 into karate. The classes have to be done twice a week. She wanted to put SD in Tuesday and Thursday night. We have SD on Thursday night, and she already takes gymnastics. The two classes start at the same time.
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Acceptable Phone Calls
Last Monday was SD's 6th birthday. SO got her this year. This is the first year that he was allowed to have SD on her birthday. SO and I took the day off of work, and had plans to take her to San Francisco to spend the day going to the beach, parks, and museums, followed by dinner at a place that SD had yet to go too.
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BM knows best....
SD has been explaining how the world works. At least according to BM.
1) The tooth fairy will give more money at BM's house. So if SD loses her tooth at SO's house, she had better save it until she gets to BM's home, otherwise she will not get as much money from the tooth fairy. When SD asked her why this was true, BM's only response is "I don't know".
2) Blue cars get pulled over for speeding more than any other car. We recently purchased a new car, that is blue. SD loves the new car, and really likes the color. OF course BM must make it look inferior to her car.
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How often do I have to bring this up?
SO and I just got into a major fight. On Sunday, we took SD5 to the local recreation center to swim. I decided that after playing with SD for over an hour, I wanted to relax for a bit in the sun. I got out of the pool, and went to lay down, when SO joined me, and SD followed begging her dad to play with her. SO looked at me and asked if I was going in to play with SD. I told him no, I was going to sit out for a while since I am tired. I ended up working 6 days last week, had Sunday off, then had to go back to work on Monday for another 5 days. I wanted to relax a little.
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Decided to Start Seeing a Therapist
Last night is the last night I will have a panic attack without having someone to help me. If you have never had a panic attack, they really suck, and thanks to the increase anxiety that I have due to being a SM, I kept having feelings that I was going to die. Luckily the one I found frequently deals with the hazards of being a step-parent. I really hope this helps.
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