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This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things SM Merit Badge--Who Has It?

thinkthrice's picture

Namely skids or DH who are as clumsy and rough as elephants at a tea party?

CRASH!! BANG!! THUD!!! BOOM!!! (No I'm not talking about the Batman TV Show for all you oldsters out there)

I will never forget when SD, at the time age 7, literally slammed the magnetic shower door so many times and so hard "trying to shut it" that it fell off the hinges. CRASH!!!

Chef acted as though all 7 year old girls do this!

Chef himself is HORRENDOUSLY rough. SLAM! SLAM! SLAM! goes the microwave door. . .


kathc's picture

Broke my car door once and when I tried complaining was told that it was like that before. Sure.

You can be damn sure that I have spoken up and NOT allowed any doors on my car to be slammed since then!

kathc's picture

If my SS ever tried walking through my house with a bat I'd be telling DH that either the bat gets put away or skid does.

Tuff Noogies's picture

every. single. thing. they come in contact with gets destroyed.

and i'm being serious. maybe not broken, but at the very least trashed. even the TV has chocolate milk spots sprayed on it.

tryingmom's picture

Microwave door handle. Tile in the hall bath, who knew you could turn the water off by banging on the tile? A plate glass window in our dining room, which I replaced and SS15 (12 at the time) was to do extra chores to repay me....3 years later and he has worked off $20 of the $160, I might be 90 when it does get repaid. A stereo, a TV, at least 4 sets of sheets that have gotten holes in (I wonder if he has Freddy Krueger dreams), and several of my pig decorations. That is all the 15 yr old. I cannot even begin the list of SS11's destructions, but I will tell you that not one of the 6 remote controls in our home doesn't have duct tape on them. Sad

Wah-wah-11's picture

We are in our 4th sofa .. Been married 4 years (DH let them take the cushions off and lay in the floor & jump on the sofas), our wall has a hole bc SS put his foot through it just pushing on it, they peeled the paint off their bedroom walls, destroyed wooden bunk beds in 3 years, just throw food down in the car when they r done.. Now let's add a toddler into this ..

Cover1W's picture

SD9 bed, SD9 both sets of blinds in her room (the 2nd set fell off - told her if they fell off they wouldn't be replaced (due to SD9 and SD11 going out window instead of using the door), hole in bathroom wall from towel hook being ripped off, broken recliner (almost) from being jumped on, hole in top of couch from being walked/sat/jumped on, curtain rod in living room ripped off from roughhousing (see couch issue), broken dishes/glasses, broken Xmas ornaments, lost kitchenware from kids using them outside to play etc.

Thank god I am not on the lease in this house; it came fully furnished. Next house I will be the primary lease person and you can bet this stuff will NOT happen to the house or to MY things.

DP said, after Xmas and me being upset about HIS fault with the ornaments; "I am sad you think you can't have nice things..." No, I can't. That was my answer. }:) Which is why all ornaments will be cheap replacements and none of my good dishes will be used until the carnage stops. We will be going to Goodwill for most items for any new housing situation, or buying used.

luchay's picture

Oh numerous holes in walls.
My old computer chair. Walked past one day and ss(then 9) was sitting in the chair, had ripped a hole in the front edge of the seat (fabric WAS thin there) and was pikcing out the foam.... I walked into the lounge and told OH. He went in to tell SS off...

OH - SS! Did you make that hole?
SS - No Dad, it wasn't me!
OH (to me) - well he says it wasn't him, what can I do? WE can't prove it wasn't already like that!

Me - oh yes we can. 1. because I just told you I saw him doing it, 2. there are little balls of foam all over the floor under the seat and I only vac'd in there an hour ago, the girls are all out and you and I have been in the lounge ever since.

OH - OH.

(but do you think any consequences for lying OR wrecking my chair? fuck no. Apart from me banning him from my computer)

Many broken dishes, cups, glasses.

Texta all over the seats of my (then) new car. Where SD sits.

My kettle.

My sandwich press.

The tyres on MY bike - always have new punctures. OH would fix it, next time go to use and flat again... I am guessing the little snots didn't like me riding with them and would take to my tyres with a sharp object - talking 8-9 punctures over 3 years. No-one else has had any.....

The carpet in SD's room - food and blood stains. Don't ask.

DD8's bookshelf - SD was borrowing it and put stickers all over it, now it needs repainting.

Oh I could go on and on - the sofa's - the seats are wrecked from the jumping on them.

Beanbags burst from being jumped on.

TV stopped working after SD fell into it one day... (large flat screen hanging on the wall)

My wii fit - someone has jumped on it and now it doesn't respond properly - that was MINE - the rest of the wii is everyones (well was bought for MY family while ex-husband and I were still married, but we shared with OH and the skids with no problems) but that wii fit was MINE dammit.

I should stop now...

But - I did break (accidentally) ex-OH's lawnmower last week - it ate its own wheel, I really had no idea they could do that! Shocked the pants off me - got caught in a hole and the next thing it was chewing heartily and bits of plastic and tyre were flying around the back garden. By the time I got it out and straight again the wheel was demolished!

luchay's picture

I'm a bit pissed about the lawn mower actually - as he can't come here I have to do it all, and its bloody hard to push with 3 wheels.

I suppose I could find out how much to get it fixed. But I have a lot of expenses at the moment so will be using it as is for a while.

luchay's picture

Smile I expect I can get a wheel. I know nothing about this stuff! I am NOT that kind of practical. I can whip you up a gorgeous cake - but fix a lawnmower? didn't even know how to turn it on until he left! Now I have that bit down pat and was feeling pretty damned good about how well I was doing - then it ate its own wheel... Bugger!

(this is what I do)

Aniki-Moderator's picture

DH just had to buy a new USB link adapter for WiFi. Skids stayed over the weekend and PigPen wanted a game put onto the computer (getting to THAT point is another story). So DH, PigPen, and PrincASS15 (whose phone is used to make the internet connection) are all clustered around the computer and they get a failed message and DH notices that the link is coming apart.
DH: WTH happened to the link?? It's coming apart.
PrincASS15: It looks like someone stepped on it.
DH: Did YOU step on it??
PrincASS15: NO I DID NOT!!! But some of my friends have and that's what it looks like.

PigPen hasn't used the computer in almost a year.
DH has been working a lot and hasn't been on the computer since Christmas.
I NEVER uses that computer; I use my phone.
PrincASS15 is on that computer as much as possible every time he's at our house.

DH believes PrincASS15 knocked it off and planted a size 14 boat (er, shoe) on it and broke it and is lying. AS USUAL.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

It's DH's computer, so I can't do that. I have a laptop for my games and those nasty skids don't even get to LOOK at it.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I wish, but DH would never be on board with that. We can't prove that PrincASS15 did it even though we know he did. Or we have got one HUGE mouse in the house!!!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I'm going to look for some hunting cameras to put in the house that will catch the RATS in the act. Dirol