O/T I'm Back Baby!
As Frank Costanza said when he started cooking at home again (Seinfeld reference). I'm taking back the kitchen post retirement!
Chef has taken over the majority of kitchen duties over the past 10 years or so. He loves to shop at gourmet grocery stores and cook however, he over buys, refuses to cut a recipe in half or a quarter, basically cooking for an army, then gets tired of the leftovers in a day and refuses to store them properly in the freezer. He never checks to see what we have on hand but just continually buys more and more of the same stuff. Clean up is hit-and-miss as well I have a deep cleaning in store for me this Winter! Also FIFO will be a priority. We will be using up what is in the chest freezer that is salvageable after the aftermath of Chef.
So much waste of money and food! Not any more! I will be doing the grocery shopping which will be based on lost leaders and budget items for the week's menu. Recipes will be cut in half or quarters. Kitchen clean up will be thorough. Utensils and kitchen wear will be properly used and not cudgeled into something they were never intended to be!
I imagine we will have far fewer broken plates and glasses too as Chef is as rough as an elephant in an antique store. No more slamming and banging microwave doors, kitchen cabinets drawers etc, as he sloppilly raced to make dinner. No more will I jump out of my skin when I hear crashing in the kitchen!
- thinkthrice's blog
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You just retired, right? How fun to do what you want, when you want. I love it!
Enjoy. Do your foodie thing.
The cook decides.
Have fun!