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Need to reset SS waterworks meter....So how was your weekend?

Drac0's picture

SS was with us on the weekend.

SS has exams next week. We checked the class websites and all the teachers have been very forthcoming with study guides and how much time each student needs to devote to going over notes/preparing for the tests.

DW and I went over them.

It’s pretty obvious that SS needs to study on the weekend.

I knew he wouldn’t. I knew I was going to get angry and stress out about it. So I talked to DW on Friday night over a glass of wine with both of us relaxed and I told her my thoughts.

All I said to DW was this. “Judging from these notes and the messages the teachers have sent out, SS should be studying MORE than playing. If he ends up playing more than studying, he is going to fail these exams.”

DW nodded her head in agreement and said she is going to stay on top of him.

Here is what transpired:

From morning to noon:
SS barricades himself in his room and plays on the PS3.
DW opens the door around 2pm and tells him to turn off the console and tackle his studies.
SS turns off the PS3 but closes his bedroom door again.
I ask DW if SS is studing.
DW says yes.
“I don’t think he is.” I say and I walk away.
DW opens the door and catches SS on his iPad.
DW confiscates the iPad and yells at him.
SS picks up his book and “appears to be studying.”
I ask DW if SS is studing.
DW says yes.
“I don’t think he is.” I say and I walk away.
DW goes to check on him.
SS is just staring at his workbooks.
“How much have you got done?”
SS shrugs his shoulders, and answers “I dunno.”
DW yells at him some more.
SS says he shouldn’t have to study because “we go over this in class.”
DW – clearly frustrated – prints out ALL the class notes and messages from the web site that clearly states that SS SHOULD be studying and reviewing his notes.
SS starts to cry.
DW asks me for help.
I look over the worksheets and highlight some questions/problems to solve.
“Supper is in two hours” I said. “Have these done by then."
5:30 pm.
The zombie-groans start from the bedroom.
DW goes to see him.
SS doesn’t understand the work he has to do.
DW calls him on it, stating that this work has been taught to him by the teachers in class.
SS says the teachers haven’t taught this material.
DW says “Obviously you weren’t paying attention!”
DW threatens to confiscate ALL of SS’s electronics if he fails a single course next semester.
“And STOP crying! CRY when you fail, because then it will be YOUR fault because you didn’t study and pay attention in class and guess what!? I WILL HAVE NO SYMPATHY FOR YOU!!!”
6:30 pm
We have supper except SS. He is upset and doesn’t want to eat.
DW and I ignore him.
After the dishes are cleared, DW instructs SS to go back into his room to tackle his studies.
SS does so (or appears to do so).
SS is passed out.
DW is woken up by a strange noise coming from his room.
SS is caught texting on his cell phone.
I’m woken up to the sounds of DW yelling at SS.

10:30 am Monday morning.
At DW's request, on my break from work, I'm looking up prices of strong boxes on the internet.


Drac0's picture

That's what I wanted to do initially but DW felt it was too harsh to let Tall boy go three months without his e-pacifier so I settled with 1 month.

Trust me. If I had my way, I would throw SS back into the stone age until I see at least a 75% average on his report card.

tiny kitten's picture

I just witnessed a teenager acting like a complete fucking moron on another website, so I'm in a bad mood. So that's the place I'm coming from when I ask, how do you keep from pushing his skull through his damn electronic devices?

ChiefGrownup's picture

Of course it's your fault that boy is failing English. Everything his kids get wrong, do wrong, say wrong is your fault. How could you forget that? If only you would just lay down belly up like you're supposed to, his kids would be Internationally Renowned Philanthropist, UN Secretary General, and President of General Electric by now.

ChiefGrownup's picture

Draco, I feel your pain. Similar scenes take place in my house with SD15. She has increasing problems with truancy and flunking, topics of never-ending conversation and angst at our house. All this school week DH was fretting about the missing homework and the tardies he could see on the web site.

So she arrives Friday night. It's all laughs and videos till bedtime. Saturday every two hours or so she comes out of her room for a snack (junk food) and DH cheerfully asks her how WOW is going. (for civilized people, that's pronounced wow like cow but means World of Warcraft) She details several plays or moves. Goes back in to her cave to play more. All. Day.

Sunday more of the same. (they did leave the house for a short excursion, yay!) Some time around 3 pm Sunday, DH starts saying, you need to start thinking about doing your homework. Internally, I gasp. A kid who's flunking everything needs to start h.w. Sunday at 3p???????? Some time later she's out here watching cartoons with us. Oh, she's on a break. Funny, she doesn't seem to need a break from WOW every ten minutes. 20 minutes before time to leave our house she needs something printed out, DH has not been previously warned of this need, DH has printer issues, tells her some scheme in which she can get the printing done in the morning before school. She refuses this plan because she will "want to sleep late before school." ??????!!!!!!

I never said a word about any of it all weekend. Wasn't feeling up to it. Draco, I absolutely endorse your strategy to do the united front with spouse. If you don't maintain that, what's the point in being married?

Can't understand why our spouses don't get them up Saturday morning. Feed'em breakfast. Get their study materials out, sketch out a schedule of which project to do first etc. Remove all electronics. Make sure the schedule has room to complete each assignment. Most kids should be done before noon, have the whole weekend free after that. And those are the ones that are already behind and failing! It's obvious our skids (Draco's and mine) need help staying on task and following through, so why don't we give them the structure they need? What on earth is the point of letting them free range themselves into a pit and then yelling at them? WTFreakingF???!!!

Slow improvements are being made at my house due to that whole staying on the same team thing between dh and I, but lordluvaduck I feel your pain, Draco, I truly do because the progress is slow and so painful to watch the slo-mo train wreck all year long.

Drac0's picture

I knew what WoW was at the first mention of it.

SS doesn't skip class and he was only late once this year. SS's problem is that he is just an airhead. He has a HUGE problem tackling subjects that has infered solutions. For example, if I said to him; "You are on the I95 travelling from New York State to Virginia. Which direction are you travelling in?" He won't be able to answer you because the answer is not staring at him in the face. Nor was any instruction given to him that he needs to look at a map.

So he gets frustrated and gives up and begs for his Mom to help him. He's 15 years old. He should be able to figure this out for himself but he just can't. Someone in our house has to be the tutor/jail warden and standing over him the whole time to make sure he is doing what he is supposed to be doing.

Now add to the fact that he believes he doesn't have to study on the weekend because - it's the weekend - and we have a drama-tear fest like we had.

ChiefGrownup's picture

Yes, I believe these two skids need a warden to stand over them and get it done. Not just so it gets done, but also so they can develop the proper habits that are obviously not innate to their natures. Or honestly, were not taught to them when they were 5 or 9. Perhaps I didn't make that clear. Sorry.

I found it similar that your dw and my dh both think letting the skids manage their own time by blatantly playing playing electronics all weekend is a reasonable parenting plan.

Most, of course, will know what World of Warcraft or WOW is and I knew that you would. But those of us not gamers may need it explained. I needed it the first time. Just trying to be helpful to all potential readers.