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Ss meltdown

MidwestStepmom's picture

So the other night ss13 shared some info with us for the first time. My husband was drilling him on his bad grades and how he might have to repeat the 7th grade. Ss broke down and said it's just too busy at his house. He has 4 younger siblings who I guess terrorize him all day. Kick on the door while he is in his room, pound from the bathroom wall that is also connect to his was. He says he tells Bm, but after awhile Bm gets annoyed and yells at everyone including ss.

We asked him about staying up an hour later to do his homework, Bm puts them all to bed at 7pm. He said he can't because he always has to put the younger one back in his crib at night. When asked where Bm and stepdad was, he said down stairs and they will ask ss to put younger brother back in bed.

He also mentioned that there is a lot of fighting going on between Bm and stepdad. Stepdad shunned BMs family from coming over anymore because they brought over a bed frame for ss to sleep on. Stepdad had been "working"on ss bed frame for 5 years now.

I'm not sure how to help ss, we asked if he wanted to move in with us, but he was very wishy washy over it. Dh is doing the drop off right now and is currently sitting down at a restaurant to talk to Bm about grades and study time. However, she is a high conflict person. She will threaten police if you look at her wrong.


MidwestStepmom's picture

Unfortunately in our state it's only considered educational neglect IF he fails a grade and after they've explored all options. My SIL is a CPS worker for this state and she keeps me in the know. We have filed many complaints, even with proof to CPS, and they keep coming back with unfounded evidance or suggest parenting classes for Bm.

Pilgrim Soul's picture

Poor kid! He does not have a bed to sleep in and is used as a free babysitter while his grades tank. He is exploited, it sounds like. And why does a 13yo need to go to bed at 7 pm?

Can you talk to CPS and see if they will get involved? Can you ask court to switch custody? Not that it is an easy thing to achieve... If not, can he move in with BM's extended family that obviously feels for him?

MidwestStepmom's picture

All he'd had was a mattress on the floor and BMs parents did not like and brought over a frame. We've thought of goi go to court, but ss would also have to be willing to tell the judge that me wants to live with us. Otherwise a lot of money will be spent and no change will happen.

furkidsforme's picture


Are you SURE he isn't playing one side against the other to get out of trouble with DH and get him off his back? I'd tow in the sympathy until his accusations are confirmed.

MidwestStepmom's picture

Both my dh and I are from divorced families, we both know the blame game. Ss is being punished for poor grades. Basketball was taken away, vidoe games where take away, usually we do something fun when he is here, but we have stopped that.

Pilgrim Soul's picture

Using a trick out of many a BM book, can you give him a smart phone with a camera and ask him to take pictures of his room and other areas of the house?

MidwestStepmom's picture

Oh I'm sure it's bad. BMs trailer house was condemned and they donated it to the local fire department. They now live in a new house, but I'm sure it's gross. Dh had to live with her for 4 years and knows what kind of house keeper she is.

MidwestStepmom's picture

Well if you call a sit down at McDonalds for 15 minutes a date, then yes it was a date.

Dh wanted a public place because he knows she won't flip out in publics to keep her appearance innocent.