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SD bought me a christmas gift???

fedupstep's picture

DH knows I've disengaged from SD16. After years of lies, disrespect and double standards, I'm done. I am polite when she's here, but for the most part I just refer her back to her dad when she tries to talk to me. I refuse to spend a second alone with her...the last time I did she made up some ridiculous lies about me and it took months for DH and I to be ok again. Even though all that, the last couple years DH has been short on cash at Christmas. I have bought ALL SD's gifts. And each of those 2 years she has thanked her father and not me. DH corrects her but getting a thank you out of this child is like pulling teeth. So I told DH I was done with gift buying...he needs to be better with his money and buy his child their gifts.

Last night SD honoured DH with a phone call. He got off the phone and told me he had a nice surprise for me. I am still getting over pneumonia and need any good news I can get.

'SD has bought you a Christmas gift!!'

I look at him blankly...'ok.'

'Isn't that nice of her to think of you??'

'Yes DH'

'So what are you going to get for her?'

' are handling her gifts this year. We've already talked about that.'

'You're really not getting her anything? Knowing she has got something for you?'

'No I'm not.'

'But she wants *insert laundry list here* and I can't afford to...'

"oh! So this is not about me being grateful for her acknowledging me for the first time, this is about you being afraid of not being able to buy her what she wants!'

DH leaves the room...yeah, that's what I thought.


DaizyDuke's picture

Q: Who announces that they bought someone a gift 2 weeks prior to the gift giving occasion?

A: Selfish, manipulative little snot, who is just looking for something in return.

... and your DH fell right into the trap! And when did it EVER become a RULE that if someone gives you a gift, you MUST give a gift in return??? Kind of defeats the true meaning of the word "GIFT"

hereiam's picture

That's called "power shopping", didn't you know that? It's an old time favorite of mine.

And you made it to 2 stores? That's really good!

Delilah's picture

Defo a manipulative mood by sd, however, why has sd16 suddenly choosen THIS christmas to purchsse you a gift?! The very xmas you decided enough was enough and no more generous SM?! Did you tell her that seeing as she cant be bothered to thank you, acknowledge your presence throughout the year and generally act like a polite human being, that YOU (yes not daddy little girl) will no longer be funding her festive and birthday expectations? I ask because your sd is only way she is because daddy dearest allows it and also provides a marvellous manipulative example for her - I wouldnt be surprised if your DH, panicking because he has realised he is shit out of luck this xmas regarding the bank of wife bankrolling the ego trip he receives from sd16' adulation over the gifts he provides (yeah right :sick: ), told sd she better get you a gift/and or informed you of this fake chess move (maybe she didnt get you a gift, perhaps he did or there is no gift) to guilt you into changing your mind...

Thats arseholery at its finest right there and I would be livid at HIM and his ridiculous surprised questioning over you not changing your mind and especially (gasp) and princess pea has a LIST! Ah well, DH should have got a second job to fund this list then really OR parented his nearly adult dd to appreciate you more!

Stepped in what momma's picture

My skids don't even bother to read the tags on the gifts they receive much less buy a gift for DH.

BethAnne's picture

It depends on your mood but passive aggressive gifting is the way to go in my mind.

My sister is the queen of this. My brothers house was disgusting as a student so one year he got a heap of cleaning products. Another year, after he had forgotten her birthday two years in a row he got a wall calender for christmas with her birthday marked on it in big letters!

Tell your husband that you have gotten her something small that you think will be useful for her but that it wasn't on her christmas list so he is free to choose whatever he wants to get her from the list.

hereiam's picture

I would be speechless if my SD ever got me a gift, or a gift for her dad, for that matter.

I mean, I know she doesn't have any money but we do have Dollar Trees here.