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dd might be prego

stepsonhatesme's picture

I took my dd18 grocery shopping and she picked up 2 pregnancy tests. I straight up asked her if she was pregnant. She said that she thinks so. She took a test this morning and 2 lines shows up immediately but by the time the urine filed the whole area the second line disappeared.
When e were done shopping we came back to my house and i had her take another one. It came up negative. .. but it might be to early. I know the best time to take one is first thing in the morning do that's what she's going to do.
I kept my cool while i was with her, but now all i can do is cry. But, I haven't said anything to dh until we know for sure.
I'm very freaked out right! !


Ljcapp1's picture

Ohhhhh sending you good non-pregnant vibes!!!!!

Don't panic until you know for sure. I realize that's easy for me to say, but you may be worrying about nothing.

stepsonhatesme's picture

Oh i know but, she also said that she's been getting sick every morning, her breasts are tender, And she's missed her period. And she's regular.

stepsonhatesme's picture

The father was a guy she was dating but they are just 'friends' now. She was working 2 his until she quit them to take care of her 2 younger brothers (my xh 2 kids). She lives with her bio dad, bs and her 2 half brothers. I've already talked to hert today about bc usage. She Is on the pill, but i told her that condoms need to be used bc of std.
I also told her if she is preg I'm not happy, but what is done is done. And that at this time she's going to need me more than ever.

furkidsforme's picture

WAIT.... She ALREADY HAD a child at 18 and thinks she is pregnant with #2??!?!?!?!?!?!?! Or am I misreading the "She lives with her bio dad, bs and her 2 half brothers."?

stepsonhatesme's picture


stepsonhatesme's picture

No my dd does not have any kids. My dd lives with her brother (my bs), her dad and her 2 half brothers

stepsonhatesme's picture

Her and I have been discussing her moving out of her dads house and getting get own place. That was when she had a job (well 2 if them). But i guess we'll wait until tomorrow to figure it all out.

WokeUpABug's picture

Hope she's not pregnant. As someone who got pregnant much too young myself, I got my daughter an IUD at age 15. Not saying it's for everyone or doesn't have it's downsides, but it's a huge relief not to have to worry about her getting accidentally pregnant for 5 years!

stepsonhatesme's picture

My dd has been on the depo shot since she was about 12 years old. But she just went off it bc She was gaining too much weight. She started the pill a week later.

MissElphaba's picture

I used a digital test after buying several of the this line that line ones which I could never read accurately.

stepsonhatesme's picture

She's on the pill. She just went off the depo shot last month. But i will definitely give her a smack her upside her head lol