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Very upset today

purpledaisies's picture

Dh just called and said yuck wants to borrow 100 bucks for ss 17 grad stuff. Now the ball of this woman after all the shit she has pulled with my kids and she doesn't have a job. To ask for money!? Borrow my ass I bet I'll never see that money back. The money will be coming from me as I make more then dh and he just used all his for bills yesterday.
It's more of how would she feel and would she loan me money if I had done to her and her kids that she did to me and mine. WE all know she would say he'll no! So pissed


purpledaisies's picture

No ill give it but it's only for ss 17 he is a good kid and deserves better. I told dh to make it clear to her whose money it is and it is only for ss 17 and if it wasn't for him she'd get a big far zero!

msg1986's picture

Someone should have budgeted better huh? Too bad, so sad. Did she not know her own child had graduation coming up? Don't let them make you feel bad, I wouldn't cough up any dough.

Not your kid, not your problem.

purpledaisies's picture

Of course she knew. Not my fault her getting a job interferes with her being a mommy! :sick:
Anyway I think I might tell dh we need to wait to see on sunday if I can afford the 100 bucks lol

twoviewpoints's picture

Before you just hand over the cash , why not have SS bring over the papers for whatever the grad stuff is all about? If the money is coming from you, you should get a change to see what it is for, make decisions as to what it is you're purchasing/covering cost for ect.

Or they ordering caps, gowns, trinkets, announcements? What. Is it payment for a test to place in a college? You should have details. Perhaps even decide with SS what you'd really like verses what his mother said he could order.

As long as that household has brought you and your money into this, why not take part in what your money is covering. And don't forget to remind DH he best do some big thanking towards you. You're kind enough to do this because you care about the SS and want to see hi do/have what the other kids will have...but DH owes you (and not necessarily money). Hey as long as you're paying, you might as well have the fun in some of the say-so and choosing what items.

somedevilishbeauty's picture

DH would have asked what she wanted to get him, went and got it. BM is no longer trusted with cash or "gifts" with tags or a recite

purpledaisies's picture

I wish I could this is due Wednesday and we have no time to get tTe info. I have to work all weekend and have a bird show on sunday. There is no way yuck would let him come over on a school night