What should I do with this album?
I came across a photo book when DH and I moved in together. Its small. Has pics of the kids when they were little. Also some pics of BM and the kids. And a couple of pics of BM and DH on their wedding. :sick:
I am pretty sure that it was OSD's because there are a lot of pics of her in it.
Initially I just put it away in a drawer and didnt really think about it.
I have been doing a lot of deep cleaning. I am not a person to keep stuff unless I need it or love it. Obviously I dont need or love this album.
I am not even sure that DH remembers that it exists.
I am wondering what I should do with the album.
I am completley disengaged from all the girl skids. So its not like for example I would send it to OSD, where she lives. (she lives out of state).
I do talk to SS, but he isnt around that often to give it to him.
I could give it to DH to give to the MSD and YSD who I think would appreciate it more then giving it to SS. However, if I leave it up to him, it will be left sitting on the counter or in his van, until he remembers to give it to the skids and whenever he sees them again.
I would prefer to do "something" with it and be done with it. Not that it takes up space or is bothering me by being in my house, but not like I really want it around.
Of course I would love to just throw it away. I really dont think anyone is missing these photos as no one has inquired about them in the 2+ years that DH and I have lived together.
But there are pics of the skids when they were little so that is why I feel a little bad. Plus even though my parents have been divorced since I have been 2 (31 years ago) I do like that I have some of their wedding pics.
- zerostepdrama's blog
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By the way if I ask DH what
By the way if I ask DH what he wants me to do he will probably say throw it away or he will give it to one of the girl skids and like I said before it will just sit at our house or in his van.....
Oh and its possible he may want the pics of the skids from when they were little... so maybe I will just take out all pics with BM, trash them }:) and save the other ones of the skids????
I came across some pictures
I came across some pictures of my SD with DH and BM when they were still together. I threw them away. My SD was 2 when they split up (they were never married). She is 6 now and doesn't remember a time when I wasn't married to her dad. So she won't miss the pictures of the three of them together.
Your situation is different. I'd want to get rid of it as soon as possible because I wouldn't want it in my house. I like your idea of throwing away the pics of BM and saving the rest. I don't think your SKs would expect you to have pics of their BM anyway.
If I was disengaged
If I was disengaged completely because skids are sh*ts, I'd probably take the pics of the skids and put them in an album and trash the ones with Bm. If no one has asked for the pics I'm sure they've been long forgotten and it's not your responsibility to be anyones storage.
Save the kid pics and trash
Save the kid pics and trash the BM ones since she most likely has wedding photos the kids can see. Brush off your hands and done!
It would seem to me that if
It would seem to me that if these pics have been laying around literally for years and nobody has asked about them, mentioned them, looked at them, that they don't hold a lot of meaning to anyone.
But on the other hand, I understand what Echo is saying about throwing away pics of someone else's kids is not really nice. Pics of BM? Oh hell, I'd be having some kind of hoodoo voodoo party... use the damn things as a dart board, toilet paper, whatever and burn the mofos.
You must have a storage area... attic, basement. I'd just move them there, someplace where you don't have to come across them, or be bothered by them, but they are still "around".
Ya know my first thought was
Ya know my first thought was to send the album to OSD. There is actually a baby pic in there where her baby looks just like her when she was a baby and I thought she would appreciate it.
I just didnt want to reach out to her and engage her in any way if I really didnt have to.
Have your DH address it, then
Have your DH address it, then you mail it so you know it's gone. Done. It will be his handwriting, so it came from him.
Good idea! Should I take out
Good idea!
Should I take out any pics that have DH and BM in together - wedding or family pics. I can TOTALLY see her posting them on Facebook for #TBT (Throw Back Thursday), etc. and tagging DH in them.
Any pictures with BM in them
Any pictures with BM in them I would throw out. If they are that important, I'm sure BM has a copy of the pictures. If not, too bad. I wouldn't have BM's picture anywhere in my house.
"By the way if I ask DH what
"By the way if I ask DH what he wants me to do he will probably say throw it away or he will give it to one of the girl skids and like I said before it will just sit at our house or in his van....."
So ask your DH & let him make the call. If he says throw it away, have at it...though I can't imagine a parent would be so quick to toss photos of his children. HIS photos...HIS call.
The kids can take them home or he can let them sit in his van.
I agree with Echo. How would you feel if the person you are supposed to be able to trust above all others took it upon themselves to rid your home of photos of your family?
It's simple respect.
For you and Echo- Ha Ha I
For you and Echo- Ha Ha I guess I forget that DH actually likes his kids and doesnt feel the same way I do about them. and he would want pics of them. LOL
i have pics from before my
i have pics from before my own parents' divorce, and copies of some wedding pictures. my grandmother kept them for me in a safe place until i was adult enough to appreciate them, and they are currently in an album that i treasure. that's MY history.
if i were you, i'd either have DH address it to mail to her as mentioned above, OR (and big 'or' cuz i dont know ya'lls relationship) see if MIL will give it safe keeping?
either way, just get it out of YOUR house!
My only hesitation in keeping
My only hesitation in keeping pics of DH AND BM together in the album is that OSD would for sure post them on FB.. .only stirring up even more drama and annoyance.
i hate fb. i dont even have a
i hate fb.

i dont even have a fb, so i'm out of any further suggestions...