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Instagram, Priceless! WWYD?

sixteensmom's picture

Last night I get a notification "BMFULLNAME likes your photo on Instagram"
I was like....whaaaa, I don't think she's even smart enough to use a computer.

I look at my Instagram and she has liked several of my photos... Pics of MY daughters ultrasound, DH and my holiday ornaments from my parents, MY grandsons new bedroom that I painted, etc. She went back months and months poking around. So I'm thinking she lost her mind... no way would she be doing that on purpose... we absolutely DESPISE this woman! Then I realize, every photo she liked is a collage, they're small, especially if looking on a phone.

The dumbass was double clicking them to make them bigger but that gives them a LIKE!!! I went back through and as I was looking again, the LIKES were disappearing!! She realized what she did and was UNLIKING them!

Oh. My. Goodness. I love the idea of her near heart failure when she realized what she did. Too freaking funny!

So - What would you do?
1. Post some kind of snarky message 'hey dumbass it's been 12 years move along and focus on your own family'
2. Continue with your happy posting of travels and family fun and just know that she's looking and eating her heart out.
3. Block her sorry ass.



purpledaisies's picture

Foxie I love you. You are so funny and snarky love it. Sorry but I'd do what foxie said I've been know to post a few snarky comments and low and behold the shit stopped that bm was doing. Lol

See it is your Facebook and if she wasn't poking around she wouldn't know what you post. So if she flips you can out her. Lol but most likely she will slither away lol

sixteensmom's picture

LOVE it! I'm usually the snarky comment type - (see my other post tonight, I might have hit a Foxie Snarky Award Moment) but part of me just wants her to squirm and see how much she doesn't matter in our lives. She's the type who would love to know she got to me, then will turn it against me somehow with skids, which doesn't really matter.

Only thing I have to be careful of is the current ongoing alimony trial, but that's 15mo away. snort.

maybe an ecard...

Dear Angela, Thanks for liking my photos. It's a little creepy for you to be snooping around my daughters ultrasound session though. How 'bout you crawl back under the rock from which you slithered, and take another pain pill. Love, me.

sixteensmom's picture

update ... she did it again this morning! she like a photo of me and my babies feet on the beach!

sixteensmom's picture

this is exactly what I was thinking. ignore that she's watching and just go on with our happy kissy face photos. ha.

notsobradybunch's picture

BM use to do this to me all the time. For awhile I thought it would do her some good to see DH had moved on, was successful and VERY happily married. But then I decided I didn't want her in MY life whatsoever. So I blocked her. Best decision.