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Why does she stare at me all the time?

katielee's picture

Every time I look up, SDstb13 is staring at me. Sometimes she's giving me a dirty look, but most of the time she's just staring... watching... I can't figure out why. In the car today, DD20 and I were singing to a country song and I happened to glance up in the rear view mirror and she was staring at me while I was singing. I checked the rear view several times and she was still staring. It's creeping me out. What's up with that? Anybody have any insight or theories?


learningallthetime's picture

I have no idea, but if I were you I would start acting it up. Every time you catch her looking start primping your hair, striking poses, then ask "hey, saw you staring" with a wink! Follow up with "I know, everyone stares at me, I am captivating right?"

GoodBye's picture

My SD6 does it all the time too lol. If we're sitting watching a movie I can see her staring at me out of the corner of my eye. It's so uncomfortable.

luchay's picture

Ick yes, mine does it too, drives me mad.

You're just sitting there minding your business and you can FEEL eyes on you. And there she is, giving me that sidelong sneaking stare. When she sees me notice she looks away, only to start staring again as soon as I go back to what I am doing.

Freaky kid.

Made all the worse by the fact that I don't think she has said word one to me in months..... :? :? :? (not complaining about that though LOL)