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Is it any of my business???

emotionally spent's picture

So I am wondering if this is any of my business. I've been living with BF for two years now. His work schedule is about to change so therefore skids schedule will change as well. He has not discussed this with me. Is it any of my business? I think it is as it affects my life as well but he doesn't discuss this with me.


DaizyDuke's picture

Agreed! If you are living together, then changes to your household dynamic are CERTAINLY your business. I have always had a hard time getting this through my DH thick skull. He took it as "reporting" to me. No, I'm not asking that you ask for my permission, I am asking that you INCLUDE me in decisions that are made that affect EVERYONE.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

Yep. It's totally your business. It's your home and what happens there affects you.

Mercury's picture

Yes. He has no right to make big changes that affect you without getting your input. We get walked on way too much as it is, even when it's a situation we naively agreed to in the first place.

emotionally spent's picture

Yeah sorry I know a bit vague. I am not looking to TELL him or VETO anything. I just thought maybe he would look to discuss it with me. Ultimately, it is between him and BM and what's good for the kids. I LIVE there. I help parent the kids. It's frustrating to feel like a third wheel constantly.