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So ready for summer to be over...

CompletelyPuzzled's picture

I am putting this here because I feel like I can't say it to anyone else. I am so ready for summer to be over. I am looking forward to the SDs going back home. There, I said it. It's not that they are bad kids. And, I will miss them. But, I am ready to have my house back!!! I haven't been able to watch TV in my own living room for weeks because the SDs are permanently parked on my couch. Plus, I work nights so it is difficult to sleep during the day when they are here. And yes, I really want time with my DH back. My ex-husband and I have 50/50 custody of our kids so DH and I usually have some time to ourselves every other week. It's been a hard adjustment for me, not having any of his free time. I haven't gotten upset about it because I know he doesn't see the kids as much as he'd like. I know he is dreading taking them back next week. So I feel guilty that I am actually counting down the days. Anyone else deal with this?


anotherstepmom's picture

Yes. We have fulltime custody of SS15 and he sees BM every other weekend during school year and every other week during summer. I am so relieved when SS leaves and I feel kinda bad that I am, he is not a bad kid, but it feels so good to spend time alone with my DH. Our routine is different and I am so much more relaxed.

katielee's picture

My SD is horrible and I freaking celebrate EVERY hour she's away from my home.

twoviewpoints's picture

Lol. That's what I was thinking when I read the OP.

DD is starting her freshman year in two weeks and I'm counting down the days until school starts. I get my Monday-Friday 8am-3pm back.

BarkAtTheMoon's picture

I have the Skids FT since BM died last year. I took out my red pen in May and wrote "100" on the calendar. Only 25 days until SD19 goes back to college and SDstb13 goes to school. Biggrin

~ Moon

Peaches1973's picture

You're lucky, DH has FT custody of the skids so they (sometimes) go to their BM for a couple of months during summer. DH is sad when they are gone. He tries not to show it but I know he is so I feel guilty enjoying their time away so damn much. They just came home last week and here we go again...Plus he said he doesn't want to send them with her anymore because they are miserable with her and she always tries to make him travel farther or give her money to get them home.So....yay. Sad

kathc's picture

The day visitation is over I lock myself in the bathroom and shake my booty all over the damn place while giving myself the thumbs up and grinning in the mirror...if that's wrong then I don't wanna be right... Dirol

HadEnoughx5's picture

My skids have spent time at day camps and an overnight camp. And I can't wait for summer to be over too. We have them 1/2 the time and let me tell you, the days they go back, I can't get them back to her fast enough. They aren't being bad. I just want my home back and have the freedom to come and go as I please.

I like routine and during the summer it's tough with them here.

hereiam's picture

I feel for you and I'm going to admit that I am glad summer visitation was not written into my DH's divorce decree. He would take off a couple of days and she would come over but other than that, we stuck to the EOWE.