Oh last week was just so nice, quiet, no bitching, no fighting between SO and I all until 4pm yesterday. And she's back. SO and I talked before he went to get her, for him to go over OUR house rules on the way here so that in case she forgot while being at BM's. To remind her our house is not a trampoline, we don't bounce on everything, we don't touch walls, we do not touch Accorn2L's ipad, laptop, or any of her work items. SO said he thought this was a great idea since it must be so hard for Princess to go back and forth (7 days with us 7 days with BM) and our house rules must be so different. (please keep in mind I have chore charts posted for my BD11 and SD8, house rules posted for everyone in the house like turn off the light when you leave a room, leave the bathroom the way you found it, pick up your trash, etc..) I do not expect soilders, just don't piss on everything, lie, follow me around, yell DADDDDDDYYYYYY) So when they got to the house she came in like the Tazmanian Devil, this little mfer broke an antique of mine that has been passed down for multiple generations, no it's can't be glued back together either. So I said to SO, I'm going to the bedroom to watch tv and just be alone, I did this so I wouldn't beat his ass or his kids ass that very moment and yes I cried in the bedroom alone and I do not cry EVER. At 4am, yes I said 4am, Taz came in there to wake us up to inform us she is hungry and can't sleep. I pushed SO's shoulder so hard to wake him up he fell out of the bed, WHOOPS. Then I slameed the bedroom door behind him. I don't have to be at work until 7:30, I was here at 6:45 just to escape my own home, damn that is just sad and pathetic.
Yeah it's going to be that kind of week again...
- Accordn2L's blog
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THIS Sounds like it time to
Sounds like it time to move live in separate homes.
The rule about not touching the walls is a bit over the top.
Why is the rules about
Why is the rules about touching walls over the top? I keep my house extremely clean and SD8 for some reason likes to get her hands dirty and then run up and down the walls and get them filthy. So it had to be made into a rule because I can't spend that much time wiping walls down because she can't keep her hands to herself.
It just seems like a
It just seems like a neat/control freak kind of rule. I touch and lean on the walls in my home. I can't imagine trying to keep a kid from doing something so minor.
For me, the solution would be to live in my own home. DF is a neat freak. He gets on his kids about doing normal kid stuff. Some of the things he will freak out about are dowm right silly.
As much as I love the man, I would not be able to live with him if my son was a minor.
I am a total neat freak and I
I am a total neat freak and I can't help it, keep your hands to yourself especially if they are dirty. This is the kid who pisses all over the bathroom and smeared shit on the walls on her last visit so I hope you an understand why I prefer she not touch things!
Disneyfan, do you have poo
Disneyfan, do you have poo and pee on your hands when you touch your walls? And by 'touch' do you mean 'decorate'?
Because I think that's a key difference between you and her SD.
What??? Are your walls black,
Are your walls black, to conceal any dirt??? Or brown, maybe?
Seriously? People with kids shouldn't have white walls? Which everyone has (or light colored), except for people who watch a lot of Trading Spaces.
Tommar24365- Are you really
Are you really serious? I shouldn't have white walls because I have children? WTF planet are you from? Yes I have white walls and my BD11 has never had one problem keeping her hands off of them and saving her painting to paper or outside for sidewalk chalk. Children need to be raised so that when we set them lose on society they can be functional and productive. If SD8 can't learn to keep her "shitty hands" and I mean that literally to herself then I laugh at the thought of her out in the real world. Since you obviously do not agree with my style of parenting, cleanliness, etc... why don't you just stop posting on my blog?
I have BEGGED SO for 2 years
I have BEGGED SO for 2 years to get her into counseling. He is one of those people that thinks you deal with problems at home and don't "air out your dirty laundry to strangers". Guess this is why we are at the end of our journey together...
Agreed. Preventing a kid
Agreed. Preventing a kid from learning by hiding all the stuff isn't a great parenting technique in my book.
When I was a kid, my mom had
When I was a kid, my mom had the same rule to not touch the walls because every time us kids did that, the walls would get dirty (not shit--just dirt). I never thought much about that being an evil rule. I was never traumatized over that small rule. It was just one of the things I knew not to do. You live in someone's house, you live by their rules. I don't understand why everyone is so bent out of shape over OP trying to run a household. At least she's trying to set boundaries, which is exactly what kids need these days.
I do NOT think it is over the
I do NOT think it is over the top. Who wants to have to repaint every year because of a kid's nasty fingers on the wall or the paint being worn down from leaning on it. I had this rule growing up and we have this rule now. And washing the walls constantly strips the paint off so that isn't a great solution anyway!
Walls are there to hold the roof up, not your body!
I have the same rule. Do not
I have the same rule. Do not touch the walls. It has taken years to get my SS to use the rails when he comes down the stairs. But, after all the painting I have done, he knows now....
Sweet Pea- I'm all for her
Sweet Pea-
I'm all for her ass getting whipped! Let me throw this in just as an FYI, I have a restraining order against BM for threatening to kill me and my daughter. So BM is looking for ANYTHING to "get me back" for doing that. I have never put my hands on SD8 for that very reason, she runs back and reports any and everything to BM when she leaves our house so if I was to pop her butt I have no doubt BM would try and have me arrested. But as far as SO, he should have jumped right up and whipped her tail ASAP, but as you know, he didn't.
Wait, the woman threatened to
Wait, the woman threatened to kill your daughter and you stayed with the man??? :jawdrop:
I guess all BM's know how to
I guess all BM's know how to break up a marriage if that's all it takes. Now they all just have to make a threat and the BF will be alone forever!
Spray the kid with water???
Spray the kid with water??? What happens when mom goes after the OP(physically) for doing that?
Really? Wow, have you
Really? Wow, have you written to the water-gun industry about this? (Sorry for the sarcasm, but really??)
I know you posted twice but I
I know you posted twice but I don't understand what you're saying.
Is 'smack' a place? A person? An intended act? Who is 'her'?
Oh my, as soon as I saw the
Oh my, as soon as I saw the water gun post I knew it was on...have seen this kind of thread before!! :O
My 2 cents: it's a good stunner, but is a bit degrading since that tactic is used on cats. I don't know that I'd call it abuse though...
I agree, this wouldn't matter
I agree, this wouldn't matter to CPs or the police. That doesn't mean mom won't go after SM for doing this to her kid. I will admit that I am a fighter. If an adult sprayed my kid with water as a form of punishment, I would not rest until I got my hands on that person.
Time out or taking away privileges would be fine with me.
OMG HOLLOW!! That was
OMG HOLLOW!! That was hilarious!!!
I'm sorry, I know not all of it is funny, but this thread really has me laughing!!
What do we have if not a sense of humor!
Why not just tell dad to move
Why not just tell dad to move out? It's the OP's house and they aren't married. I may not agree with her rules, but it's her home so she gets to call the shots. If dad can't/won't comply, he should get his own place.
I don't know, that last
I don't know, that last paragraph does seem a bit like assault to me. I'm surprised the cops didn't take any kind of action against you. Well at least they don't come back anymore.
that's hilarious
that's hilarious Foxie!!!!!!!!!
ps- all u gotta do is tell them "tell your elders to put me on your list for you to never come here ever again." kinda like a 'do not call' list.
Ok. This is sort of off topic
Ok. This is sort of off topic but I can't help myself. When I was growing up I visited with my grandparents all of the time. My grandpa used to buy squirt guns and he would terrorize my grandmother with them. It was hilarious. He would say "hey choochie" (Italian word that is insulting but it was their nickname for each other) she would turn around and he would shoot her with water. We would all be laughing so hard. My grandma would chase him through the house and eventually she would get her hands on him and steal the squirt gun. She would proceed to break it and she then thought the water war was over. Well, my grandpa (being the joker that he was) had a hidden stash/arsenal of more squirt guns. While grandma thought she had dealt with the problem and would resume whatever she was doing, grandpa would visit his hidden stash of water weaponry and fill up another gun with water. He would say "hey choochie" and proceed to shoot her with water again. She would steal the gun and break it. This would go on for hours. I love the memory of my grandparents (they were in their mid seventies at the time) playing like kids and having such a good time. I miss them terribly but am so grateful for my memories of them. My only regret is that they hadn't invented super-soakers at this time. I can just see my grandpa nailing my grandma from 40 feet away. Had they been invented at this time, I am sure he would've had one hidden in each room.
Thanks for letting me share this very special memory with all of you. I hope you all can get a laugh out of this.
aw that's cute! ^_^ my
aw that's cute! ^_^
my parents used to slap-box, and would get into the occasional food fight. always loved it!!!
I don't care when she gets
I don't care when she gets up, that is referred to Daaaaaddddddyyyy now as I try to disengage as much as possible. I felt like running through the house like a Tazmanian devil and then carelessly breaking something that was special to me and can't be replaced deserved some sort of punishment.
Like, omg, say for example
Like, omg, say for example you ACCIDENTALLY run someone over. They're still dead, right? How could you allow a kid to grow up NOT taking responsibility for ALL of their actions, accidental or not.
You break your brother's toy on purpose, punishment, apologize + replace it.
You break your brother's toy by mistake, apologize + replace it. Or, apparently, *crickets*.
It was an accident. Kids
It was an accident. Kids will hop, jump, skip, run, the house. It's normal kid behavior.
I have begged for her to go
I have begged for her to go to counseling. He and I are not married and I can't legally take her to a therapist because I'm not one of her parents. SO and BM both think that SD8 is perfect and I'm over-reacting about her behavior.
It's more than a one time
It's more than a one time event and it is generally a HANDFUL of shit, not a ooops. And I'm not an OCD patient, although I was raised to keep your house in tidy order and and that is what I do. BM's house looks like some shit from Hoarders, I can't control what happens at her house nor do I want to, but I will not accept that type of nasty behavior in my home.
OP is to call the cops
OP is to call the cops because the bio parents won't get the kid pshyc help? WTH are the cops going to be able to do. OP can't even go to the kid's school or doctor to try to get help. She can try to talk to the school and DR and share her concerns but after that...nada. The bio parents are the ones who need to take action. Failure on them to do so doesn't have any consequences other then when/or if SD does something major and the parents can't say they weren't aware of other previous problems.
I suppose OP can call CPS to at least document but at this point CPS isn't going to do anything either.
Really? I do not bounce off
Really? I do not bounce off the walls at my house ever?? I guess that is just the difference in some people.
MY BD11 and SD8 have a huge backyard with tons of stuff to play with, plus we have a pool and tennis club in walking distance we can go to anytime. Jumping and running and rough housing is for outside, that is how I grew up and I have stuck with that. I was given an antique dish that was handed down from my great great grandmother, it's not pretty but very sentimental to me. I just got it from my mom on Saturday. It had to be hand washed and then laid on a towel on the kitchen counter to dry. SD8 came hauling ass through the kitchen and somehow knocked it off the counter. It's like 200 year old china so it just shattered into pieces and no way to fix it. I shouldn't have to hide things and not be able to go about regular business just because she is there and she acts like she has no home training no matter how much I try to help her. I do not believe she did it on purpose at all, but what I know is if she had gone outside to run and play as she knows are the house rules then it wouldn't have happened.
I can't believe people are
I can't believe people are getting mad at you for having expectations for an 8 year old. She should know how to behave indoors, what happened to teaching kids there is a time and place to be crazy? Inside at 4 am is neither!!! If I can teach my GREAT DANE not to knock glass over even when he is being rambunctious why is it so unreasonable for you to expect that from an 8 year old human? This is the weirdest debate I've ever seen.
My skid is not allowed to knock on our door in the morning unless it is an emergency. If they are hungry, they know how to get a snack or wait, it isn't like she was going to starve in the 2-3 hours until you guys woke up. Sometimes I wake up hungry at 4am, you know what I do, I go back to sleep!! I'm sorry these posters are being so unreasonable. I'm really confused as to what the issue is with you venting or being frustrated here. You are not being unreasonable....
Granola bar?? Lol, too
Granola bar?? Lol, too healthy!
Some of you are slamming me
Some of you are slamming me because she is 8 and because I am a neat freak. Well I own this house, they are living in it. SO knew that I was a neat freak before hand and I knew he had a child. We went over house rules, expectation, etc... BEFORE they moved in. I'm not trying to make this kid miserable, I'm trying to teach her that she can't act anyway she choses and their not be consequences. If I was careless and broke something at work, would I not have to answer for it? BM has NO rules at her house and the kid just has no discipline or control of herself. If she wakes up during the night, it's on him, if my BD11 wakes up during the night it's on me. I wasn't so much mad she woke up at 4 am, the problem is if my kid wakes up she comes to my side of the bed and quietly let's me know she needs me. His kid comes in there throws on the lights and jumps on top of the bed loudly screaming. So if I'm a bitch then whatever but I am allowed to feel the way I want to, and usually I can post on here and chit chat with other people going through the same things. If I see a post I don't agree with, I don't comment, I just continue on to the next one.
I had the same rules as a
I had the same rules as a kid. We also washed the walls 2 times p/m. Hand prints on walls are a pet peeve! An 8 year old can learn this and should have learnt it from her Bio's. I hear ya about the nastiness that BM calls a house. How people live like that is beyond me! DD how is 8 wouldn't even dream of coming in the house like that and knows that is for outside. (its taught) or that's just my thinking. I feel for you with all of these people shamming and jumping on you. I don't think your a bad SM. A clean house, rules, skid with manners and not smearing shit all over is not mean and over the top. its called running an efficient household and trying to raise kids to not suck at life!
That's just my thinking. so High 5 to you!!!
I believe Hollow meant
I believe Hollow meant stalking as it's definition of "stride somewhere in a proud, stiff, or angry manner" and not in the sense of following someone....
We had a larger "Sunday
We had a larger "Sunday dinner" like normal and she ate very well, and I always give the kids a snack of fresh fruit before bed. And I don't care that she got up during the night, my problem was she came in our room, threw on the overhead light, jumped on the bed, and started the whiny I'm hungry and I can't sleep. At 8 their is no reason she couldn't have go to the kitchen and gotten a granola bar, piece of fruit, something without waking SO and I up.
I had JUST gotten the dish, I
I had JUST gotten the dish, I was cleaning it when they came in. I was just letting it air dry on the counter until I could put it up. But if that's my fault to think I could possibly leave something on the counter and assume it's safe in my own home I guess I'm just an idiot. Lot's of people have different rules in their house and my SO and his SD8 were very clear about mine before they moved in. This child smears shit and piss on everything, hides pissy clothes, lies just as much as she breathes, and it goes on and on. Yet, I'm the bad guy because I'm a "neat freak" and have expectations of children in my homes behavior. Well, I guess she should have gone outside to play and then she could have bounced off anything she wanted to. And Tommar24365, just like everyone here we are all allowed our opinions, and allowed to voice them. I simply voiced my opinion on what happened and needed to vent. You are right, I don't like SD8, it shows, I hate it but it is the truth. SO is a guilty disney dad parent and I resent him and BM for what they have created in this child. She is extremely smart yet can't follow simple rules, does things out of spite, lies, and cries every single time she doesn't get her way. My daughter was not raised this way and doesn't behave like this. It has been a big adjustment having them in my home and again I am at the point I don't want her there at all. Step-talk is where I come and can say things to other SM and SD and just vent. Obviously I should have kept my thoughts to myself since I offended so many of you.
I know they haven't because
I know they haven't because they are jumping all over me. I just really hoped all last week while she was gone that SO and I could get on the same page and make this work. The week she isn't there is great, we work as a team, we value each other's opinion's, and he is just a good hearted guy. He swore that he would go over the rules, remind her, help her to get on track. Then the first freaking half hour she is there it starts and he reverts back and doesn't nothing. I know slamming doors is immature, but damn, when she is there she can't ever let me get a normal nights sleep due to coming in there all night, I'm constantly the maid cleaning up shit and piss from the bathroom, etc... Then people on here are saying I'm OCD becuase I expect a clean house and my rules to be followed. It's MY HOUSE! Maybe I just picked the wrong day to post?? I always come here to support other S-parents and get their support as well and today that has not been the case.
I think you are right. It's
I think you are right. It's time to just sit him down and tell him he and SD8 have to go. I just can't keep dealing with all her stuff and watching him do nothing. It's so sad to find someone you feel that everything is so right with and the connection is so strong but can't bond with his child. I have tried for two years to love her, when she wouldn't allow that, tried to be her friend, but nothing works. When she does speak to me or tries to do something nice I feel like I'm waiting for something bad to happen, like I'm being set up by an 8 year old and usually I am.
Yep you nailed it, as a man
Yep you nailed it, as a man he is wonderful, as a parent he sucks ass!
LOL! Is it really too hard
Is it really too hard for an 8 yr. old child to follow some simple rules??
My FDH's house looked horrible after they moved out. The walls were a complete disaster. >>> New rule in the new house - keep hands off walls! Guess what? She now keeps her hands off the walls. It didn't damage her, in fact, she is PROUD of how nice our place is!!
I'm not about to spend hundreds of dollars painting and re-painting our walls to keep them looking nice just because a kid can't follow a rule! She, god forbid, is not allowed to throw balls or run around in the house either...damn, we should be shot!
If you repeatedly smear shit
If you repeatedly smear shit on your hands and my walls, then you are not allowed to touch things. To you a stupid rule, to me a matter of hygiene. Remember this is MY house, not his, not his and mine, but MINE that I have worked my ass off for.
Tommar24365, let me ask you this, you know my SD8 smears shit and piss on things, can I send her to your house to touch your things and your walls? Would that be cool? Because personally I like to know that if for some reason I did bump into my wall, I wasn't going to catch Ecoli or something worse from it. Let me know, I can have her over there ASAP!
IKR? Even after that so
IKR? Even after that so called "apology".
So far she has told OP she is ASKING for trouble by having white walls, has rediculous rules and was the one to automatically ASSUME the squirting of water was going to be directly in the face.
She knows what she's doing. I just wish others would stop throwing "food under the bridge".
Translation: If you want this
Translation: If you want this kid to like you, don't have any rules, let her do whatever she wants, then she'll grow up to be an adult who can't control herself just like this poster.
i very clearly remember being
i very clearly remember being an 8 y.o. skid.
yup. i was NOT a gremlin. i was able to contain myself while inside the house. i was also able to keep my hands to myself. i was klutzy as all get out, but out of respect for possessions that were NOT mine or 'community' stuff, i kept a safe distance from breakables.
i did NOT wake my parents up all the time for stupid shit. if i was hungry, i ate some crackers and brushed the crumbs in the trash. if i was thirsty i got a glass of water and put the cup in the sink. if i was sick i knocked on the door and waited for an answer.
both my brother and i, and my stepsis, behaved this way. stepsis was 8 when our parents met and had up to that point been raised very much the same way that dad raised my bro and i. i remember that age and what behaviors we had. my bro and i have ADD. was not an excuse to come in the house after visiting mom and act like idiots bouncing all over the place.
and it wasnt restrictive. it was common sense and showed respect for our family, our house, and people's posessions.
do i expect my skids to act like this? hell no. their parents have not raised them with those standards. yup it's the PARENTS.
Accordn, i'm sorry about the plate. i know your sd drives you insane. but there comes a point in time when you have to realize no matter what your dh says about reaffirming house rules etc, his actions show that HE is allowing this behavior. remember the serenity prayer "grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference." you see what kind of parent your husband is showing you that he is. you cannot change him or sd. change what YOU can, or accept things the way they are. maybe separate residences until she matures? or a maid service, and easily accessable kiddie food at night like someone mentioned? idk what the answer is for ya, i know it's frustrating as hell.
^^Awesome post^^
^^Awesome post^^
Amen, LadyFace. Amen.
Amen, LadyFace. Amen.
Don't feel bad, OP...I
Don't feel bad, OP...I clearly hate my SD too }:)
LJCapp911- This kid is fucked
This kid is fucked up in the head and nasty. For two years I have been consistent, loving, tried to show her that although I could never replace her mother (thank God because she is a nasty fucking whore) that the time SD8 is with us, I am there for her. I have done special things just she and I, girl stuff , nails, lunches, parks, etc... Tried to be there for her, helped her with homework for two years, baked cookies and stuff for her classmates yet she continues with her awful behavior. So I finally start disengaging and in your words, "I'm mean". Well I've tried to love her, like her, be there for her and yet she continues to do riduclous stuff and my SO doesn't seem to see it as a problem. And if you sent you kid to my house who shit and pissed on my walls and acted up like my SD8 does then I guess we would go toe to toe because I REFUSE, let me repeat, I REFUSE to let and 8 year old ruin a house that I busted my ass to be able to buy. I got divorced when my BD11 was 2, I have worked my way from a full time job and a part time job, no help or child support from my Ex-H, to having a succesful career, a beautiful home, an wonderful well rounded BD11. So clearly my rules and tactics seem to have worked well on my child. I'm not going to let some SD8 who's parents are to blame for her behavior ruin all that I've worked for. If that makes me mean, well Fuck it I will be the meanest bitch out there. Poor, poor SD8, she came from a broken home and now she has a mean SM that makes her accountable for her behavior. Oh the outrage. I bet if your Skid acted like this or your kid had to go to school with my SD8 you might feel differently, and I don't "stay", it's my house and SO keeps begging me not to make him leave.
No my child does not walk
No my child does not walk around in filth. If you read my blogs you would know that SO is now in charge of cleaning all of his princesses "little messes". Maybe since you are "always bumping into walls and a clutz" and think that house rules of cleanliness are important, you should be careful CPS does not remove your child since it sounds like you have some sort of vertigo or that your house might be nasty?????!@!!!!!
Again tommar, do you realize
Again tommar, do you realize how effing stupid you sound?
Seriously, OP, it's time to
Seriously, OP, it's time to give this man and his daughter their walking papers. If he's the man you desire (minus his daughter), fine, he can stay with you the weeks SD is with her BM. If you're finished all together , so be it. None of you are happy and living healthy currently and this home-life every other 7dys can't go on.
This little girl is eight. She's a mess. Her parents are messes when it comes to parenting. Is this really the way you want to spend your days every other week? Give them the boot, reclaim your home. Decorate and clean it to your heart's content and be happy in it. The way things are aren't going to change as your SO is a crappy parent. Sure, you may love the man and he may be great 14 days out of the month, the other 14 days are an intolerable nightmare for you. Tell him it's time for his own home or apartment , that you and your own daughter are reclaiming your once quiet clean loving happy house and sorry, it just can't include the four of you all together.
Many years have went into making this SD the way she is. It will take many years (if ever) to undo how she is. Signs with rules all over the house or quick talks between father/daughter about reminders and behavior in the car during transport aren't going to fix what's wrong. He isn't going to give up his daughter and his 50/50 parenting time with her. He isn't going to step up and start actually parenting her either , no matter how many promises he makes to you during SD's gone week...he proves that to you each time when it's the week of return.
You don't deserve the lifestyle your SO is expecting you to put up with. Again, you don't have to ditch the man you fell in love with if you believe there's a chance you two can live separately for 1/2 the month , but it is time to ditch the parent.
Wow This thread is out of
Wow This thread is out of control LOL. My DS5 doesn't touch the walls because I made him clean it a few times. I do the same thing to SS12. I think DS5 got it and SS12 still needs to be reminded because SS is not there all the time and well I've seen the condition of BMs house :jawdrop: it's pretty bad. There is nothing wrong with not wanting dirty hand prints on your walls...and don't even get me started about the piss and sh!t I would lose it if one of the kids did that.
I dumped water on a kid at my niece's 7th Bday party. She was literally laying on the ground kicking and screaming because my niece wouldn't let the kid open HER bday presents the mom wasn't doing anything so I dumped a cup of cold water on her. She said "Why did you do that? She was just expressing herself" I told her "then take your kid home to "express" herself there and stop ruining my niece's bday party" I guess I'm a horrible person.
You know what would've been a
You know what would've been a great comeback to the comment that she was just expressing herself? It would've been hilarious if after you poured water on this uncontrollable brat if you said "I too am expressing myself; I don't like screaming brats". This is what is wrong with society in my opinion; kids are allowed to act like spoiled idiots and the parents just sit back and let them do whatever they want because they are "expressing" themselves. I also disagree with those parents that think it's good to try to reason with and have meaningful conversations with a 2 year old. This is part of why kids are so entitled and out of control these days. They need discipline and need to be told--none of this discussing garbage. I have 3 kids, 2 of which are 15 and 16 years old. I do enjoy discussing things with them but there are times when saying "I am the parent and you are the child and you will do as I say" is appropriate. I encourage my kids to express themselves but it needs to be done in an appropriate manner; especially when we are in public. I hope this makes sense.
Okay I didnt read all the
Okay I didnt read all the comments... because there are just 2 many.
#1- I tell my BS all the time not to touch my walls. Same for DH. I am a clean freak and I like clean walls. I have taught my son to be clean and pick up after himself, etc. This is how I like my house, so I have trained BS and DH to keep it the way I like it.
#2- I think there are SERIOUS issues with your SD. Her behavior is not normal. I would say it probably has something to do with her feelings in your home, maybe towards you, maybe towards DH, the step situation in general. Maybe issues at BM's? Either way she has some issues that need addressed. I think these are more then just a skid being a brat.
#3- You need to make your DH step up. And if he doesnt you need to decide if you can live with him NOT stepping up. Which may mean living with this issue even longer.
Her father needs to give her
Her father needs to give her a smack on the ass and send her butt back to bed....
So I know I'm late to this
So I know I'm late to this party but I started reading this thread earlier this morning & couldn't believe it had reached 200 comments when I just checked back!
I have to say to the OP: nothing will change except you. So if you don't want to live like this the rest of your life, get out of this relationship now. I appreciate that you keep a neat & clean house, I don't feel that your expecrations for SD are unreasonable, & I know you just need to vent sometimes. That being said, you need to protect your sanity for your own sake but also your DD's.
Btw, for all you posters who are stuck on the wall issue, BM over here has a no touching the walls rule in her home while DH & I do not. So it's not just "evil OCD stepmother's" who don't want their homes covered in sticky dirty handprints. I'm betting if I posted how crazy BM was for having this rule, the same posters would be defending her saying "her house, her rules".
She won't get anything for
She won't get anything for herself, that is why she has to pounce on us at 4am. She doesn't touch the fridge ever, nor will she fix herself a snack from the pantry. SO waits on her hand and food. As for using at fork at dinner time, I stand there and watch her wash up for that and then pray the dishwasher gets anything else.
Now I guess you can
Now I guess you can understand why I am constantly cleaning and was referred to in one of the 200+ posts as a OCD patient. I clean all the time for this reason. I do like a tidy house but I have to clean excessivly due to SD8. I literally clean ALL the time when I'm not working 9-10 hours per day, taking kids to and from, helping with homework, packing lunches with positive day notes, and other evil SM duties. But now SO has to be involved because I can't do it all alone. I'm no fool, I've been aware this kid had problems a few years ago and literally begged SO to get her help which BM nor him will do because BM says princess is perfect and SO says you deal with problems at home. Yet he isn't "dealing with anything". So you have pretty much dogged me out all day for my rules and being mean etc... But I am literally doing the VERY best I can in a situation that I'm not sure how I'm going to bring to an end and the last thing I needed today was so many rude comments and bashing.
Sometimes I've come across someone's blog and thought, WHAT A FUCKING MORON!!!!!!!!! You know what I posted on their page? Nothing! I think that if we are on this site it's because we have enough going on in our "real world lives" that we are here for some support and laughs and good advice along the way. You may read something in the future I post and think OMG she is a fucking moron, but guess what, that's ok because you don't have to or need to comment. If your life is perfect then that is awesome and I commend you and I'm slightly jealous! Mine isn't and I have felt like I could come on here and vent and laugh and cry but today was a huge eye opener.
Ok, I literally read all 200+
Ok, I literally read all 200+ comments and almost peed myself on my chair at work. Favorites are "gremlin" and the "spray water" posts.
I have light walls and I am a slave to the doors of my home and the wall adjacent to the stairs. For some reason, everyone, including adults, hold onto the wall when going down the stairs. I should invest in Clorox because I go thru those Clorox 2 bottles like water.
I remember when SS was around 12. He jumped from one couch to another in the family room mimicking a WWE move. I just heard a loud CRACK. Lo and behold, he cracked the frame of my sofa in half. That was just one of the many things the Skids broke in my home. Xmas one year, he and his sister thought it would be fun to chase each other around the house in socks. One of them slipped and kicked a tall glass vase I had on the floor filled with ornaments. Glass shattered, ornaments rolled every which way and DH just stood there like a fucking jackass. I sympathize with the OP. It is very frustrating when you work hard to get a home, make it beautiful, keep it clean and someone else's unruly spawn come and fuck it all up. The turning the light on and jumping on your bed would have made me do a lot more than slam the damn door, I would have grabbed my purse, my keys and left to a hotel immediately and left DH to deal with his poop fisted gremlin.
This kid needs a serious case of discipline, I don't know but I probably would smear her favorite teddy bear in her shit and make her sleep with it. See how much she enjoys laying with shit when she is forced to sleep with it.
My BS16 threw a tantrum once, a really bad one, I dunked him in a tub full of cold water. He never did that shit again. These days, all this CPS bullshit is the reason why all these fucking kids are outta control and acting like major assholes. Drastic times call for drastic measures. I'd let her sleep in her piss too. Believe me, I would.
Thank you! Today I've been
Thank you! Today I've been made out to be one crazy, OCD patient, mean to small children, bitch! LOL Who knew one post would get so many people in an uproar! And I buy stock in Lysol, thank you Costco! I might come across as OCD but I'm trying to protect my daughter, SO, and anyone who might like to come over and hang out!
It makes me want to go home
It makes me want to go home and touch a wall on purpose. Maybe I'll get freaky and push open a door with my bare hand.
Oh wow I thought not touching
Oh wow I thought not touching walls was normal lol. Not some inhumane evil SM rule }:) I grew up in a house where walls weren't touched and I am normal I think :?
OP I feel for you with your SD there is no way I could live with that. Call me crazy OCD but knowing she is smearing poop then walking around the house touching other things. I couldn't handle it.
Yeah I'm a crazy evil SM with
Yeah I'm a crazy evil SM with outrageous expectations and 90% of ST hate me today.
Maybe tomorrow will be better.
You have that backwards.
You have that backwards. About 90% are supportive of you and %10 are just being stupid and ridiculous. One of those coming straight out and saying that she just doesn't like you for whatever reason and another who is doing the passive aggressive plus aggressive agressive move by blasting you, apologizing and going back to blast you again. Kind of like the abusive relationships where the abuser abuses then says it won't happen again but when it does happen again the abuser says it was your fault!?!? Let Tommar live in her so called perfect world.
I was going to say the same
I was going to say the same as Rising and Stepx2.
Thank you Justagirl42,
Thank you Justagirl42, Rising, and Stepx2. I had no idea of the shit storm I was unleashing with my little vent this morning!