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Should I call his doctor?

positivelyfourthstreet's picture

Husband almost had a heart attack a few months ago. They put him on anti-anxiety meds. He is only taking 1/4 the recommended dose. His meltdowns are now becoming as frequent as twice a week. We all kind of humor him the best we can but mostly we hate being around him.

I feel like he may go physical sometime in the near future. I never felt this way in 15 years. I'm not really that scared, but I wonder if I should call his doctor in order to maybe get him back on his meds or start documenting things.

I would really hate doing anything like that-seems kind of sneaky, underhanded and the like, but he really seems like he might be spiraling out of control.

What do you guys think?

Thank you in advance.


positivelyfourthstreet's picture

I left a message at the docs office.

Said I was the Mrs, he almost had a heart attack and is only taking one fourth of his dose, meltdowns happening at least twice a week please get him back on his meds please don't let him know I called situation is becoming critical.

Wish me luck.

positivelyfourthstreet's picture

I didn't do this for him.

I did it for me and the kids.

He is becoming unbearable to be around.

positivelyfourthstreet's picture

Can't get out not enough money. Trying to find a job.

Couples therapy would be a waste because I'm almost certain he has a PD and will only use therapy to abuse me even more.

BTDT got the t-shirt never going back again.