How was being a step parent changed you?
Overall when I think of this whole step situation, I think it has changed me for the WORSE. Yes I love DH and we have a good life together and I see lots of positives.
But when I think of all the headaches in my life, it goes back to the skids.
Being a step parent has changed me:
I am more:
I feel that I am always defending myself; not only to people, but even to myself in my own head at times.
I feel that there is this elephant in the room that DH and I never talk about.
Sometimes just the sight or the thought of the skids makes me instantly feel bitter and resentful and angry. I used to be SO HAPPY and positive and nice to everyone. I just look at them at times and want to scream.
I used to think that grown women could be mature and do the right thing. Then I met BM.
I used to think that children minded their own business and didnt cause trouble for their parents or other adults. Then I met the skids.
I realize I am super protective of my home and my belongings and my personal space.
I also realized that once my trust is broken, its hard to gain it back. I used to think I was a forgiving person but man when it comes to the skids, I have tried and tried and forgave and forgave and now I am just like F it.
The positives is that I have become a better mother. I see what I dont want my son to grow up to be like.
I see what being a lazy parent will get ya. I see what allowing kids to think they are grown ups or mini wives, I see the end result of that. Also entitlement.
I also communicate better with my Ex.
So how has being a step parent changed you?
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I find that I am insecure too
I find that I am insecure too and I dont like that.
Before the step drama started happening (so about a month before DH and I got engaged) I remember feeling so secure and happy and safe with him. A feeling I never had before.
It wasn't until after we got engaged and moved in together (more invested) that the skid drama really starting going down.
It was initially so bad I was having panic attacks.
Learning to disenage has really helped though.
LMAO!! Made my
LMAO!! Made my morning!!!
Then I think oh, who gives a Flying Mailbox!!
With communicating with my Ex
With communicating with my Ex I just see what BM does and do the opposite. LOL.
Ex and I were cordial before DH and I got together. But I just see first hand what a shitty BM is like. Not that I was ever like that or would be like that. I was raised better and raised by a BM that set a good example for me. My BM and SM get along well.
But seeing how BM is and the stuff she tells the kids about DH and the lies and how greedy she is and how she just treats people in general, um yeah not cool.
Two thumbs up!!! What you
Two thumbs up!!! What you wrote are the exact same things I would have written myself!
I agree to the positive side as well. Being a SM made me appreciate my own kids even more. And where I once held hatred for my ex, I now can give him credit to helping raise our children to be responsible adults.
I went into this whole thing
I went into this whole thing absolutely clueless! I think I watched too much Brady Bunch as a kid or something, I don't know? When I met DH, I knew he had 2 kids, didn't bother me in the least! I actually liked them and they liked me. I actually thought I could be buddies with BMs. (insert crazy laughter here! what a dipshit I was!) I actually thought I could be a mother to skids. (insert more crazy laughter)
I can honestly say I tried, I really did but after a couple of years of getting beaten down, for trying, I gave up trying. Then I'm the bad person for that! It never ends. I used to be the most happy go lucky person. People would always comment how I was always happy, always had a smile on my face etc. Now I feel like I must look like I ate a lemon, I swear like a truck driver and I'm jaded, just jaded. I don't trust anyone, I get moody and snap about the stupidest shit, I am cautious about opening up to anyone and I constantly feel like I am a bad person, like I need to do SOMETHING to make things right. How ridiculous, because I am not the one who made things wrong!
I do agree that I think I am a better mother to BS4 because I see how skids turned out and I'll be damned if I EVER let BS4 end up like them.
Oh Daizy I thought the same
Oh Daizy I thought the same thing that everyone would get along.
My mom and SM get along. I am a good SD. Never have thought to even speak ill of my SM. I had a SDad when I was younger. Grew up with SSisters.
I made my BS respect DH and expected that he would do the same with his kids.
I never imagined that people could act like such heathens.
The funnier thing is that I
The funnier thing is that I tried with BMs. I really did, I was always friendly, offered to bring skids all the way instead of half way, would send treats home with skids etc etc. Hell, I even let SD have a birthday party at my barn when she turned 9 or 10 and let skanky ass BM1 ride my favorite horse!! I thought everything was fine. Apparently NOT. BM2 left DH a VM one day basically rambling on and on about how I wasn't treating SS well enough, that I was doing more with SD, which mind you, was TOTAL bullshit! I called her and we had words and it ended very ugly.
About a year later I ran into and she apologized for being "nasty" but I just couldn't ever get past it. Because I knew her well enough to know that she was only sorry UNTIL the next time, and there was guaranteed to be a next time. She suggested to DH that she and I go for coffee and I was like hell to the no. Not going to happen. I don't NEED to be friends with her. Plain and simple. I tried, she blew it, story over.
Your poor horse
Your poor horse
BM and I used to be "okay" at
BM and I used to be "okay" at the very beginning. But she used to send DH texts (when she realized that the skids and her were going to stop getting their way with DH) and threaten to tell me about who he really was. What kind of person he really was. We would both ignore her.
It wasn't until she got mad at DH for not doing something that she wanted him to do for the skids that she sent a text and said "Your bitch ass GF and her bastard son" that I was like AHHH HELLL NOOOOO!
Thankfully that was within a few month of our relationship and I got to see her true colors and disengaged from her very quickly.
Thankfully I have only been around her maybe 5 times???? Besides kind of seeing her at drop offs.
I have become MUCH more
I have become MUCH more cynical as I see the next generation of BMs selfishly PASing out their children.
I used to think that grown women could be mature and do the right thing. Then I met BM. (check)
I used to think that children minded their own business and didnt cause trouble for their parents or other adults. Then I met the skids. (check)
I realize I am super protective of my home and my belongings and my personal space. (check)
I also realized that once my trust is broken, its hard to gain it back. I used to think I was a forgiving person but man when it comes to the skids, I have tried and tried and forgave and forgave and now I am just like F it. (check)
I am less impulsive. I know I
I am less impulsive. I know I cant curse BM out no matter how angry she makes me so Ive learned a lot of patience. I have never been a person who has a lot of that in stock. I don't like that every time SD is on her way to our house or we get a text from BM or BMs num comes up on caller ID my stomach starts knotting up, sometimes so bad I feel like I might puke. She gets my adrenaline pumping real quick and that turns into frustration because there is nothing I can do about it. I have deff gotten more possessive of our home and our rules as well as DH. BM still thinks she runs him and she doesn't. I also don't like feeling like I have to eavesdrop on the kids when SD is here or when SD is on the phone with BM. I feel like BM invades our privacy through SD. I will say though BM has shown me exactly what type of mother I want to be absolutely NOTHING like. I want my kids/skid to feel safe and loved, not because they came and told me everything bad that happened at XYZ's house, but because they are our children and we will always be there for them no matter what. My BS6 knows he can come to myself or DH for anything and he does. We do not play head games or play children against the parents. The child we biologically have together is so happy, smart, outgoing, etc. And BS has gotten to be a lot more like that as well since DH adopted him and his BioDad went out of the pic.
I HATE the eavesdropping. I
I HATE the eavesdropping. I have always been a nosey person. Well I just like to know what is going on. DH is the opposite. He fills me in on NOTHING. Plus I am a details person so I like to know details, facts, etc.
I feel so out of the loop when it comes to DH's relationship with the skids I feel like I have to KNOW everything. I dont want to know everything. I think I am reasonable and not a crazy person. But with all the issues I now feel like I have to KNOW. Because I cant trust DH to do the right thing when it comes to ME, our home and the SKIDS. So I feel like I have to monitor so I can be in the loop before I am surprised by anything.
I am checking texts. Asking about phone calls. When they do call I try to listen to what he says to them. It's crazy. I HATE this part of who I have become.
I trust DH to tell me whats
I trust DH to tell me whats going on and about texts and phone calls (we share a cell anyway just for when we are out of the house or have to contact BM. He knows Id be livid if he didn't. SD is also a chatter bug of info. But SD says messed up shit to BM at BMs encouragement during phone calls and tries to parent my other children when she thinks Im not listening. Shes says things like "well my mom said". Guess what SD what BM says,thinks, or does has nothing to do with my house and my kids. (I literally just warned her for the last time today that if I catch her reaming out one of the other kids again today shes getting reamed out and grounded). I don't like feeling like I have to monitor the kids' playing and stuff....Its bullshit. All cuz BM is a manipulative selfish bitch.
Problem with my DH is somehow
Problem with my DH is somehow he thinks because they are HIS KIDS that he can make decisions without consulting me, even though it affects my life. But it's because they are his kids.
And because I dont trust the skids in general, I have to know what is going on.
Basically I cant trust DH to do the right thing when it comes to the skids. Not that what I deciede or say is always the right thing.
But No DH MSD can not come over while I am not at the house. Why- because she steals and you dont watch her. It's like you KNOW she steals, Yet its easier for you as a parent to act like she doesn't, so you just ignore it when she walks towards the wing of the house that ONLY has our bedroom, office and BS's bedroom and she has no business being in. And you just think "Oh she is looking at something in our bedroom...totaly innocent'" such a moron he is.
Luckily DH and I are mostly
Luckily DH and I are mostly on the same page. He eavesdrops on the phone calls too so he knows what needs to be addressed when SD gets off the phone like her telling BM her grandparents aren't her real family...ummm yeas DS DHs mother is your blood grandmother no matter how much BM dislikes her. So stupid it has to be that way. You would think the BMs would be like oh all these people love my kid shes so lucky! But instead its you have no one but me and my household for real SD keep that in mind....Uggg
"Problem with my DH is
"Problem with my DH is somehow he thinks because they are HIS KIDS that he can make decisions without consulting me, even though it affects my life. But it's because they are his kids."
I've found that this attitude will carry over in other things as well. In my case the skids are all PASed out, zero contact for years, however Chef Boyardumb will make decisions about MY property and MY house without consulting me. He thinks that taking care of the house falls into the "man's" realm and therefore, he doesn't have to consult me about things concerning the house.
Of course he selectively enforces this when it benefits him and him only.
It's as though he thinks every time there is a decision to be made: "Is this good for me? Will it benefit ME?" If so then yes, make unilateral, knee jerk decision.
Almost every way it's changed
Almost every way it's changed you. Ivsecond guess everything now. Is what I say wrong/going to be taken wrong.
I can't talk above a whisper or radar ears will listen to everything she shouldn't.
My whole life is spent walking on eggshells.
I find myself angry most every day at the smell of child/laziness/selfishness.
I love dh. I love our kids, and youngest SD. But oldest SD makes me dread leaving my room each morning.
I'll Amen everything on your
I'll Amen everything on your list. Even with my skids being grown I still feel the same way because they and their drama are always lurking in the background. I'm always waiting for something else to go wrong. I feel second to everything and everyone in this family, I have trust issues regarding finances and privacy, I have thoughts of escaping and I fantasize about having my own place but dh can visit every other weekend. Heck, I have thoughts about getting divorced, even after 13 years of putting up with it. I guess I'm on the edge now. Not sure how much more I can take.
I had destroyed me
I had destroyed me emotionally 100%.
I have been thinking about
I have been thinking about this question since I first saw this blog earlier and I just can't come up with an answer.
I don't think it has changed me. So, I guess I've always been a cynical bitch.
LOL hereiam!
LOL hereiam!
Since I became a step 13
Since I became a step 13 years ago, I have wanted to beat someone's ass down physically for the first time in my life (bm). I have felt real hate and anger toward her like I never have anyone else. It is better now, but still.
I hate that in my opinion to help Sd, I probably broke her down too, that she could not read at age 12, and why not, instead of oh she is so great. Same w how she treated DH, she would say he was not a good dad to her and I asked her how was she as a daughter too, that relationships are two way. I remember she was shocked that once I called her an f'ing brat when she hurt him, but I wanted her to know, I was pissed!!! But my mom never cussed, so I am not as good as her.
I am sad that I have broken down DH like that too over various things that were absolutely true, for his own good, that he will never admit still. Hate fighting with him but if I hadn't things would have been much worse.
I hate that I see the worst in people now, like in laws, bm etc. I never knew people like them before.
I anm proud I have finally learned to stand up for myself now, at 50. But why did it have to be so hard?? Poor me Charlie Brown!!!
All of what you said. Nailed
All of what you said. Nailed it.
I'm def more anxious and I've always had anxiety issues anyway.
More suspicious for sure. I hate feeling like I have to hide things in my own home.
I feel like I have to walk on egg shells in my own home. Heaven forbid I correct SD behavior when he is not paying attention. I guess I'm supposed to sit back and let SD bully my BD.
I've started to notice some favoritism between the kids from FDH and it bothers the shit out of me. Srsly...why does SD get to finish her share and start in on BD's?
As soon as I hear SD is being dumped again(rly BM? Can't stand to have your kid more than 12 hours at a time?), I immediately get snippy and crabby
I'm more insecure than I already was.
And just like you, theres always the elephant in the room that FDH and I don't discuss. He's too overly sensitive and defensive.
There are so many points on
There are so many points on here I agree with. I never knew BM's could be so selfish and cruel to their own children. These poor skids are truly screwed up for life, god knows how they will turn out.
The other thing that has effected me the most is my sleep pattern. I lie awake for hours or toss and turn all night, sleep talk and sleep walk. My sub conscious was so unsettled right from the moment the decision was set to live with my man and have his kids over every other weekend. All the psychological warfare between BM and us has left me sleep deprived for over a year now. It's so hard to switch off. The only respite was for 6 weeks when I just told him get your skids out of my house or pack your stuff. Ah those were 6 blissful weeks of deep restful sleep.
And I have tried disengaging but that only left me feeling like I was hiding in my own home and also my boyfriends "spine development" went into decline. I've been helping him rebuild his spine and find his balls since BM took them on their wedding day. 17 years later we nearly have a full set and most of the spine is repaired. Lol
So SLEEP! That's what has changed the most for me......I miss sleeping.
I think that too at times
I think that too at times
Its sad but I never knew who I could be until I lived this life.