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My 20 year old step daughter feels she has rule over us...

maylanna's picture

I am tired of bringing something home and my step daughter making comments like-"what's this?"
when it is clear as to what it is. When my husband and I do get out on our own anywhere she asks where
we went and what we were doing? When my husband says something she will say..."Dad you are so CUTE."
This makes me feel sick because I don't think calling your dad cute is normal...he is not her boyfriend.
My step daughter is a total pig in the respect that she keeps bags of garbage in her room and dumps
around the house wherever she can without ever cleaning...she refuses to work fulltime yet tells my husband that she looks all day. We make her dinner while she sits on her butt on the couch...when dinner
is almost done...she comes in the kitchen to ask what is for dinner.
When I mention anything about her my husband says what she does is none of my business.
Is it normal that she calls her dad cute? any thoughts?


Shaman29's picture


1. Move her dumb ass out. She's 20.
2. Never answer her questions about what you've purchased or where you've been because....
a. It's none of her effing business.
b. You are not required to justify your purchases.
3. Regarding dinner you're answer should be "We're having X. You're having whatever you decide to cook for yourself."
4. Move her dumb ass out. NOW.

If she is not in school, then she has until X date to get a job. Start charging her rent and let it accrue. Give her a chore list. Make her responsible.

This is YOUR house. Not her house. Set some rules, set some boundaries and lastly.....

5. Move her dumb ass out!!!

maylanna's picture

yeah I came from a time when at the age of 20 you were on your own.
My husband said that if my two adult step kids had problems after moving out that he would let them
move back in... I said over my dead body.
Maybe the constant lack of respect has made me feel this way I guess.

maylanna's picture

I thank you for your opinions... it really is my husband that sets the tone for her.
Allowing her to treat us as you would a servant.
Maybe he is riddled with crap in his head... but there is no excuse for this kind of blindness
with the SD.

Jsmom's picture

You need to grow a backbone and kick her ass out...If she is not in school or working full time and paying rent, she goes.