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Can't Believe DF Actually Thought...

CompletelyPuzzled's picture

That I would get a tattoo with the Skids names on it???? DF and I have been discussing Tattoos. I really want to get one with my kids names on it. I have been thinking about it for a while. DF and I were discussing this. He was helping me get a design idea when he said I could have four lines, one for each of the kids' names. I told him straight up that I wasn't comfortable tattooing his kids names on me, as they aren't my kids. I only see these kids 6 or 7 times a year. They are not bonded with me. I really don't know what he was thinking. He acts like I wounded him. Am I wrong??? Would you tattoo someone else's kids names on you?


leslie814's picture

OH My goodness. I would never ever ever do that ever. The skids will not find it meaningful they would probably see it as creepy lol.

askYOURdad's picture

BM's husband did this- tattooed his kids and skids' names on his arm. YSD was about 6 or 7 when he got it and she asked point blank "what if you and my mom get divorced?" lol.

I'm not into tattoos so I can only answer that I would be hard pressed to permanently display anyone's name on me, I would definitely draw the line at my own kids.

hereiam's picture

Maybe you should get your neighbor's names tattooed on you, as well. And the mailman's, while you're at it.

CompletelyPuzzled's picture

Actually he does want to tattoo my kids names on him. I told him no. I told him that I didn't feel comfortable with that. And, I felt like it would be disrespectful to their father, who is very involved in their lives.

I got a good one's picture

I actually gasped out loud in disbelief when I read your post that your husband would think for a second that you would tattoo your steps' names on your body. It's not like it's temporary for a day or something. A tattoo is permanent. That is just crazy.

positivelyfourthstreet's picture

I'd rather have gonorrhea.

Easier to get rid of than a tattoo.

Gabriels Mom's picture

I have a mother's knot on my wrist that has blue dots to indicate SS and DS. I'm close to my SS. I wanted an Ambigram of their names but I don't want to start a fight with BM.