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Dh has not spoken to me for 3 days eugh

Fullofresentment's picture

Nothing more I hate than silent treatment in my own home. I hate it so much that I would never subject another human being to it for an extended period of time (lol even skid) but my dh can be a petty petty man at times.

So it all blew up this weekend. Dh spent every single minute all weekend with ss (we have him every weekend). Dh had been better at balancing his time between us ; I usually give them a couple of hours together alone in the mornings, we do something All of us together during the dh, have dinner, watch a movie, ss goes to bed at 930 and myself and dh watch tv for an hour alone to unwind. it's still hard but it was better than ss monopolising all of Dhs time (again considering we have ss every weekend and spend little time together during the week due to work).

So dh had to work really late on thurs and fri. I had a date night planned which was ruined but he was lovely about it(will make it up to you blah blah) I said fine, drank a load of wine and thought everything was fine. Dh wakes up on sat morning obv tired from working the night before but with an attitude e.g I usually take longer to get ready so I will shower first. My sister was on route to our house and I was so late getting ready. He demanded he get In The shower first to go and collect ss although the 10 mins would have made no difference to this and I was barely out of the shower by the time my sister called. We all went bowling and while I talked to my sister, dh spent the entire sessio. Sitting across from us with ss barely speaking to is at all. I was furious. He barely looked at me all weekend and I heard was "dadddy" "you can't catch me" to dh and various other attention seeking antics. I was watching tv and ss comes In and says what are we watching? I say it's too late it's time for bed. I walk back Into the room and ss says "daddy said we can watch a movie" so the only hour I get with dh was spent with ss there on our bed watching a movie - double furious.

Sunday was spent the same way - although I made more of an effort to speak to ss that day. I had 2 - 3 glasses of wine just to get through the dinner. Dh drops ss home. I can't remember what started it but I made a comment like "you haven't spent any time with me" to which he replies he will now that ss is gone. I must admit I saw red. Dh disappears. I go into our room and he's Already gotten into bed and has put a tv show on. I told him I was done. I was sick of being second best and only when it suited him. He said "you know where the door is". I apologised that night after I calmed down for saying what I did - I was ashamed of myself but I do not think he was blameless at in this. He has worked overtime for the past two nights and has ignored me when he comes home. Last night he actually got into bed and turned the tv on so that it woke me. I was so mad I got up and walked the neighbour at 1030 at night.

I'm so confused and don't know what to do. He won't come to couples counselling with me - I have asked for that in the past.


Fullofresentment's picture

Yes and I when I asked him the next morning whether he meant it - he just shrugged his shoulders.

zerostepdrama's picture


I go through this with my DH. Actually this morning I hear him get up and I am getting ready in the bathroom so I walk over to him and give him a hug and say good morning and he doesnt hug me back. Just stands there like I am annoying him. So I let him go and he walks into the bathroom to shower. I felt so rejected and stupid.

REALLY? WTF happened from when we went to bed to this morning? And this is super common with my DH and getting worse.

It is VERY petty. I am a put it all out on the table type of girl. You have an issue with me, lets talk it out. How are we going to solve anything by IGNORING each other.

Plus it's just RUDE. DH once drove past me when I was at the bus stop with BS and acted like he didnt see me! WTH. REALLY??? You SAW me!

Sorry you are dealing with this.

Fullofresentment's picture

It sucks zero Sad talking about it is the only way to resolve it. I actually felt so bad yesterday I really wanted to sort things out but when he walked in home at 1030 I iust thought to myself "what an asshole". I'm feeling down about it . Was supposed to go to the gym but I'm wallowing and feeling really shit at the moment Sad

zerostepdrama's picture

Go to the gym! The workout will make you feel better Smile I know Zumba does that for me.

I hope there is a special place in hell for men that give their wives the silent treatment for no freakin reason.

Fullofresentment's picture

I think he will work late to avoid me again so I was thinking of not being at home when he comes in - not too sure where I could go but think that might be petty? I reckon he would be happy thinking I've packed my bags and left him Sad

Fullofresentment's picture

I just asked him if he was going to be late again tonight : his reply no but when I get home I'm going out to see a band I told you about. I fucking hate him right now, he really doesn't deserve these tears.