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Still have tattling problem.

Bradybunchmom's picture

Wednesday SS5 daddled on his school work and was still doing it after dinner when BM called. He told her he still had work to do and she told him to go play. He said no I have school work to do, and she said Playing is school work go play. Which of course he did. I told him no he needed to finish his work. I didn't punish him for it but reminded him what he was supposed to do. I dont get it it is not like I load the school work on them, it is so close to the end of the year I have been cutting back like crazy. It should take him til about 12 to finish if he just does it.

Repeat of daddling on thursday. This time SS5 grounded himself. He handed me his school work, said he did not want to do it and did not want to watch the movie at bedtime last night. Then as soon as he gets BM on the phone (another long story) he tells her I grounded him again, and he has no idea why. She gets pissed off and wants to talk to fiance immediately. Tells him to get him on the phone now. I say "sorry dude, you dad is on the phone." Both because he was, and because theres no need for her to ruin our night because she has to go off the deep end over things going on in OUR house. So she finishes up the conversation and I hang up the phone. I go upstairs during the movie to finish some laundry and who do I see out in the playroom watching the movie but SS5. Uh, no way. Go back to bed. He immediately starts screaming bloody murder that he wants to watch the movie and just screaming in general. I walk him back to bed and ask him who chose this? He said "you did" That made me a bit angry. I said "um who brought me their unfinished school work?" He said "i did" "who said they did not want a movie tonight?" "i did" "so who chose this punishment?" "I did" "right, now stop screaming and go to bed" He stopped.

Wonder what I will get tattled on for today?


Jsmom's picture

Question - Why are you doing all of this??? Why isn't his Dad? You are just setting yourself up for tons of friction down the road.

Bradybunchmom's picture

Most of it I do because I am the one home while he is working 60 hour or more work weeks in order to keep me home and still have a good living. He is gone before they wake up and back around 7 when they go to bed at 8. So a lot of it is because I am the one here. Part of it was because that particular thursday he was busy doing some work from home.