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Nightmares All Night ... Feel Like a Child

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I watched "Stepmom" before I went to bed to catch up on that homework assignment. I had to watch the damn thing twice so I could analyze it properly. Bottom line: good plot but REALLY cheesy script. I try to forgive it by saying it was a 90's movie but Schindler's List came out in the 90's and it is phenomenal.
So anyway, I had nightmares all night because of this movie (I think ...).
Who gets nightmares from a family drama? ME. My nightmare is the boys not coming home from BM's house this summer or them saying "You are not my mom and never will be! You are some interloper!" or one of them getting kidnapped, or never being accepted for what role I play regardless of not giving birth to them, or raising ungrateful children even though I have raised them for almost 6 years and I know better ... ALL of these things spin around in my subconscious and last night, one massive manifested explosion occurred.
With most explosions, since it is a release of pressure, I should have felt relief right?
No. I feel like hammered flat crap right now and it is still occupying my mind.
How do I get over these insecurities? Is it a time-heals-all-wounds thing? Maturity?