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Reading Old Blog Entries ...

TheOtherMom's picture

I just read some of my old blog entries from a couple years ago, and the ones from my old account (BM figured out I was on here so I had to change accounts).

I don't know if this is a good or bad thing, but I have changed in how I deal with the boys. Sadly, I still get so angry with BM and wish, wish, WISH I could find it in my heart to forgive this woman for what she did to SS11 when he was younger.

I also have to laugh. I can't believe how snotty I can be - at times, immature - and how territorial I am. So stupid!


TheOtherMom's picture

She posted vicious posts in reaction to my posts.
It got really ugly.
SS13 (SS10 ish at the time) told her my log on.
She also tried to use my entries in court against DH but the judge supported freedom of speech.

bi's picture

i had an online journal on a website that i started when sd was 14. that was before i found a site like this to vent on. all i could do was write it out, but i didn't get any feedback, so things still bothered me. i seriously thought i was alone in this. i thought these were all issues unique to sd and her atrocious personality, i didn't realize that most sd's act that way.

i would go back and read them a few years later and get pissed off all over again. so i thought that if i deleted them, i could get some of the negativity out of my life and it would be cleansing. it didn't really make much difference, cuz she just keeps on giving me new things to be pissed off about, or does the same crap over and over. i guess it's good that i don't have the old ones to add to the anger she continues to cause me to feel, but it sure didn't erase negative feelings in general like i hoped it would.

and like you, when i read old entries, i sometimes laugh at how mean i can be. but it's all true. so is that really being mean? is it mean of me to call her a selfish bitch if that's what she is? i'm territorial too. i don't want her in my house or around my kids. she's toxic. she's human poison and i can't stand her.