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Who are you and what have you done with my wife!!?!?

Drac0's picture

Last night, at bed time, SS asked DW if he could have a snack.

Asking for a snack at bed time is SS's all time favorite bedtime stalling ploy.

DW's reaction would be one of the following:
a) Allow it
b) Allow it with the caveat that SS be quick about it.
c) Yell at SS for trying to stall his bedtime - and then allow it.
d) Disallow it because DW and I were arguing moments before. Meaning; she disallows it only to humour me (and this has only happened twice).

Yesterday DW dissallowed SS from having a snack with absolutely no prompting from me.

I was in utter shock!

Normally DW is all gushy and loosey-goosey when SS arrives home from his Dad's - so much so that I ignore them and just set myself up for the next episode of Game of Thrones.

Last night was totally unlike DW. I was so surprised to see DW act not like herself when it comes to SS that I actually sat down next to DW and asked here if she was okay...

Have any of you wished for your spouses to discipline your skid for the longest time - and when the day finally comes, you were in utter shock?


Willow2010's picture

Dh would step up every now and then and was to my utter shock! Sorry to was very rare and never lasted too long.

OT - Game of Thrones. Is this really good? I keep hearing so much about it and I don't even know what it is about.

Drac0's picture

You're asking the right person!

[geek mode activated]

Game of Thrones is a TV series based on the books written by George RR Martin. It is a very complex sword and sorcery setting where different family factions are vying for control of the country of Westeros. While the setting is medieval-fantasy, magic and monsters are rare. The stories main protagonists are the Starks of Winterfell; a family who have been unwittingly thrown into the turmoils of war for the throne. The show is spectacular because not only are the characters very engaging and the plotlines keep you on the edge of your seat, but George RR Martin does not hold back any punches. Beheadings, incest, throwing kids from the tower (and that is just the FIRST episode). AND while this is going on, there is this HUGE undead "zombie" hoarde gathering in the far north....

Drac0's picture

Saw the trailers to the "White Queen" and it didn't grab me. I thought it was perhaps another rehash of "The Tudors" (which I never finished). Right now, I got my sights set on "The Musketeers".

Oh! And if you want to have some fun, go on YouTube and do search for "Red Wedding reactions". There's a montage of viewers seeing the Red Wedding for the first time. It's HILARIOUS! There's a even a girl freaking out and beating her boyfriend. "You knew about this!?!? I HATE YOU! I HATE THIS SHOW!!!!"

Drac0's picture

James Frain? Yeah I see him in a lot of movies (Usually the bad guy). Really good actor though.

White Queen better than the Tudors?

Hmmm...Must check it out then...

Goincrazy40's picture

O.M.G. there are ZOMBIES in that show? I am getting onto that ASAP. I love zombies and have been having serious Walking Dead withdrawal.

And my DH manages to discipline his 14yo son about once a year and then gives in ten minutes later anyway. :sick:

Drac0's picture

Well they are not "exactly" zombies....and you only see them a handful of times. They are called "White Walkers" and if I am to use the undead parlance correctly, they are more like Wights. Whereas zombies are corpses animated by some virus or biological conditions, wights are corpses animated by magic.

Drac0's picture

Tell me about it! Whenever DW would say "No!" to SS and actually discipline him, I would go into another room, close the door and do the "happy dance".

bluehighlighter's picture

"Yesterday DW dissallowed SS from having a snack with absolutely no prompting from me."

Celebrate celebrate.... Smile

"Have any of you wished for your spouses to discipline your skid for the longest time - and when the day finally comes, you were in utter shock?" YES! I think, "is this really happening right now?!"

it's great

Drac0's picture

I don't want Martin to hurry up. I'm scared that he'll crack under the pressure of a deadline and kill off Tyrion.

Drac0's picture


After the Red Wedding aired George RR Martin wrote in his blog "I think I am going to have to stay off the internet for a few days..."

Drac0's picture

Arya as an assassin? I don't see it, but any child who recites the names of the poeple they're going to kill each night the way you and I count sheep is not bound to have a "normal" career. Smile

zerostepdrama's picture

Errr your DW and I are the same about snack time. And like you DH gets mad at me about it...

My excuses are that BS and I eat dinner pretty early. Then we are running around with sports (him), Zumba (me), homework and other errands. Then it's around 8 when we settle down and he lays in his room and reads or plays on the computer for a little bit. Then about 10 minutes before bedtime (9pm) he is hungry. But I look at it as BS hasnt ate since 5ish??? so he probably is hungry.

Drac0's picture

My problem isn't so much the snacking. My problem is that SS ALWAYS has some excuse/tactic to get out of having to go to bed. SS is the absoulte KING of bedtime stall tactics (EG "I can't go to sleep, my hair hurts!"). It used to drive me bat-shit crazy and I never undertood why DW would tolerate it. After taking someone else's advice here, I've disengaged. After 9pm, I just pretend that SS doesn't exist.

Tuff Noogies's picture

oh my god yes "i cant go to sleep". WTF do they think the parent is able to do about that, sprinkle majic fairy sleep dust over him or what? gah!!!

zerostepdrama's picture

Yeah its just snacks that my BS fights about at bedtime. Other then that he is usually ready to go to sleep. I think its by the time we wind down (bed time) that is when he realizes he is hungry and I realize- Crap this kid hasnt ate since 5:30.