Would this bother you?
So DH came home last night. I was already alseep. He gets up this morning and gets in the shower right away. Well I am nosey and curious as to if there are any texts between him and MSD- looking for information. While I dont like going this route THIS seems to be the only way I can get information regarding ANYTHING. DH's lack of communication skills and sharing information is also why I feel so angry/resentful about the skid situation. He only tells me what he wants to tell me, never clues me in to the full picture, but expects me to go out of my way to be help the skids.
Well nothing from MSD but I noticed a message to his best friend, so I did look. He said "Thanks for the blankets" and then another text "I might go to PA".
So Monday night I posted how DH came home and got clothes and said he was going to stay in the vacant with MSD. He could have gotten blankets from our house. We have TONS already in bags. I am really mad that instead he went to his friends house and got some.
I feel that by going to the friends house to get the blankets, he makes me look like the bad guy. Oh ZSD wont let MSD and a BABY stay at the house. We have to sleep on the floor in a vacant and she wont give us any blankets and pillows.
I'm HURT that he makes me out to be the bad guy. Even if that was not his intention.
These are the same friends that when we had the Father's Day blow up 2 years ago, when I kicked him and the skids out of the house, (for VERY good reason), him and the skids went over there and they had their own Father's Day BBQ and complained about how awful I was to them and kicked them out and ruined Fathers Day for DH. DH's friends wife ate up the whole story. After that it was really awkward between her and I (where prior we had been close) because she thought I was this evil SM. So again here is DH running over to their house and again I look like the evil SM. Not that I should care about what they think, but these are people that I see a lot. I feel like I have been betrayed by my own DH because of the shit HE does that makes me look bad. Make sense?
I am hurt that he even involved other people.
Then his text "I might go to PA" That is where his cousins live. When he was with BM, they would seperate and he would leave their town and go and stay with family/friends in another state, work for a bit and then eventually come back to BM and skids. He is a runner. Oh shit gets tough, let me run away so I dont have to work on it. Him and BM were married for 16 years and he said they were more off then on during those years. Um yeah no wonder, you were always running away.
I am hurt by this too. Okay you are mad at me for not helping MSD. Yet you are going to leave the state (how are you going to help MSD then????) and leave me, and our home? WTH.
I think a lot of it is him being over dramatic and hurt and upset but SERIOUSLY?
I feel more hurt by this then I am annoyed by the MSD situation. I feel that he sets me up to look like the bad guy.
Its like all the people he surrounds himself with- skids, family, friends- I feel so uncomfortable around because HE makes ME look like a bitch.
- zerostepdrama's blog
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I would be hurt as well. I
I would be hurt as well.
I like the above suggestion about counseling. There are issues here that are not going to resolve themselves.
Well I really have open
Well I really have open access to his phone. Had he been just laying in the bed, I would have looked at it anyways.
DH sucks at communications. Its like when I try to get him to talk he cant even talk. He acts like a stupid kid when it comes to communication. I on the other hand, will address every single problem. I am always for talking stuff out.
Sometimes things arent so black and white and sometimes I have to resort to reading his texts to get information. It is what it is. I dont like it. He knows I do it. Its no surprise.
I am a-okay with him talking to his friend. But getting blankets from them when he could have gotten them from his own damn house was out of line. Because I am sure everyone in that house saw the friend get the blankets and give them to DH and then everyone knows now what is going on. It's not like he had a private conversation with his friend about what is going on. He threw me under the bus when he didnt have to.
I can not trust him when it comes to the skids. Anything else I 100% trust him. When it comes to the skids- NOPE. He goes into Disney dad instead of being a parent 100% of the time when it comes to his kids. So yeah I find it VERY hard to trust him.
Wow! Totally agree with
Wow! Totally agree with tommar. He did intentionally throw you under the bus and you need marriage counseling asap.
I'm sorry, but how old is he? He sounds very young since he is trying to get sympathy attention from everyone else. yuk.
And I do not think going through his phone was wrong at all. (yes...I know, I am the odd man out on this.) lol
He's 41 Willow......
He's 41 Willow......
He didn't get any sympathy
He didn't get any sympathy from you, so of course he has to look for it elsewhere. Obviously his friend wasn't too terribly guilt ridden or concerned about MSD as HE didn't offer for them to stay there.. right?
and this! He only tells me what he wants to tell me, never clues me in to the full picture, but expects me to go out of my way to be help the skids. My DH does this same crap. I just told him for the 5000th time yesterday he can't have it both ways, I am NOT going to run skipping through the tulips with SD16 and acting like her "mom" and then have him shut me out and flat out tell me to "mind my own business" when it comes to spending gobs of money every month on the Perfect Precious Princess, or when I dare have an opinion about her going to summer school, or if I {gasp} ask why her fucking cell phone bill is $700.00. Nope, not how it's going to work, you want to selectively shut me out, then I shall do the same.
I'm to the point where I don't give a flying frack what people think about me. Wanna think I'm some wicked stepmother, have at it. I know the truth and honestly so does DH, he just chooses to skirt it because he would never want to admit that SD16 is not as perfect and precious as he wants everyone to think she is. Or how bout you walk a mile in my shoes. KWIM?
Stand your ground zero and don't you dare feel badly about it!! {{hugs}}
$700.00 cell phone bill.....
$700.00 cell phone bill..... :jawdrop:
I would feel hurt and quite
I would feel hurt and quite pissed off. One of my friends has a DH who does the same thing and I have heard his woe is me attitude as he was throwing his wife under the bus. I kept my mouth shut but lost respect for the guy and it was awkward around my friend afterwards bc she was feeling insecure and I picked right up on that.
Don't really have any helpful advise to offer accept for you to be yourself when you are around these friends and crack a joke or something if it will break the ice. But keep in mind that there are two sides to every story and if your friends are real friends, they shouldn't judge you over this. Most people don't like being in the middle anyways and your DH's actions are showing that he doesn't worry and or care about other peoples feelings. If my DH was doing that, I would deal with it in counseling sooner than later and go from there.
Well hon for all intents and
Well hon for all intents and purposes your husband left you. I would react the same regardless of the reasoning. If a man doesn't want to be with me fine. Balls in his court. All he needs to hear from u is crickets other than this: if u sign a lease for her we are finished. Radio silence. She can suck up to her mom or her baby daddy family and start making better choices or whatever. I'd give my dh a time frame to get shit straight and after that I'd see an attorney. And if the two of u ever make it through this id also make sure he knew if he ever left our house again because of his kids he'd never come back
He is going to look like the
He is going to look like the victim no matter what happens here. If I were you, it sounds like your marriage may be on it's last leg, I would start forming your exit strategy. He has no loyalty to you at all.
Sorry, but no matter how this played out, you were going to be the fall guy. If you had taken them in, they wouldn't leave and you would be the bitch for forcing them to go. No matter how this plays out in the end, you have to protect your bio kid and yourself, since clearly your husband won't. So why try for him?
You really need an Exit Strategy. I love my husband and when things are good they are great, but when SD and BM make contact, it is hard on me since she is not welcome. So even though we have been married 5 years and together for 9, I have an exit strategy.
To clarify- he hasn't left
To clarify- he hasn't left me. He came home last night. He stayed with MSD the first night (and I understand why) and he is helping her get a place and get settled in. He has no plans to move in with her. And while he did say something about moving to PA I think he was just being over dramatic. That is how he handles things. Stupid, very stupid. I'm not worried about him leaving, more worried about the stupid stuff he says and how that affects what people may think of me. Not that I care what they think, BUT these are his family and friends. I have to see these people and deal with them and I dont like feeling uncomfortable because DH is a moron and says stupid stuff.
We definetly need to talk things out and go to counseling. We have done it before and it helped.
DH is used to his marriage to BM where all these things were okay. They are not okay with me. It's almost like I have to retrain him. He is doing what is comfortable and what he knew to do for 16 years.
This whole situation and our situation in general has made me think about a lot of other things regarding our relationship and how I feel and what I want to happen. My BS loves DH like a dad. So it's not so cut and dry.
And I told him to put her in a hotel. I never told him to just leave her to figure it out on her own. I just said she couldnt come to our house. So he cant be mad that I didnt agree to the easiest, most comfortable option (for him). I gave him options.
You did give him options. It
You did give him options. It is the way he handled it, that I could not get past. There is no way I would be okay with him telling family friends what happened and making me out to be the bad guy. DH did something similar early on and I made sure he understood that I did not create this drama and he needed to remember that long after his daughter and BM were out of his life, he would be alone if he chose them. Since he doesn't like failure and being divorced twice was not option, he pulled his head out of his ass and realized he needed to be loyal to me.
This drama was brought on by your SD and how she handled things early on. I am sorry there is a baby involved and if that were me, I would offer to take the kid, but not the SD. But, then I like babies, but I do not like my SD18.
Your drama that is happening now with him, could so very easily be mine at any point now. I would do the exact same thing you did, and I would not waiver on it and I would be making damn sure that DH knows that her actions to you have a consequence and this is it, she is not welcome in your home. Simple as that. He can always move out if he chooses to be sullen or try to punish his wife for that decision. We show others how to treat us and you need to not discuss it anymore and step out of it, what he does for her at this point is his business. If it affects you financially that is another story, but if it did, I would separate my finances now and make him responsible for half of everything with no leeway.
Sorry, I am a brat about this stuff. My SD treated me like crap on a vacation and cost me over 2K just by coming along after she said she would behave. DH and I have separate finances, but I have said no on giving her a dime, since if he is broke, it affects our lifestyle and I will not allow that.
Eww yeah I remember your
Eww yeah I remember your story about vacation....
Yes I am mad that he involved our friends. Its def. something we need to talk about. He has handled this very poorly.
And I have said before- I am pissed that I am even this involved and stressed about everything. I didnt bring this on us. It's his daughters b.s and his b.s. NOT MINE.
Oh I wont beg and chase him
Oh I wont beg and chase him and he knows that. If he wants to go- then F that.
Yes he does need to learn how to cope. He is doing exactly what he did in his first marriage. No I am not surprised by his coping method. Well I guess I kind of understood why he did it with BM, because well she is BM and I see her craziness. But for me, I'm like wait a minute, you dont have to run from me, I am open to talking and working things out. So to me that is confusing why he choses that option.
So when were the texts to
So when were the texts to DH's friend made? The evening Dh left the house to go pick up SD (after you made it clear she couldn't come to your home) and before you talked/texted with him about willing to help just not house? The timeline of those texts to friend would be what might or might not matter to me if I were you. If they were made , say, yesterday morning or afternoon? Yeah I'd be angry the guy pitched me under the bus as he knew full well I was willing to assist and of course he could come home and pick-up anything he needed.
But as an aside...I wouldn't give a rats what the friends thought about any of it. SD hasn't lied to , stolen from and/or made their home a stressful environment as she has you. It's easy for them to think you're 'evil', they haven't had to put up with her BS. They haven't had DH defend her against them when DH knew the girl had done wrong. Pfft. Who cares what the friends think. I see they didn't swing their doorway open wide to take her and DH in for even one night.
The texts were Monday night
The texts were Monday night when all this was going on.
MSD called crying she needed a place to go.
DH told me she was coming over, I freaked out (Agree I didnt handle that well). I head upstairs to cool off.
DH leaves.
DH comes home maybe an hour or so later. Says he is staying with MSD. blah blah blah I told him to get a hotel. He said no. Probably trying to get sympathy or make me engage in more discussion about it. I didnt. So he left. I dont feel he left on terrible terms. He KNEW he was going to stay in a vacant and KNEW he would need blankets and pillows. He KNEW we had them at the house. He KNEW I was being *somewhat* supportive, so its not like he had the fear that I wasn't going to let him take any blankets or cause a scene because he wanted blankets. So he left without the blankets. He could have came back if he forgot (which I doubt he did) that they would need blankets. Instead he chose at some point to go to friends house instead. Friend lives 5 mins from us. So its not like friend was closer to get blankets. He texted friend around 10:30 that night "Thanks for the blankets." I think he was at our house around 9:30ish??? So I am guessing he left our house and headed over to his house.
I am pretty pissed with him over this.
**update** I stand 100% by my
I stand 100% by my stance of not having her come over on Monday night. My freak out was the result of DH saying she was already on her way over and me feeling like he wasn't giving me an option. Either way I would not have been okay with her here during the day with no supervision. Even for one night.
I'm glad DH stepped up and did the right thing at least for now.
We have a lot to talk about and sort through.
However I do love my husband and am "surrending" to a certain extent. One of us has to make a move towards the other if we want to save this marriage or attempt to get along or whatever.
I sent MSD a message on FB (the only way I know how to reach her). Even though I have basically been disengaged. Even though I had told myself I would NEVER reach out to her again or offer her an olive branch or anything else EVER again.
I thought about it and she doesn't have her mom in her corner and doesn't have BF and his family in her corner. She is basically alone. (even if by her own accord) DH will be there to help her but without my "support" its just going to feel like 1 more thing that divide us, one more - he does his thing, I do my thing.
I basically told her in the message why I would not let her come to the house. I explained it had to do with trust and respect. I laid out that she had violated me so many times. How because she never owned up to anything or asked for forgivness that I couldnt trust her. I said I have a right to live in my own home and not be worried about what she was doing in it.
I said she may play her parents against each other and tell them lies, but I am not her parent and I know better. Bascially I let her know, she cant manipulate me. I also explained that I owe her nothing. I am married to her dad that is it. But I am nice to those who are nice to me.
I gave DH a taste of his own medicine and threw him under the bus with her. I feel that she is 18 and mature enough to handle anything I may say about her dad. Plus its stuff I have said 100x before TO DH. But I told her because her dad refuses to address the issues that we have had (as in me and the skids) that is why we have had so many problems. That I have been open to working things out but DH never wanted to put any effort into that. I said I feel that he only wants to parent when it's convienent for him and he wanted me to pick up his slack and I refused to do that. I basically explained I think it was easier for her dad to let them think certain things about me, rather then address the issues with them and admit to his parenting faults.
I ONLY brought this up, because its time I do defend myself. We ALL have a part in this. DH is never going to own up to his faults, so I will call them out for him. Especially since he is okay with making me look like the bad guy. And he is okay with letting the skids always looking like the bad guy. She needs to understand that I have wanted to work on things with the skids but that DH always blew it off or acted like we were all crazy because we had issues.
I let her know that I am open to talking. That I know she needs support right now and I am really to help her with that.
***end result... I am trying to be the bigger person. Yes she sucks and has done some shitty stuff and I dont owe her anything. But I know if I am more supportive then it will be better off for her and the baby. That is what I can offer at this point. And being supportive and helping her get settled into her place and adjusted to her new life- that will make her life better down the road and hopefully less likely to bother us again
I am still standing by 100% she cant move in, but I will help in other ways.
I love DH and right now I feel he only sees a dark cloud over me when it comes to the skids. Maybe even rightfully so. So I am willing to suck it up and put a smile on my face and do what I have to do so that I can maybe save my marriage.
Good job! Be prepared though
Good job! Be prepared though that she may not respond and if she does do a mea culpa it is temporary. I did this and then when she got angry at DH, it was all directed at me. So we are back to no longer having much of a relationship with her. But, for you there is a baby involved. Maybe she can grow up long enough to realize, you may be the best thing that could happen to her and her child and if she aligns with you she may give that kid a fighting chance and have a fresh start. But, not in your house.
I do think, you had to do this, so that your conscience is clear. Mine is after I have sent off a long detailed email to BM, at least I got it out. Good job!
Thanks And I'm prepared for
And I'm prepared for anything. I dont think either way I will be surprised or dissapointed in what she may say. I have my gaurd up 100% so nothing she can do will hurt me. I feel better laying it all out there though.
Thanks And I'm prepared for
And I'm prepared for anything. I dont think either way I will be surprised or dissapointed in what she may say. I have my guard up 100% so nothing she can do will hurt me. I feel better laying it all out there though.
His problem is
His problem is communication.
I call him at work about an hour ago:
Me: "Hey are you coming straight home after work or do you have something to do."
DH: I am going with friend to pick up a lawnmower. (Okay you have been gone more or less for 2 days, there are some obvious issues with us right now and you think helping a friend is more productive then coming home and talking to your wife. I mean I shouldnt even have to tell him that, he should want to come home and talk about things. But then again I know he is a runner, so I shouldnt be surprised.)
Me: Okay well afterwards when you do get home, I would like for us to sit down and talk.
DH: About what (in irritated voice)
Me: Um everything going on, we need to talk about it.
DH: Its fine, everything is fine. There is nothing to talk about.
Face palm. Yes DH you are right... we have nothing to talk about. All is good. And he's saying we have nothing to talk about because to him everything is fine. He took care of the main issue and I should be all fine and dandy now...........back to normal...head in the sand.....
His problem is
His problem is communication.
I call him at work about an hour ago:
Me: "Hey are you coming straight home after work or do you have something to do."
DH: I am going with friend to pick up a lawnmower. (Okay you have been gone more or less for 2 days, there are some obvious issues with us right now and you think helping a friend is more productive then coming home and talking to your wife. I mean I shouldnt even have to tell him that, he should want to come home and talk about things. But then again I know he is a runner, so I shouldnt be surprised.)
Me: Okay well afterwards when you do get home, I would like for us to sit down and talk.
DH: About what (in irritated voice)
Me: Um everything going on, we need to talk about it.
DH: Its fine, everything is fine. There is nothing to talk about.
Face palm. Yes DH you are right... we have nothing to talk about. All is good. And he's saying we have nothing to talk about because to him everything is fine. He took care of the main issue and I should be all fine and dandy now...........back to normal...head in the sand.....
^^^ she always has good
^^^ she always has good advice
Yep agree... and especially
Yep agree... and especially with that....:-)
"While I dont like going this
"While I dont like going this route THIS seems to be the only way I can get information regarding ANYTHING" I've def felt like this before and done it.
The whole throw you under the bus with the friends, been there too.
You know you are on to something with "this was ok with BM but I'm not ok with it"
All his friends hated BM but honestly I don't think it was all her fault.
Boundaries around your relationship.
If you love him, he loves you, go to counseling. Work on the issues. Throwing daggers doesn't help even though it might feel ok for a while or in the moment or might give some satisfaction that doesn't last.
Good luck to you and you're right to not have to put up with this and that you are going to make the best decisions for yourself and your home that you can. He might need to hear from a professional what he's doing and how it's messing up his marriage. You guys might not be able to figure all that out in a long talk might just need to get started on the counseling even if just a few sessions to get you on a similar page and a workable one.
The only way I could offer an
The only way I could offer an olive branch is by letting her know I mean business, I wont put up with any b.s. I am calling her out on her b.s.- as I am aware of who you are, so my eyes are open. Calling out her dad-that is letting her know- hey we aren't in this situation because of just me and you. Your dad has played a big part in this as well. You can see it as it is (all of our fault and not just mine) and chose to do with it what you want.
I can be selfish. She is not my child and I dont owe her anything. She has caused me nothing but grief and stress and heartache. I was DONE DONE DONE with it until DH made her my problem again.
I realize that I do have to "soften" my stance some. That is by emailing her and letting her know, we can call a truce and work things out and I will help you out and help to support you (emotionally, for the baby, etc.)
I agree we both react instead of think. My reaction is to flip out and his reaction is to run away. I think we both have some things to work on. It's always something though.. with the skids and I never have time to heal from the last b.s situation before another one pops up.... so its hard to work on me.... but I know I need to.
I am going to leave things alone for now. I personally need some time to think about or not think about it on my own and deal with it and how I feel and how I feel about DH and whether this is something I continue to deal with for 1, 2 , 10, 15 years down the road.
Thanks for your advice and support
Honestly if she responds back
Honestly if she responds back I love you or I hate you, it doesnt matter to me anymore at this point. Because sadly we have had "heart to heart" before and we have been down this road. NOW this time I know that she can't be trusted and she has truly shown me who she is in the past and I am going to go off of that.
But with that said, I have no issues and realizing, this is who she is. Yet I can still help her or at least "clear the air" that way I can be supportive of my DH being supportive of her.
I needed to clear the air with her for my own self I think in order to be able to support DH and just deal with this whole thing. I think without saying anything I wouldnt even be able to look at her the next time I saw her.
I am calling it a win in my book if I can just be proud and happy that DH is helping her and not give him a hard time and not feel resentful over it and angry over that. That is the outcome I am looking for.
I am taking some time away from this now though. I am not going to talk to DH about it. I am going to do my own thing and take care of some health issues with myself that I need to deal with. I am going to focus on my BS and my animals (2 who have been sick lately as well). If she doesnt respond back, I am not going to reach back out to her.
Well, you've extended the
Well, you've extended the olive branch and you've reached out to your dh. you still have no idea when/if you husband is coming home to you. you do know that he's placing his friend above this crisis in your marriage when he should be chomping at the bit to get back home and make things good again. I say...radio silence. this man needs to feel what it's like if you weren't in his life, he needs to wonder what YOUR doing for a change. you are chasing him. stop. let him come to you. go out, live your life! do things for yourself you wouldn't normally do, enjoy a little of your freedom, don't wait by the phone. this man needs to know that you are going to be ok, with or without him. you want him to WANT to be with you, to fix things. by chasing him, you are chasing him away. leave him alone, let him sort things out in his head. and I wouldn't contact sd anymore, either. this is between you and your dh.
Yep. I want him to realize
Yep. I want him to realize what he has done wrong here, so that we can fix it. Same as what I am trying to do with myself.
My mouth is sealed. I am very good at ignorning and going about my business. I did it with my ex for many years. I dont like that route but if DH doesnt want to play nice, well I can give him a taste of his own medicine. I tried to talk to him and I tried to let him know that we needed to talk and he acted like nothing was wrong.
Okay, well if YOU have no issues, that's fine. But I still do have issues.
I'm going to work through all this on my own for now and figure out what I need to do to find my peace.
hugs sweetie. your story is
hugs sweetie. your story is sticking with me. I hope the very best for you