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O/T Broody but SS4 drives me insane

MaddieH's picture

I'm super broody right now! My fiancé and I are getting married in December. I always thought when I got married I'd want to starting trying for a baby straight away and I think I'd really love to do that. But the thing is, SS drives me insane. Don't get me wrong, I love him but he's super hard work. I can't deal with his strops and I absolutely suck at getting up in the morning with him. SO does get up with him but I feel bad leaving him to it. What on earth makes me think I'll be able to handle my own any better? A child that'll be with us 24/7 rather than EOWE?!


SecondGeneration's picture

Ha ha I know this one!
I have SD3 but no bio children, partner and I have been together for a year and Im already starting to get broody. However for me its not a possibility for atleast another year if not two, I have the implant so should I change my mind and want kids sooner Id have to go get that out first.
Most of the time I love having SD3 with us, however at other times I find I do not have the patience that is needed.
Enjoy a bit of newly married life as just you and your new hubby. You will be able to handle your own child, because you will probably gain those rose tinted glasses towards some of their behaviours that would make an outsider think err wtf?
My partner and I make a point of doing alot when we dont have SD3 with us, which I think is why I enjoy having her too because I enjoy being able to do kid friendly stuff and go back to adult stuff later.