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Its Your Fault SDs don't go to school!!!

CompletelyPuzzled's picture

So DF finally got an answer from BM about why the SDs have missed so much school. Yep, it started with the excuse, "SD7 doesn't go to school because she doesn't sleep well." Then it went to, "its your fault that SD7 won't sleep because you moved to another state." By the end of the email, she pretty much blamed the entire thing on DF, stating that he abandoned his kids and he doesn't have the right to criticize her parenting. She went on to say that he needs to spend more time being a parent. To which, DF sent the reply, "Your right, I do need to spend more time with my kids. I will talk to my attorney to see what can be done about that."

It really pisses me off that she pulls this crap. DF moved for his job. He got a big promotion and a raise. He drives 1,000 miles to spend one week a month with them and gets them all summer. We had to fight BM for that because she didn't want to give up any time with the SDs. BM doesn't mind it when she cashes the bigger checks. But now, she wants to blame the fact that she doesn't parent on DF. And to make matters worse, she made the comment that he doesn't pay enough to support them, which is funny since she doesn't work at all. And she wonders why we can't be civil and why DF acts like she is a bitch. Its because she is one.


oneoffour's picture

So why hasn't SuperMom taken her daughter to counselling to work out how SD7 can sleep better and get to school? After all, don't all mothers want their daughters to be self assured, kind, self supporting awesome grownups? Hmm, probably not.