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Aaaaand now I'm pissed at FDH

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

FDH took SD to her counseling appointment today. And when he was done, he told me the counselor is going to call him before her next appointment to find out why FDH is concerned and thinks SD needs counseling.

I told him I thought that was a little weird because I don't know why he wouldn't want to get that info from FDH either today or yesterday when he made her appointment. I've never had a counselor see me "cold" like that, even when I was under 18; my mom would talk to a counselor BEFORE I went in so that the counselor knew what my mom's concerns were. My current counselor and I exchanged emails before my first appointment so she would know what I was coming in with in terms of general issues. Even one of the other counselors asked FDH questions on the phone last night - right in the middle of our date, so lovely :|.

So he tells me "Well, I did leave him basic information on the phone about the divorce (I hate it when he says he and GUBM divorced because they were never fricken married), the sharing of time, the fact that she has no peers and that you and she have had a fair share of issues."

That last bit ticked me off a little so I responded:

Me: "At the risk of pissing you off, did you really put it that way or the actual way - that SHE has issues with ME? Because from my persepctive, which you have vouched for as well, she has had a fair share of issues with me. I have an issue being treated like dirt by her when I've done nothing wrong."
FDH: "I can't remember exactly what I said, sorry. I didn't think it was needed to go into a lot of detail at the time. It was just a voicemail."
Me: "That's not what I'm saying at all. I'm saying that "she has issues with my fiance" and "she and my fiance have issues with each other" are two different statements."

Maybe I'm reacting poorly because I'm stressed out because of the nonstop SD drama and because I don't feel well today as a result, but, it just irks me. I'm not going to delude myself into thinking that SD is just suddenly over any issues of hate, jealousy, or resentment that she harbored last year or that she's not easily falling back into those behaviors because she had them a LOT longer than she has been decent towards me. And honestly, I think her counselor, whomever it ends up being, should know the reality of the situation. That SD treats me like complete and utter garbage and lies about me to anyone who will listen unless I'm showering her with gifts and blowing smoke and rainbows up her ass.

And then FDH starts telling me crap: "She might try to talk to you about him as well. Not saying she said that, but, since she is going and largely liking it, if she had questions I think she might try and talk to you about it. She views you as an expert in the field."

She does not view me as an expert, she thinks I'm delusional and have no idea what I'm talking about when it comes to psychology.

FDH: "I know being with her these months at a time you may be frustrated with her, but she is frustrated with herself and the boredom of her life. She is lazy but knows she is better than this and I think she is a bit deluded, but she can come around."

So, what, she's like my sister then? She gets bored so she acts like an asshole to cause excitement in her life? Don't care and certainly not interested. In fact, if SD had any friends, she'd probably be the one stirring shit and causing problems to make life "exciting." And no, FDH, I'm not frustrated with her being here, I'm frustrated with her TREATING ME LIKE GARBAGE and the constant drama she is causing! UGH!

FDH: "Well, maybe she just needs drama in her life"

Well, if that's the case then she needs to leave me the hell alone because I am TIRED of being targeted by this brand of crazy. I'm 31, I was targeted by my sister growing up, by GUBM's asshat antics, by crazy assholes who I thought were friends, and now an overly entitled attention - and now possibly drama - whore of an SD. DONE with that.


attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

I figure as long as FDH makes it clear to the counselor what the deal really is: That SD loves drama, hates and has issues with me, that her mom is NPD/BPD and tried (successfully for a time) to alienate SD from him by alienating her against me, and that SD has a chronic problem with lying, it might help.


And thanks, it's nice to know that I'm not overreacting to this because I'm sick and tired of him framing it in that way. I am not part of SD's issues.

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

I'm definitely tired of that phrasing. It's all SD's issues. And if he keeps phrasing it that way, it takes the onus off of her even a little and puts the responsibility on me. Nope. It's not my fault and it's not my problem to deal with. It's on SD and FDH.

luchay's picture


I have the same issues here - SD13 hates me and causes no end of drama, and I am the victim of it, all I have ever done is be nice, turn the other cheek, be the f*cking adult and keep trying.

And yet when talking about it OH will say Luchay and SD13 have issues with each other!

Ummmm NO. The ONLY issue I have is that she treats me like shit, SHE has issues with me, I have issues with her behaviours towards me and my children - that is a very different thing.

We have had this exact conversation and he doesn't get it either....

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

Exactly! They're completely different! This is why I'm glad I was already planning on bringing FDH into my counseling session on Tuesday this coming week because, honestly, I'm tired of him referring to it as me and SD having issues with each other. NOPE. SD has an issue with me. I just prefer not to be treated like shit.

furkidsforme's picture

Don't forget this important point- he stated the problem AS HE SEES IT. He sees the issue as "the two of you have trouble with each other" because he isn't owning that she treats you like shit. When people tell you what they think, believe them.

He isn't putting this all on her, he still thinks you play a role.

Not saying you do. Just pointing that part out.

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

Absolutely. He always says crap like this and it's like come the frick on, really? But then he's all "oh that's not how I feel, I know SD has the problem, not you". Well then why would you say that if you don't feel that way? You wouldn't, that's why. Grr.

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

Exactly. He's too stuck in this "let's talk it out" mindset of things when honestly, he needs to just grow a spine, prove to SD that he and I are a partnership and won't be divided, and just lose his shit on her once, or many times, when she acts like this.

He's in for a rude awakening on Tuesday, that's for sure. I'm keeping a running log of all the shit that needs changed ASAP.

ctnmom's picture

You need to majorly disengage. I'm not insulting you, but some people, because they are nice and trusting, seem to attract toxic people. It used to happen to my 2nd best friend all the time. She actually got therapy and realized she was subconsciously recreating her crazy childhood. Now she knows how to cut the toxicity out. I think that's what you need to do. His daughter is baiting you, and probably trying to get rid of you. If you don't come into her orbit of hate she'll have no ammo to use against you. Hope this helps.

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

That's my plan. I told FDH that she needs to just stay away from me and I warned him the other night that I was mere moments from disengaging again because I am so over this.

ETA: He actually had the nerve to say yesterday that he's really disappointed that we've all taken a step back. I looked at him and said "Sorry, not sorry. I think being treated like utter garbage by SD is a more than valid reason to take a step back."

Jsmom's picture

My only warning about this is if the therapist asks you to go to therapy with her don't. You are being made to be a scapegoat for their problems...

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

Oh, FDH told me that he - meaning himself - wants me to eventually meet this therapist. I said "We'll see" because I am not going to walk into an ambush where I am going to be told how it's all my problem that poor widdle SD is so bored with her life and chooses to cause drama because I'm around.

I'm not planning on it at all. If necessary, I'll pull a trick from my mom's book. When I was in counseling in NJ, my therapist wanted my mom to come in and have a session with me. She told me that her therapist said it wasn't a good idea. I'll just tell FDH that my counselor doesn't think it's a good idea at all.

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

FDH has since said that he would prefer he and I going together one time without SD. But honestly it doesn't interest me.

luchay's picture

I agree and disagree with this.

SS10's therapist decided, based only upon BM, SS10 and OH's perspectives, that *I* needed to apologize to ss!!!

This bitch never even met me, and I am damned sure the story she was told regarding my wrongdoings were exaggerated to put blame on me and remove it from all other parties (ie those telling the stories) I even said this to OH and he agreed that no-one got to argue MY perspective, that they did not put forward factual events to support my supposed mis-deeds, just told their tales, and without even talking to me she decided *I* need to say sorry to HIM????

I was SO pissed.

Even now months later, I still think I want to call up this woman and tell her where to shove her stupid ideas!

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

Yea, that's the only aspect that I have issue with in regards to not wanting to go meet SD's counselor, that SD would prime them to think that I'm the problem.

The behaviors she's displaying are not only disturbingly close to GUBM's, they're disturbingly close to my sister, another NPD/BPD person. My sister is the master of manipulating everyone, counselors included. I remember when my sister's husband left her - which was the smartest thing he ever did because she's ridiculous but whatever, that's another story for another time - and my sister was so "despondent" according to my mom that she couldn't get off the couch. My mom suggested that my sister go to the doctor and get a B12 shot to help lift her mood a bit so that she could at least somewhat interact with her kids. There was no malicious intent in what my mom suggested whatsoever.

Well, my sister went to the doctor and gave them some bullshit story as to why my mom told her to go and manipulated the hell out of the doctor to the point where the doctor felt that my mom was being ridiculous and malicious in telling my sister to "get over" the hurt of her husband leaving her. Which only served to validate my sister and then led to my sister decking my mom and trying to have her arrested.

It's crap like that, crap that I can see SD trying to pull (the manipulation because I truly don't see SD ever having the balls necessary to lay hands on me), that makes a teeny tiny little portion of my brain go "well, maybe don't write it off just yet if FDH wants you to meet her therapist."

But, at the same time, I have no interest in playing into her games. It's not a great situation no matter how you slice it because I'm either in for being ambushed or I'm setting myself up to be the heartless evil step mother that SD believes me to be.

luchay's picture

It's not a great situation no matter how you slice it because I'm either in for being ambushed or I'm setting myself up to be the heartless evil step mother that SD believes me to be.

This is it exactly!!! I was never even given the opportunity, OH just came home and told me all about how the therapist thought *I* was in the wrong and owed ss an apology?? I'm like WTF? HOW did she get to THAT conclusion from this hot mess???

It would have been nice to have SOMEONE say "oh heck, seeing as Luchay is being thrown under my family's shitty mess of a bus perhaps we should let her speak too!!!" and by someone I mean my OH, the man who is supposed to have my back...

Basically, my ss10 (generally a good kid, we have SOME issues with him foodwise, and with OH babying him to the point he is somewhat helpless) Anyway, he got threatening with my dd11 (who is small - think the size of an 8 yo - compared to SS being a big boy for his age - not as in fat, just very tall - he's my height already) He put his fist in her face and made threats to her. Strangely enough I was not cool with this and asked OH to deal with it.

OH pretty much patted him on the head, said "I know she's really annoying but don't do it again" and went to play basketball with him. I was not happy with this either, I felt it needed a bit more talking about WHY it was wrong of ss, and some consequences. OH disagreed, we argued back and forth until I gave up and told SS "if you ever put your fist in my daughters face again I will effing hit you myself!"

Apparently this was translated to the therapist as My dd was in his face being a bossy little bitch, and ss was defending himself (from the tiny little girl who is less than shoulder height to him and 20kgs soaking wet) and then when my dd dobbed on him *I* just went up to him and said "I'll effing knock your effing block off!" Now as I said to my OH - when have you EVER heard me use that expression?? and YOU were there, you KNOW that is not what happened did you say anything?

Ummmmm that would be a no.

See, I am STILL so pissed about this three months later. Sad

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

Wow, I'm pissed off for you right now. That's just straight up bullshit right there. Your OH was present for the whole thing and never even spoke up on your behalf? Ass.

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

I told FDH that I'm disengaging. He pulled out an asshole of a line when I did and said "I know it's what you need to do but the last time you had to it was so hard." PUH-LEASE!

I said in reply "I need you to know that it is 10,000 times harder on me to be continually treated like shit by SD for no good reason beyond, what? Boredom? Vindictiveness? Resentment? Bitterness? Jealousy? Don't know and don't really care. When she starts fixing this I will re-engage on MY terms. Because she is doing all the asshat things that she complains about GUBM doing and I'm not going to be her whipping post anymore."

moeilijk's picture

AtMC, you are the step-parent. The bio-parent has to stay involved, take an interest, help, support, guide, discipline, and otherwise be a parent no matter what a jerk the kid is being. Not so the step.

I have no understanding of FDH's motivation is setting you and SD up as equals, or setting you up as a responsible party in terms of SD's issues. Unless you are actively abusing the kid, you can't eff her up. Only her parents can.

I'm guessing he doesn't want the responsibility. But you disengaging should matter not one iota to him, because HE should be parenting. If you do things the three of you, that doesn't mean you accept being a replacement parent. How is it different than you hanging out with a friend with a kid?

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

It's been an issue for a while, FDH making SD and I equals like that but he's gotta stop because he's perpetuating this nonsense. It was really obnoxious that his only concern when I told him I was disengaging seemed to be about how it would impact HIM or SD when, really, it's about ME getting the space I need to not be treated like crap by SD because she has some kind of issue that she can't move past.

He's in for a bit of a come to Jesus talk this coming Tuesday at my next counseling appointment because he's been handling this all very selfishly.

moeilijk's picture

Honestly, my response to this, "it's about ME getting the space I need to not be treated like crap by SD because she has some kind of issue that she can't move past" is to call bull-hooey.

It's about you getting the space you need to not be treated like crap by SD because FDH ALLOWS HER TO DO SO.

You can put a stop to her treating you that way, but by doing so you most likely will damage your relationship with FDH. He can put a stop to her treating you that way, and by doing so will earn the respect of both you and SD. And yet...

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

And yet, he just keeps letting it happen. It wouldn't keep happening if he would just grow the spine he so desperately needs and stops coddling the shit out of SD and letting her behave this way and do whatever the hell she wants.