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Suspended at the age of 7!

Harleygurl's picture

SS7 had a huge meltdown at school yesterday. They had to clear the rest of the kids out of the room. He received in-school suspension He has told school administrators that on Monday on the way to school DH screamed, cussed and beat him on the way to school. None of which is true. But if BM tells you that if you don't want to be at dad's you can call or come home whenever you want I guess it's ok to try to play that card wherever, including school.

I think there has been quite a bit of PASing while DH was in rehab and when SS7 was with us last weekend, where there are rules and structure, he didn't like it so he decided to do exactly what mom basically gave him permission to do - throw a fit to get his way. Also SS7 is now sharing his room at BM's with his siblings and isn't getting enough rest. He told me that himself.

DH is overwhelmed with all of this. Any suggestions?


askYOURdad's picture

Wow! I'm sorry that you and your DH are going through this!

It sounds like PAS, it may or may not be but I think what really needs to happen is some counseling. I would start with family counseling along with getting SS set up with the school counselor.