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ss suspended

hismineandours's picture

I logged onto ss's school website earlier this week. He got an inschool suspension for "verbal aggression or- profanity". I also noted that he had 6 F's and 2 A's on his report card. Didnt mention this to dh (he is out of town, had difficulty getting internet access)as I didnt want to be the bearer of bad news. On Friday I checked again, and he had an out of school suspension that day for "disruptive behavior". So I did call dh and let him know-he hadnt spoke to ss since Thursday-at which time either ss or bm made dh aware of ss's grades but did not let him know about the inschool suspension. Nor about the out of school. I guess a teacher told him to do something-and he told her no he wasnt doing it and told her what he was going to do instead and then he told another student to "shut the f*** up!"-I guess that coupled with the suspension earlier in the week has gotten him kicked out for a few days.
Dh told me that ss was going to be in deep shit for awhile. I hear it, but I dont believe it. I bet he's grounded off the computer and video games for a week-maybe two tops-to be loosely monitored of course which means he can sneak on fairly frequently. What would you all think is a reasonable consequence here? I would ground one of my kids until at least the end of the grading period (which is in March)-no friends, no tv, no computer, nada. It's alittle hard for me to relate as none of my kids have ever gotten any sort of suspension. My dd did get a lunch detention a month ago because someone asked her if she thought she (the person asking) should put another's girls bra in the toilet-my dd just laughed and said, "sure"-not really thinking the girl was serious. She got a lunch detention. She sobbed and was grounded for a week-that's the worst trouble any of my kids have ever gotten in.
My dh hasnt said it yet, but I feel like ss's behavior will be ultimately excused-"well, his dad is away right now. He's having a hard time" which makes me want to barf as they 3 kids in my house havent been suspended, havent told anyone to shut the f*** up and they are a and b students whose grades have actually all went up since my dh left in November.

hismineandours's picture

Oh I agree-Tanner-my ss is a difficult child-he truly is a hard child for anyone to parent and has been since he was a toddler-however, in my case his parents have not parented him-so his already difficult personality plus no parenting is turning into a nightmare of a kid. At least you are trying to do something and although it may seem like it is making no differece right now maybe eventually it will click for him

steptwins's picture

My DH would say: School already gave the punishment (suspended).
And then, he'd buy the kid a new Xbox game b.c. SS needs some positive stroking right after how he was singled out in school for something he said or did wasn't his fault...