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Would you point this out?

Willow2010's picture

SS is 21ish and in the military.

He called DH the other night and told him that he was broke and would not have money for food for the next two weeks. He said he paid off a credit card and accidentally left himself short. So of course DH tells him he will send him money. SS tells him that he can't take money from DH and blablabla. He will just manage somehow. GAG!!

Long story short...Dh sent him $200.00 to his bank account because SS finally took the money after DH kept on him. I am being very sarcastic in most of this.

So now, DH is on this kick of how proud he is of SS for paying off a credit card and NOT wanting to take money from DH. AGAIN>>>GAG!

Now I see what SS did here...but DH does not. SS totally manipulated this situation. If he did not want money he would not have called DH to tell him he was going to starve for the next few weeks. Little shit.

I am not even mad about the money. (it is his kid and his money and I understand things happen) BUUUT...It is the way he went about it. manipulative little shit.

So would you shut down your DH's bragging about how awesome SS is for NOT wanting to take his money?


Willow2010's picture

How would you do it without looking like you are attacking or talking bad about, the little prince?

Mr.Just.His.Wife's picture

Military has chow halls the last I checked. Three hots a day. So how exactly was this 'kid' going to starve?

Mr.Just.His.Wife's picture

So if he eats in the Chow hall this next two weeks, he won't get sep rats (that is what they were called when I was in) next month.

Since his money crunch is this month: Seems like a viable option verses latching onto his fathers tit. I know at his age, I had kids, and in a money crunch I would myself have starved verses crawl back to my father, admit I was not a man, could not manage my money and ask for a loan for something preventable.

Drac0's picture

Too bad SS's little financial blunder doesn't coincide with the military's food deprivation survival training...Or does the military not do that anymore?

hereiam's picture

Not knowing your DH, I'm not sure what is the best way to go about it. I am very blunt with my husband about his daughter (I'm pretty mouthy) but his eyes were opened to her a long time ago.

One thing my DH really hates, is manipulation by hinting. Of course, your DH doesn't see it for what it is so maybe you should just explain it to him. Even if you have to preface it by saying SS may not even realize he is doing it (if you can say that with a straight face).

If one really doesn't want to take a hand out, one does not call and complain about one's situation (and then take the handout).

My SD did the exact same thing yesterday, "I just don't know how I'm going to pay this and that." Sigh (my DH told her to get a job).

A few weeks ago, she actually asked him (not hinted) to pay her cell phone bill. I know he was thinking about it and I just pointed out the facts to him, one by one, and he saw that what she was saying about why she couldn't pay it, didn't make any sense.

I also remind my husband often, that part of growing up and becoming independent is learning how to figure these things out. That's something to be proud of.

Willow2010's picture

I really don't think he paid off a credit card. He is partying and drinking a lot so I am sure that is where some of the money is going. I just have to bite my lip til it bleeds.

I even think that DH is aware he got manipulated. He just hates to admit his son is a F up. Which I understand...BUT don't brag about how great SS is in this situation.

twoviewpoints's picture

How? Simply that. SS paid off a credit card. Ok, well SS shows signs of not wanting to carry debt and being responsible enough to pay his bills, BUT (yeah there is a 'but' here)...the kid did it at the expense of budgeting his monthly needs. Actually what SS did was use Dad's money to pay off the debt. Oh sure, SS refused at first to take the money, didn't even ask for any. Nope, don't worry about it, Dad, I'll just starve for two weeks (rolling eyes).

So basically instead of actually being responsible and making his own way, he managed to 'have his cake and eat it too' by a simple phone call to his father that now thinks how grown up and well adjusted to 'adult life' his kid is. :sick: H*ll, for all we really know, kid might not have even paid off the card. He might have over spent all month and couldn't afford the minimum payment. Oh wait, just call Dad tell him how responsible and mature son is and the sucker Dad will whip off some cash. Afterall, what father wants their kid to starve.

If SS was really doing the adult thing he would have 1)not paid off the card at tune of starvation 2)paid off card and then went down to local food pantry to supplement his groceries 3) paid a higher amount on card than usual a couple months in a row and still had some money to very frugally purchase enough to eat to get by 4) sold a possession to make enough money to have paid off the card and buy groceries.

Your DH should save his bragging until SS figures out how to live on a budget. One gets bragging rights when SS calls to announce 'hey, Dad, pretty cool, I paid off my credit card' , end of story. Not then 'but I'm starving'.

Willow2010's picture

I don't plan on saying anything. NMKNMP.

I just hate to NOW hear the bragging. That is what I want to shut down.

step2012's picture

I agree with Misssstressss, I would let this go.

I remember a time when I was in my late teens when I didn't quite get the whole credit card thing and I required the help of my Dad to get me out of a similar jam. Now when I spoke to him I didn't come out and ask for a handout, I had more pride than that, but I sure was releived when my Dad came to my aid and it wasn't manipulation, it was a young lady who got herself in a jam. I paid him back within 3 months and that was that. Prior to that and since I have been extremely financially responsible. If it happens repeatedly then there may be a problem.

And in the military....that at least is something to be proud about isn't it?

hereiam's picture

To shut down the bragging, if it were me, I would counter it each time. "Well, I wouldn't be bragging about that, what he could have done...." or something like that.

Does he brag to just you or everybody?

Patsy's picture

Yeah I would shoot down the bragging. Next time he brings it up say "Oh come on enough is enough he called you telling about his money problems and then took the money from you. When all is said and done that is what happened. Your son is not a saint who would rather starve than take your money. That is not how it happened plan and simple."

Willow2010's picture

But, if I were to say something, I'd say, "What exactly are you proud of?" and make him verbalize it. Then shut him down if he says something ridiculous.
Bullet...that is a great idea!