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Just tired.

Willow2010's picture

Soooo. Got a two AM call from BM to tell DH that SS wanted to skype with them. UGH.

Yes SS is on deployment, and yes there is a time difference, but he really could have done it a few hours later so that everyone would have been up. It’s not like they don’t talk all the time.

DH did not get up to go do it, but I was already wide awake from a 2 AM call. He, of course can just roll back over and start snoring immediately. But then SS called about 5 minutes later so he had to get up and talk to him. I am A ok with that. I have no idea why BM really had to call.

I get that their son is on deployment, but does she really need to still be calling DH like this? I really feel that DH will NEVER put up the kind of boundaries that “I” need in my marriage. (I am not thinking divorce at all). Other than BM we really have an almost perfect marriage. It is just so annoying.

It is always so confusing. I hate having some woman, that has been a total bitch to DH, have the “right” to call my house at 2 AM. Anyone else and I would have ripped them a new one. But I have to sit back and let it go because they have a child together and blablabla.

I need a nap.


Lalena75's picture

You don't just tell her that her son can handle all contact without mommy holding his hand and hang up on her, then hang up on her or don't answer her any more.

PeanutandSons's picture

I get that it bothers you that she called yo give dh a heads up.... But let me give you a bit of a different perspective.

My brother was deployed over seas. I got a call to my cell phone as I was walking into a was an unknown number. The call dropped as soon as I answered it because I get no reception in the store. Didn't think much of it and did my shopping.

That was my brother calling me from Afghanistan....he was killed in action a week later and I never got to talk to him. Had I gotten a heads up call from someone I could have made sure to be somewhere to take his call. I can't even tell you how much it eats at my soul that I didn't get to talk to him one last time.

Willow2010's picture

Oh Lalena I wish!

PandS...I understand that. (Very sorry for your loss)

But this has been happening for YEARS. I guess try to take the delpoyment element out of this situatiuon.

Aeron's picture

They have an ADULT, deployed, in the military child together - not a 5 year old who was in the ER. Rip her the freaking new one. SS is a big boy now and can handle his own communication, his own calls, his own business. It is time for BM to butt out and let SS and DH deal with their own relationship. You don't Have to sit back just because she's the mother of your DH's kid. If you make that choice, that's you making the choice. There's no Commandment on the tablets saying Thou must allow BM to do whatever she likes forever because she birthed your partner's child.

The excuse that they have a child together so she has the Right to call whenever she feels like it, is exactly that - an excuse and a pretty poor one. She wasn't calling to tell him SS was injured or for some other emergency. She was calling about a call.

If DH has no issue with this lack of boundary then I think it's time for him to start sleeping with the phone somewhere else until SS is off deployment so that this stops affecting you and your sleep.

Drac0's picture

Well if it is any consolation, my BD had two big diaper surprises at 4:30 and 5:30 this morning. As I write this, I am working on my second cup of coffee.

But yeah, I'd tell BM to go *CENSORED* a goat for calling that early in the morning

Willow2010's picture

DH knows it bothers me. He just will not rock that boat because of SS. I also don’t think it bothers him near as much as it bothers me. And I really would not rock it right now either with SS on deployment. But if it happens again at that time of night I will flip my shit.

So how do you break that tie without making SS upset? SS thinks they are still a big happy family and is usually the one that pushes BM to call DH.

I figure these calls will happen forever. I can see when SS is 40 years old and the calls are still coming. These (usually stupid) calls usually happens about every 2-4 months. Yay for me.

Willow2010's picture

Draco...I would much rather deal with poo, than BM. They are actually kind of the same though.

Unfreakingreal's picture

My thing is why does SHE have to CALL first? Why cant the SS call directly? That's just BS and it's her way of inserting herself into the situation.
Block her number, she shouldn't be calling your house at all EVER.

hereiam's picture

SS thinks they are still a big happy family

This is ridiculous. Why does SS think this? That's the problem and it is your DH's and BM's fault. His parents are divorced and you are now married to his father, how does that equal the 3 of them "still a big happy family"? Grow the hell up (SS, not you!).

My SD is 21 and if she has a problem with the fact that my husband never wants to speak to her mother again (or see her), EVER, that is just too bad.