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Sports fees.. What would you do when BM "doesn't have" her half?

stepmomsoon's picture

OMG, this woman!!

She screwed us out of fees for football claiming she "never agreed to it" after she moved away and dumped the kids on us. (for the record, she fully agreed to and supported both kids playing for the past 2 years). She dumped the kids and moved in May - conditioning for football began at the end of June. Fees were due around the same time.

**Let me also add that she conveniently "lost her job" at the same time as the move**

It was 550/kid to play - plus buying them other items (spikes, mouth pieces, chin straps, etc.) She paid none of this, but still had the balls to show up at a couple of their games!

Now, SS14 tried out for the basketball team and made it. Before tryouts began, we had to buy him new basketball shoes (130.00) - his ones from last season were a full size too small. We asked BM to either get them for him or pay half. "Nope."

Now that he made the team, he needs team shoes - they are 150.00!! This is in addition to the 550.00 to play.

DH asked her for her half last night and she, as usual, "doesn't have it." She then went on to say "I pay child support.." which is laughable.

She has been ordered to pay CS, but it is a ridiculous amount because she is unemployed - not to mention the CS agency is backlogged and we still have yet to receive one single piddly payment.

I am a bit pissed off and don't think we should pay it. For one, we have other expenses that are way more critical than this. Like new tires on both our vehicles that we have held off on replacing, but can't now that winter is here. Also, the holidays are coming up and 700.00 for one kid to play sports is a huge chunk of money right now!

I am trying to be fair in my thinking, but this situation isn't fair to anyone.

I think we should tell SS14 if his mom is unwilling to contribute, then unfortunately he can't play as this is too much for us to cover.

I know some of you might think "well, that's not fair to him".. well, I agree - to an extent. Yes, it's not his fault she isn't paying, but on the other hand that's the reality of life when the other parent is a deadbeat.

There is also the fact that ss14 has this whole "entitlement" thing.. and has yet to even act like "hey, my dad and smom pay a shit ton of money for me to play sports, come to all my games and drive me all over the damn place for practices, etc." Not once has he ever offered a hand to help out with things to show us any form of appreciation.

ughhhh... advice?


askYOURdad's picture

I'm sure you have already considered this, but just in case, does your DH's job allow overtime that he could possibly pick up to help with the basketball, holiday and car expenses? I know the CS agency is horrible to deal with, but has your DH gone through the motions try and receive even the minimal amount you should get? Will the school allow you to payment plan the sports equipment/fees?

I'm sorry, this situation sucks all around!

stepmomsoon's picture

No, this isn't an option in his line of work and a part time job for either of us would be impossible as we have too crazy of schedules with work and the kids!

He has called CSEA several times and gotten the same "be patient" story..

stepmomsoon's picture

Yes, our levies failed and it's absurd. We don't even have busing services for most kids - a private company allows you to pay them for busing.

There aren't any fund raisers that I know of, but I can check around.

PeanutandSons's picture

Is there anything ss can do to lighten your load and make it easier for you to manage?

Part time job to help with the expensss?

Or stuff around the house thaf will make your life easier to compensate you with more time and less stress? Maybe put him in charge of cooking on work night, or cleaning. Or make him responsible for mowing the lawn and shoveling the drive way all winter.

Does he generally end up with cash from xmas? Can you make a deal with him that you will front the money but he is to pay you back for half as soon as he gets it?

Does he have anything to sell to raise the other half of the money?

If he wants ti play badky enough he should be willing to find a way to make it work.

stepmomsoon's picture

LMAO.. really?

No.. I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing at the fact that to me this makes perfect sense, but to DH and captain entitled this is not an option.

SS14 mowed the lawn all summer and was PAID to do it - which I thought was bullshit.

And now that his basketball practice is every night and he has homework, asking him to lift a damn finger to do anything is not an option..

B22S22's picture

We've been dorked on a couple different occasions when it comes to paying "half" for sports (travel in our case, which also means gas, hotel rooms, meals, etc).

BM was all hot to get SK on a travel team, but was eerily silent when SK needed all new equipment (won't say what sport, but the equipment is EXTREMELY expensive -- and of course, he pretty much had outgrown all his other equipment). $1200 just to play, another $1000 for equipment. Then it seemed every time SK had to travel she "had plans" which meant DH was gone for the weekend, spending 1-2 nights in a hotel room, meals for him and both SK's, gas to get there (usually 2-3 hr drives one way).

So not only was DH living beyond his means when it came to paying bills in this house, he agreed to this without talking to me about it. I didn't want to be a bitch, but who was going to finance this whole circus? He KNEW (or should have known) from previous experiences that she will do whatever it takes to get out of paying anything (he pays a LOT of CS every month, but she doesn't work so that's HER income).

I agree -- in a way the kid suffers. But what if this was the case in an intact family? If they were still married, DH would work and she wouldn't; and they still wouldn't be able to afford this. But then again, I agree with you in that the kid has to realize that money does not grow on trees, and if BOTH parents are not willing to contribute EQUALLY then it ain't gonna happen. So sorry.

I'd have another incident to share but details would call me out -- suffice to say she agreed to pay for an activity for one SK if DH paid for sport for the other SK. She never did pay her end of the bargain, SK ended up paying for it himself (of course with promises from BM to "pay him back") Meanwhile, the other SK got his way paid free and clear by DH.

My son is in a travel sport, but my DH does not contribute one red cent to it -- I pay for it all and will not rely on my DH to help pay for it. If I couldn't afford it, my son wouldn't play. Just that simple.

She'll screw over her own children when it gets right down to it. We've seen it over and over and over again. It's sad, really.

stepmomsoon's picture

Oh, I know all about the whole living beyond his means thing... DH made close to a half a million per year at one time - when that stopped, the wifey left him and took everything she could. None, and I mean none of that money is left.

Things have been a lot different since then and for some reason the skids still think he is still loaded and expect the same things. We constantly have to remind them this is not the case, yet they still demand.. and at the same time DH feels guilty and tries to accommodate the - hence the football and basketball.

I'm sitting here like "WTF".. If BM isn't going to pay it, we shouldn't have to do it all ourselves.. these are not my kids and they are more than happy to remind me "You're not my mom" whenever they can.

I agree with the whole "if both PARENTS don't contribute, you don't play" thing.. I would tell my daughter the same thing if it were reversed.

stepmomsoon's picture

DH will make sure it's there - meaning, someone else will give up something for him to play.

DH isn't on the same page with me on saying, "If your mom doesn't pay, you don't play" as he wants his son to play and is elated he finally made the team.

PeanutandSons's picture

Its insane!

I wanted to put bs4 in soccer this fall.....but they wanteds $350 bucks... Really? several hudred dlars for a preschooler to kick a ball around? Needless to say, bs4 is not in soccer right now.

Dolphin's picture

Unfortunately, I completely know where you are coming from. BM will agree (hesitantly) to extra curricular activities with the preface that she can't afford to help pay. I have decided what I an willing to "help" my FDH to pay for and then the rest FSD just has to go without. I can't put the sports activity over my bills or household bills. I feel bad sometimes for FSD but that's her mother and her mother doesn't see the need to get out and get a second job or make sacrifices.... In your situation just like B22S22 said, if they were an intacted family...without her working they still probably wouldn't be able to afford theses sports costs

Disneyfan's picture

If mom won't pay and dad can't afford the full amount, then the kid can't play.

Time for the kid to learn the meaning of work hard play hard. If he works during the summer, he'll be able to play in the the fall.

A little hard work never hurt anyone.

Willow2010's picture

What would you do when BM "doesn't have" her half?

I will tell you what I did when EX did not have his half.

If I wanted my kid in some sport....I paid it. I would not have told them they could not play because their dad was a deadbeat.

stepmomsoon's picture

I don't think telling them they can't play because their mom is a deadbeat is the answer - even though it is a fact and a deciding factor because we can't pay everything on our own.

If she paid her half, we could afford it. The fact that she stiffed us on football, hasn't paid for anything in 6 months while we paid everything and now is claiming she can't help with basketball has made this expense more than we can cover - especially when there are critical things we need to pay for.

stepmomsoon's picture

I agree.

It really goes back to DH and BM having this conversation BEFORE bball tryouts began.. but I understand why DH doesn't want to have those talks as she is a habitual liar and the queen of
zero accountability.

He should have addressed it and then had a conversation with ss14 to lay out the hurdles and let ss14 offer help on how this goal could be accomplished.

My daughter wants to start taking horseback riding lessons again - something we had to cut out of the budget due to costs. Well, I found a place that will allow her one lesson per week in exchange for barn work and she is happy to do it so she can ride.

Journey1982's picture

I agree with you notasm. I can't figure out for the life of me why kids today can't be told "I'm sorry, we don't have the money." That's life - welcome to the real world. If the kid wants to play bad enough, he will figure out a way to help pay for it.

twoviewpoints's picture

You may have to go to having the kids select one sport a year and be done with it. BM didn't pay for football, so you had some pretty good indication that she wouldn't be paying for the basketball either.

Yeah, I 'get' it. Kid wants to play both and supposedly it's 'not fair' kid can't (even though this wouldn't be the first child to ever have to face reality that households have budgets). If BM dropped dead today, you'd still be faced with 'does SS get to play two sports or can we only afford one'. I probably would not allowed SS to go out for the basketball if Dh couldn't swing the full price as BM had already proven she would not be helping. Yeah, it sucks. If Dh doesn't want to tell SS 'no' than perhaps between SS/DH have can come up with the money. Either one of them have anything they'd be willing to sell on craig's list or the local ads? Is SS willing to have the sport he enjoys be his holiday gifts?

If DH can afford 1/2 of two sports a year, but BM isn't reliable even after agreeing, then Dh can pay one sport in full and SS will have choices to make as to which is more important to him. Have DH do what he can about basketball this season, or he'll have to tell the teen no. After this make it clear DH will pay for one full sport and SS can only play two if 1)SS earns the needed cash or 2)BM fully pays in advance for the 2nd sport.

Lalena75's picture

Try this, it takes a percentage but I think we may try it for my DD's graduation gift (Trip to visit family in Europe) I'm buying the airfare but want everyone else to be able to pitch in easily instead of buying odds and ends or giving cash.
We also my use it for DS's sports. exh is pretty much backed out of funding anything (yes it's court ordered) he also got cs abated (cuss, cuss, cussin, cuss) DS has waited and worked hard to do what I said he had to to play a sport he's wanted to and his dad screwed the pooch last year (said he's take care of signing him up and paying, didn't just flat out didn't then admitted it AFTER it was too late) So I took care of it and sent him a bill for his CO'd half, but there are shoes, mouth guards, tourney fees it's a lot.

sasha101's picture

If that were to happen at our house, then sadly the kid wouldn't get to join. No it's not fair on him that he has one parent who can't be bothered to contribute but that's not your fault. He is old enough to understand and maybe his dad needs to be honest and explain you can't keep footing the entire bill with no help from his mother. You and dad don't have a bottomless pit of money and getting your vehicles sorted out has to be your priority, as not having reliable transport is probably not an option for you and would be unfair on the entire family, not to mention threatening your livelihood if you need your car for work . We have the same problem with skids bm - lazy good for nothing bitch contributes zero and as we're on a low income, skids don't get to do half of what they'd like because we simply can't afford it. It sucks but it's the way it is and unless bm gets off her ass and gets a job which will never happen, that's the way it's going to stay for the foreseeable future. I suppose I should be thankful that we've never had a lot of money so skids have never been used to us being able to afford many activities or treats so they accept it and know there's no point asking for expensive things.

Jsmom's picture

I had a rule with BS that only one costly activity at a time. For him that was scouting. I stopped the soccer when it was apparent, he was never going to play professionally. I have no problem with clubs at school as long as they were a small amount, but once it became clear they were going to have travel fees, they were stopped.

You can only do so much. Better he learn this now, then when he gets to college and starts demanding all sorts of stuff....Frats was my sons thing this year and I said no once and he got the message....

stepmomsoon's picture

I would agree that with a normal kid, they would probably be like "yea, I get that" and be extremely grateful for the opportunity.. but not these kids. NOPE.

Just the other night he asked "when can I upgrade to a smartphone?" and I was like "what?".. "why do you need a smart phone and do you have any idea of the costs associated with it." Sooo, thinking that once I explained why it wasn't as easy as just plopping down the 100 or so bucks for the phone and there were monthly data plans you have to take into consideration I had hoped he would get it.. nah.. he was just like "oh well, my friends have them and I need it".. *sigh*

These are also the same kids that asked for the 500 PS4 and just expect us to buy it for them since they want it..

It's a mindset they just have. Entitled.

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

What would I do? That depends. Did she verbally agree to pay for any sport that she agreed to in advance? Or did she agree on paper in mediation that each parent should pay half?

If she verbally agreed, and then "didn't have it", honestly, I'd be judgmental on the inside about it, but I probably wouldn't do anything.

My kids play sports. My stepkids play sports. I pay for all of it. This year I paid for SS to play football. His mother never pitched in so much as a penny. SD11 plays the baritone. Meaning I not only had to buy a baritone ($1k) but I also have to take it back and forth to school for her 3 days a week. It's huge.

Her mom has her for 8 weeks this summer, and I'm already dreading telling her that she needs to buy a baritone or rent one so SD11 can practice while she is there. She is likely going to say the same as your BM. "I pay CS." Oh yeah, the $50 a month you pay because you cried to the judge doesn't come near to covering it.

stepmomsoon's picture

She agreed to it and it's in the decree - "agreed to extra cirriculars shall be split 50/50"..

She told both kids and DH she was in agreement with them playing. She supported it and paid her half last year as well.

Then, she and hubbykins decided to pick up and move out of state (right at the end of the school year).. an hour away and her tone changed once the kids didn't want to live with her. She all of a sudden lost her job and wasn't paying for anything. And not taking them on her weeks because she wasn't driving them to practice and picking them up. She basically bailed on everything.

B22S22's picture

Oh, I should add...

Someone else brought up a great idea about working for it...

My DS does chores around the neighborhood (his travel sport fees are about $2500 per season, not including gas/meals/hotels) starting in the spring right after the season is over, and through the summer and early fall. He saves about 99% of the money he makes and give it to me at the beginning of the season. If he can do all he can to help pay the team fee, I'll do the rest (including equipment, his is the same sport as SK so EXPENSIVE). But DS is really good at it and this is the one sport he participates in.

I know a couple other boys on his team who do the same thing, working/saving; I've talked to their parents about it. I agree, if this is something your SS *really* wants to do, he'll work for it. maybe it won't work out for this year, but I also agree with ONE SPORT, and he can start working now to earn money to help pay for it. Then you'll know exactly how invested he is in playing the sport.

Stupidlyoptimistic's picture

When I was a teen, I was involved in cheerleading, dance, and 4-H w/ horses. My parents paid for cheerleading ($500 per yr) and 4-H (mo idea the cost, but a lot). I paid for dance through my after school job. I cringed every year at the costs associated with cheerleading and 4-H. I never EXPECTED my parents to take care of expenses. I always asked if it was ok. If it wasn't in the budget, I understood. Why do kids expect their parents to shell out so much money now? I don't get it.