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o/t i have a dog that wont eat

purpledaisies's picture

Ok this guy is fun and runs and plays. Always thinks he has to fight with the other male dogs. But he just won't eat.

I tried sepatering him and that worked for a couple of days. Then I put him in the bathroom with the door shut hoping with no distracts he'd eat. That didn't work.

I have switched his food three times thinking that was the problem nope. Even the stuff the previous owners used nope.

He is healthy expect he won't eat. Like I said he runs and plays and chews toys and with the other dogs he just won't eat. I can see his ribs.

Anyone have any ideas? I'm baffaled


MadHatter's picture

See if he'll take a treat, like maybe a hotdog wiener or a McDonald's hamburger or the like. If he turns that down, I have no other thoughts.

purpledaisies's picture

Drinking idk but I have a huge bowl of water out there for them and I have to refill it every other day for 7 dogs

purpledaisies's picture

He dominates the other male dogs. I thought at first he was too busy trying keep them in check and dominate them. But as time goes on he keep doing it and I'm not sure what to do about it. I've tried to saparete them but he climbs the fence to fight with them. He us very aggressive to the others.

queenofthedamned's picture

Is he neutered? Do you have unspayed females around who might be going into heat? Sometimes males will refuseto eat if a female is going into heat.