Gay Marriage
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Answer this question: What is your opinion on Gay Marriage?
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Answer this question: What is your opinion on Gay Marriage?
My answer: I have an odd view
My answer: I have an odd view on marriage in general. I don't think that the state should have anything to do with it. I think the state should be involved in legal unions, and marriages should be handled by the church. So, I'm against gay marriage. But I'm all for them having the LEGAL rights of married couples. I think it would make everything a lot simpler if "marriage" (Which was defined originally in Genesis 2 from what I understand) was taken out of the state's hands. Separation of Church and state and all that.
I agree. So your answer or
I agree. So your answer or thoughts aren't really THAT odd
Marriage is something defined in the Bible. And as the Federal government are all gung-ho about separating Church and State then they should institute civil unions. This will enable people to bequest their property in Wills, be recognised as next of kin and be able to be listed in medical insurance all while not being bound by God. After all, if a marriage is recognised in a church when shouldn't the divorce be as well?
Go for it. I mean, I
Go for it. I mean, I personally don't want to marry another woman. But if two women or two men want to get married, none of my business.
I'm a Christian so I guess people think I should believe differently, but I don't think God put me down here to judge or dictate anyones life.
They can go ahead and get them some kids too. Can't do any worse raising them than these PASing BM's are.
I am with the others above.
I am with the others above. Go for it. If you have love in your heart and want to be married, who am I to tell you no. I feel that way when it comes to gay adoption too!
I believe in the pursuit of
I believe in the pursuit of happiness.
I don't even believe in marriage. I am more married to the man I live with than to my late DH. That piece of paper won't change a thing.
I am catholic and pretty
I am catholic and pretty conservative, but I feel that why should they not suffer in marriage like the rest of us.
I think in about 100 years or
I think in about 100 years or so, Gay Marriage will be along the same lines as Womens' Rights.
They will look at our generation like "why did these people have such a problem" and it will be in the history books.
Agree 100%!
Agree 100%!
I'm Christian, but believe if
I'm Christian, but believe if two people want to be together for their lifetime, then they should be allowed to. I also believe they should be allowed to have the same rights as male/female married partners. I just don't believe in calling it "marriage." I prefer union or partnership. I am all for adoption for gay couples as well. Every child should be allowed to live in a loving, caring home with people who love him/her. Who are we to judge anyway?
See, that's how I am. I see
See, that's how I am. I see marriage as a religious thing. I think Civil unions should be handled by the state. A civil union binds two individuals together in state records and tax forms. Male/ Female, Male/ Male, or Female/ Female. Marriage is for the church to decide. Seriously, just take the religious wording out of it.
Then my DH and I would have a
Then my DH and I would have a civil union in your eyes.
I am agnostic and I do not go to church.
By the way, marriage is NOT a religious thing. It was invented to secure legal claims to a man's wealth through his wife (or wives), children, property, chattel, etc.
God didn't invent marriage, man did.
^^agree. Religion can
^^agree. Religion can enhance a ceremony, however marriage is a secular legal contract between two parties.
Why don't you want it called
Why don't you want it called a marriage?
See my comment below
See my comment below
To each their own
To each their own
I agree with you Dragonfly. I
I agree with you Dragonfly.
I think there should be two different things....and couples could get one, the other, or both.
A legal tie granted by the government.
A spiritual tie given by religious organizations
Or do both if you are so inclined.
What theh call each one, I dont care....marraige, civil union, whatever.
The religious aspect of a marraige should have no bearing on a legally binding, contract exsentially, thag is issued by the government. And on the flip side, the government and its decisions shouldnt be forcing thi gs on the cburch, whichever flavor, as to what they allow or dont allow in their own rituals.
But short answer.....I am very pro marriage equality.
I'm Catholic and Conservative
I'm Catholic and Conservative too. However, I feel that if two people, regardless of gender and sexual orientation, want to marry, they should be permitted to do that.
I think people confuse the
I think people confuse the religious definition of marriage and the legal definition of marriage.
People need to understand marriage is a LEGAL contract. That is why atheists can get married, and people can get a legal divorce but can't get divorced in their church.
So yeah, I'm for gay marriage. And why get all upset about people using the term marriage? Why do you have to call it a civil union? What's the big deal with using the term marriage? I didn't know the term marriage was copyrighted.
Exactly...... Those two
Exactly...... Those two things need to be separated......being married legally by the government and being married in the eyes of the church.
Okay, I'll explain in a way
Okay, I'll explain in a way that might make sense, might just make me look like an idiot. Bear with me.
At the age of 13, a Jewish boy has a Bar Mitzvah. That is Jewish law. By Jewish law, he is a man and accountable for his actions.
At the age of 18, every boy becomes a man by US law and is accountable for his actions.
We don't call all 13 year old birthdays Bar Mitzvahs. We shouldn't call all unions marriages. Just MHO, of course.
As you said, by Jewish law,
As you said, by Jewish law, which is a religion, the 13 year old boy is considered a man. Bar Mitzvah is a definition used by a religion.
Marriage is not a term used solely by a religion. That's why people can get a legal divorce but not a divorce in their church.
I am pretty sure DH and I are
I am pretty sure DH and I are the only ones that voted for gay marriage in our conservative county (we have since moved). And yeah the bill passed.
I grew up with an Uncle Bill and his partner "Uncle Steve". Uncle Steve passed away about 3 months before the law was passed. I know that the two of them were the most in love couple I have ever met. They were the best of friends and taught me not to settle with a partner this is not my friend. It was a joy and learning experience for me to grow up with. Some of my fondest memories are visiting the two of them in New York City growing up. I am lucky that I had Uncle Steve in my life and after seeing the heartache of what Uncle Bill had to go through the last days of his life makes me a firm believer in gay marriage and the rights that go along with it
I look at almost everything
I look at almost everything this way, does it effect me directly? If no then I don't care people can do what they want more power to them. I think that if everyone would have that attitude we would be a lot happier and we would worry about ourselves more than others and what they think.
I am catholic. I believe in
I am catholic. I believe in my religion very strongly however I don't push it on anyone. Everyone has their own right to believe in what they wish, just like everyone has the right to love who they wish. That being said a marriage should be between a man and a woman in the eyes of the church that is gods wish. However if a man wants to legalise his union with another man then absolutely they should have the right to do so. They are human beings free to love and they should have the same rights as a married couple. They are not second class citizens.
Everyone should have the
Everyone should have the right to marry the person they want.
I'm 100% in favor of everyone
I'm 100% in favor of everyone having the right to marry the partner of their choice, legally. Love is love.
Also, it warms my heart to see so many people share the opinion that equal rights are for everyone on this thread. I didn't expect to see this when I opened it up. I expected to be angered by the closed mindedness I encounter every day.
I could just hug you ladies.
And the couple of fellas here too.
My question right back is why
My question right back is why should anyone care if a same sex couple is getting married?
I saw this on one of my friends pages in FB and I completely agree.
"I went to subway today to get my favorite sandwich. The man infront of me ordered a different sub. I got really pïssed because he didn't get the same thing as me, even though it didn't affect me in any way. This is what people sound like when they say gay marriage affects them."
Shaman that was my point in
Shaman that was my point in my reply. Why worry about it if it diesnt effect you?. I don't get it.
I skimmed the replies before
I skimmed the replies before I posted.....I just now saw I posted nearly the same thing you did.![Smile](
Great minds?
Ehhh...I will probably get
Ehhh...I will probably get flamed for this but I think it needs to stay traditional man and woman marriages.
And no..I am not going to say I am sorry for feeling this way. It seems now if you don't agree with EVERYTHING, then people get mad. And no one will change my mind, just like I am not going to try and change anyone elses mind.
My opinion had NOTHING to do with my religion. I do not think you will go to hell for being gay.
No one should ever have to
No one should ever have to apologize for having a different opinion.
"No one should ever have to
"No one should ever have to apologize for having a different opinion."
I would like to know as well?
I would like to know as well?
I've never heard of a reason besides religion for being against gay marriage.
I am really curious to hear
I am really curious to hear your reasoning. No don't have to share if you rather not.
No prob. I guess I need to re phrase that. I was brought up that it is wrong. (religious)
But I was not taught that you would go to hell for being gay. (That is why I say is not religious issue.)
To is just wrong and not natural. That is not the way we were made. Our bodies were made for the opposite sex. Hopefully everyone does not turn gay or our population would head down the tubes. lol
And let me clarify...I do not hate gay people. Nor would I EVER tell anyone that was gay, that I feel this way. It is not MY place to tell them I think the way they live is ...iky to me.
Yes, yes, yes!! I believe
Yes, yes, yes!! I believe everyone should have the right to get married if they choose to. Our sexual preference has nothing to do with it.
I think people who are for it
I think people who are for it should be allowed to voice their opinions, and people who are against it should be allowed to voice their opinions as well. Free speech. And majority, in this democratic society, will decide on whether it becomes legal or not.
Marriage in this day and age has become a joke anyway. We divorce and remarry, cheat, and abuse each other (both men and women) so often under this idea of marriage that, even though I'm married, it's kind of made me jaded about it for society as a whole. =\
"Marriage in this day and age
"Marriage in this day and age has become a joke anyway. We divorce and remarry, cheat, and abuse each other (both men and women) so often under this idea of marriage that, even though I'm married, it's kind of made me jaded about it for society as a whole. =\"
I agree. And with so many people who idolize the likes of Kim K, Kanye, and multitudes of other celebrities, it's just going to get worse.
I think it comes back to
I think it comes back to religion. People who believe marriage should only be allowed between a man and wife only do so because that is what their religion dictates. I'm unaware of any other reason why people oppose gay marriage.
Now, why should someone else be forced to follow your religious beliefs?
She's not forcing anyone to
She's not forcing anyone to follow her beliefs.
She's asking for opinions only.
I'm not getting the impression she is trying to change anyone's mind about how they feel about this subject.
I was directing my comment
I was directing my comment towards those who are against gay marriage, not the OP.![Smile](
Whoops...sorry. (blushing in
:O Whoops...sorry.
(blushing in embarrassment)
I was like "But... but... I
I was like "But... but... I was being good!" when I read your comment. I really try NOT to force my opinions on others.
You're cool. I completely
You're cool. I completely misread her comment.
My fault.![Smile](
it's not for me, but then
it's not for me, but then again Im not gay. but more power to those who r
"Churches are separate from
"Churches are separate from the state, and are free to hold their beliefs without interference from the state."
Entirely agree. They should also receive exactly 0 funds from the State, because they are separate. Unfortunately this is not so in every country.
As far as I am concerned, any consenting, right-minded adult should be able to marry any other consenting, right-minded adult if they both so wish.