SK Therapy - Revisited
So if anyone remembers my prior post - BM has now filed to take DH to court to force him to allow and pay for the kids therapy. (Who doesn't need it and DH doesn't agree with) However because we don't have the money to keep fighting this BM who does, DH is thinking of agreeing to avoid court.
Can you guys help me figure out what questions to ask and how to proceed. She's given him a list to choose from and as we don't live in her area, we don't know any of them anyway. Are there things we should make sure is agreed to like - DH has access to records, may attend appointments separately with sk, stuff like that?
Sorry, but I know nothing about therapy, any help would be great.
NO adult in sk life believe
NO adult in sk life believe they need therapy. DH has consulted teachers, counselors, etc. Even BM cannot name ONE reason why therapy is needed. The practice even said putting a kid in therapy when it's not needed can create problems where there wasn't any before. My sd 7 is a great, lovely, kid. She doesn't need therapy IMO.
Can he have it ordered that
Can he have it ordered that he attend any evaluation for the skid? That way he can give his input on the lack of a problem as well as seeing what the bm does bring to the table as an issue? My guess is that if the therapist is worth her salt and the kid presents no issues and you've got one parent saying there are no issues-then at the MOST we'd be talking a couple of sessions, perhaps just the evaluation. There has to be a diagnosis or treatment plan (goals to actually accomplish or work on)
If payment is an issue, community mental health providers do charge on a sliding scale fee based on income. If he is a parent, and has maintained all parental rights, then he has access to her records any time he wants them. He also has the right to attend sessions, call the therapist and consult with her at any time.
I would definitely try to be there for the eval. Then you can find out what's what and have your say (when I say your I mean dh's of course). What I see often-is that one parent will bring a kid in and inflate their "issues" when it's really a plot to decrease or cease visitation with the other parent.