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my bio dad wants to get to know me

purpledaisies's picture

OMG this is awesome. I called him just a few mins. Ago. He said when he sat down and thought and went through the time line that he realized that I am his.

He told his kids too. I asked if he wanted a DNA test. He said if you want one we can but I don't need one. OMG

This has turned out the best I could have imagined. We are supposed to meet next Sunday.

I'm so emotional right now. He wanted to know everything about me. So we talked about my life and his. He wanted to know if I had a dad growing up. I told him yes and a great one. He seemed very happy about that.

He is upset that mom never told him. I blame him there.

Thanks everyone.


purpledaisies's picture

I don't blame him in Any way. I blame my mom. Oops that was a typo. I meant I don't blame him. Dang phone!

purpledaisies's picture

I friended my brother and sister on Facebook after I talked to him. So ill get to know them too. Wow wow wow

purpledaisies's picture

I told him I snagged a pic from his sons Facebook. LOL
That's when he told me he already told them about me.

I told him I didn't say anything to them or friend them b/c I felt like it was his place to do so.

We even talked about our hair graying at 18! LOL I said I don't let mine show as I dye it. LOL he thought that was funny.

I told him about dad calling me yesterday and he said that was wonderful to hear I had a good dad growing up.

Anon2009's picture

Wow. That's awesome! I'm so happy for you!

You said you snagged a pic off of his son's fb-have you seen any family resemblances?

purpledaisies's picture

I know Im excited and nervous. I am looking forward to the future with more family. his son my brother already accepted my friend request. this is a huge thing and i'm so happy that it turned out the way it did.

I got the impression that bio dad is not too happy with my mom right now. i dont blame him either as im not either.