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It looks like SS is keeping the SpermClan in his rear view mirror - for the most part.

Rags's picture

It has been a while since I last blogged on STalk. As a quick refresher .... I met my DW when SS was 15mos old and we married a week before he turned 2yo. SS is an only child in our family. DW was 16 when she had SS and the SpermIdiot was 23. She went on to graduate with her HS class with honors, a BS with honors, an MBA with honors and is now a CPA. DickHead went on to spawn 3 more also out of wedlock children by two more baby mamas, lives in his parents rental property rent free, they paid his CS for my SS and continue to pay CS on spawn #2 and raise the youngest 2 spawn in their home with no help from their worthless POS son. Interestingly spawn #2 also lives with the SpermGrandParents though they continue to pay CS to BM#2 so that she will not take spawn #2 back. Most pathetically DickHead is a licensed plumber who chooses to not support his own children.

My son (SS) is now 21. He still seems to be keeping the SpermClan in his rear view mirror for the most part. He did spend 30 days with them back in April-May which did little more than confirm to him that they are not worthy of his time or emotion.

He took his leave to SpermLand to try to pull his brother's (SpermIdiot Spawn 3 of 4) head out of his butt. This brother is 16 and was recently arrested for carrying a concealed weapon. He had a pellet gun tucked in his waste band in the middle of his back when a police officer notices it when the kid was riding by on his bicycle. SS wanted to try to counter the toxic influence of the SpermIdiot. Unfortunately that did not work.

While there the SpermGrandParents reverted to their usual toxic crap and the SpermIdiot tried to amp up his cool factor by trying to get my SS to play video games all day and night. This is the first time he has seen any of them in more than 2 years.

SS decided instead to take his younger sister and two younger brothers on a mountain biking trip and to stay in my IL's timeshare which they are not using this year. He said that he enjoyed his week with his sibs but that the youngest two (those two share a mom) are pretty much lost causes and will likely be little more than mini versions of their SpermIdiot. They both want to be gang bangers which has been their SpermIdiots goal since he was in his teens. They may be successful since they are bi-racial where DipShit just gets laughed at by the gangs he wants to join since they are black gangs and DipShit is about as white as he could be.

The sister (#2 of 4) is struggling with an eating disorder that SS feels is caused by DipShit and SpermGrandPa's constant crap about how she is beautiful but won't be is she gets fat. She really is a rare beauty but does have some confidence issues due to birth defects to her hands and feet caused by fetal tobacco syndrome.

He went back to work from that visit very sad and depressed. It breaks my hearth that THEY break his heart every time he interfaces with them.

The good news is that SS seems to be recovering from his visit to SpermLand. He is working out, dating, visiting with my family regularly and is spending several weekends with his mom before she joins me overseas.

I am very proud of him. He has been a good kid other than the usual issues associated with a boy’s periodic brain farts and has become a young man of character. He is well on his way to viable adulthood. He has been in the USAF for 2.5 years and will be promoted to E-4 at the end of the month.

My DW will be there for his promotion ceremony. I won't be able to make due to my recent mobilization to a new international assignment.

I wish I could be there.

Nothing earth shattering to blog about. Just basic life stuff with the Skid.


Rags's picture


Rags's picture

It looks like SS is keeping the SpermClan in his rear view mirror - for the most part.

It has been a while since I last blogged on STalk. As a quick refresher .... I met my DW when SS was 15mos old and we married a week before he turned 2yo. SS is an only child in our family. DW was 16 when she had SS and the SpermIdiot was 23. She went on to graduate with her HS class with honors, a BS with honors, an MBA with honors and is now a CPA. DickHead went on to spawn 3 more also out of wedlock children by two more baby mamas, lives in his parents rental property rent free, they paid his CS for my SS and continue to pay CS on spawn #2 and raise the youngest 2 spawn in their home with no help from their worthless POS son. Interestingly spawn #2 also lives with the SpermGrandParents though they continue to pay CS to BM#2 so that she will not take spawn #2 back. Most pathetically DickHead is a licensed plumber who chooses to not support his own children.

My son (SS) is now 21. He still seems to be keeping the SpermClan in his rear view mirror for the most part. He did spend 30 days with them back in April-May which did little more than confirm to him that they are not worthy of his time or emotion.

He took his leave to SpermLand to try to pull his brother's (SpermIdiot Spawn 3 of 4) head out of his butt. This brother is 16 and was recently arrested for carrying a concealed weapon. He had a pellet gun tucked in his waste band in the middle of his back when a police officer notices it when the kid was riding by on his bicycle. SS wanted to try to counter the toxic influence of the SpermIdiot. Unfortunately that did not work.

While there the SpermGrandParents reverted to their usual toxic crap and the SpermIdiot tried to amp up his cool factor by trying to get my SS to play video games all day and night. This is the first time he has seen any of them in more than 2 years.

SS decided instead to take his younger sister and two younger brothers on a mountain biking trip and to stay in my IL's timeshare which they are not using this year. He said that he enjoyed his week with his sibs but that the youngest two (those two share a mom) are pretty much lost causes and will likely be little more than mini versions of their SpermIdiot. They both want to be gang bangers which has been their SpermIdiots goal since he was in his teens. They may be successful since they are bi-racial where DipShit just gets laughed at by the gangs he wants to join since they are black gangs and DipShit is about as white as he could be.

The sister (#2 of 4) is struggling with an eating disorder that SS feels is caused by DipShit and SpermGrandPa's constant crap about how she is beautiful but won't be is she gets fat. She really is a rare beauty but does have some confidence issues due to birth defects to her hands and feet caused by fetal tobacco syndrome.

He went back to work from that visit very sad and depressed. It breaks my heart that THEY break his heart every time he interfaces with them.

The good news is that SS seems to be recovering from his visit to SpermLand. He is working out, dating, visiting with my family regularly and is spending several weekends with his mom before she joins me overseas.

I am very proud of him. He has been a good kid other than the usual issues associated with a boy’s periodic brain farts and has become a young man of character. He is well on his way to viable adulthood. He has been in the USAF for 2.5 years and will be promoted to E-4 at the end of the month.

My DW will be there for his promotion ceremony. I won't be able to make due to my recent mobilization to a new international assignment.

I wish I could be there.

Nothing earth shattering to blog about. Just basic life stuff with the Skid.

3LittleDragonflies's picture

How did I miss seeing this?

Congrats Rags, on not only surviving stepparenthood, but in also raising a wonderful stepson. I wish I could have had you for a stepfather instead of my lame ones. Well done, sir!

Rags's picture

Thanks 3LD. We have been fortunate that we have been able to counter the SpermClan and to raise SS to be a confident self supporting young man of character.

I hope all is well with you and your family.