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Just when you think you have raised your kid to write off the polluted end of his gene pool you get his bank statement.

Rags's picture

So apparently he is now buying Blizzard (WoW) credits for the spermidiot half sibs and the SpermIdiot.

He just told us a few days ago that he was no WoWing. LIAR!

Why? Well, umm, uhhhh, it is a late birthday present for Jasmine, an early birthday present for Jamon and Lija and a late F-Day gift for "Dad" umm because uhhhh you know .... I have never gotten him anything for F-Day .... ever. I can't decide if that is complete bullshit and he is reactivated his WOW account and going to fuck up his AF opportunity or if he really is waisting his money on the worthless pieces of shit in SpermLand.

Combined with mystery money that is fairly obviously being sent to SpermLand to pay for shit that his SpermIdiot should be paying for I am seriously torn between writing him off of just going back in to CHEW HIS ASS mode every time I speak to him.

When he told he about the F-Day gift for DickHead. I let it slip "well isn't that special. Your first job and you got DickHead a Father's Day gift. You did not get me a Father's Day gift.

God I had so hoped that the kid that I raised as my own would put that entire herd of dipshits far in his rear view mirror and have nothing more to do with him once the CO expired.

Instead of hiring a PI years ago to nail their dipshit asses to the wall in court in order to protect my Skids best interests I should have just hired a hit man.


alwaysanxious's picture

Rags I'm really sorry to hear this. I know you just got that good news that he was eligible for the exclusive area in the military for top testers. This just blows!!!

You have every right to be pissed.

NCMilGal's picture

Rags, you're overstepping.

He's 18, he has a job, (one he can't lose unless he REALLY screws up) and he is earning that money. He has the right to spend it as he wishes.

Do you think the military has no experience with young enlisted WoWing too much? If he oversteps, they'll smack him on the nose like a puppy. They'll take his pay, maybe his rank, and have him working 12 hours a day for a couple weeks. Non-judicial punishment isn't the end of the world, especially at his point.

You're not being fair to him. Don't you remember being young and stupid? I do.

My kiddo is living with a toxic mother who verbally and physically abuses her. I canNOT expect her to turn her back on her toxic mother just because she is growing up. I expect it will take several thousands in loans to that side of the family before she realizes that they won't ever be paid back. And she'll still end up supporting the beast in the end because the woman is too dumb to plan for her future.

He'll figure it out. You've launched the young hawk off a high enough cliff that he's got time to recover before he crashes into the ravine. If he doesn't... that's the time to write him off; financially, at least.

Jsmom's picture

If it was me, and my BS did this, I would block his account if I could and dispute the charges. Honestly, this kid is pretty much your Bioson, so why not continue to protect him from himself.

I do not think you are overstepping, given what you have dealt with in the past from his Biodad. What did your wife say?