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Mother in law step-daugters and biological mother all from hell!!!!!!!!!!

AA0708's picture

My husband an I just got married he has these two fat annoying overly needy daughters!!!! His mom is an ignorant immigrant who thinks that she is always right and feels she can offend me at any moment possible. His ex is a crazy jealous liar. I have to raise these brats on a daily basis. The youngest who loves to eat and thinks she is a baby is always telling our business to her mom and his mom. Supper annoying I hate them at this point. There mom doesn't help financially physically she is always telling them weird lies and they are two stupid kids who believe her. They didn't know how to go to the bathroom they didn't know how to dress themselves, they don't know how to use utensils of any sort. They are constantly lying about everything. The older one steals from stores, and the youngest has been trying to sexually abuse my two children. My husband gets mad at me says I need to get over it im just over reacting. They give me no privacy what so ever, they are always walking into my room when im changing or talking while im on the phone. They are super noise and want to be in my business. They are constantly taddlig on my two children HELP is anyone having to deal with all of this??? Husband says he married the wrong women an wishes he was single.


AA0708's picture

I have tried to love these kids. But I do sometimes say things about them. But its just so much for me to handle. An he says his daughters did a mistake on telling my kids to touch them and kiss them.

AA0708's picture

He did feel bad after I made the oldest girl tell him everthing. Now its hard for me not to hate them I want to love them again im exhausted of them though. I want to run away I was a single mom to mine for four years. An I never thought his kids could do this to my kids. An I feel so guilty now that I put them in this place.

sasha101's picture

My first reaction to your post is to say I think it's more a case of you married the wrong man and would be far better off single! They truly sound like the family from hell, and I would not hang around if I thought there was ANY danger of my own kids being sexually abused by his older kids.

AA0708's picture

The girls are 8 and 6 my daughter is 6 and my son is 4 and they hate them they want to leave the house to live with dad and im sad.

AA0708's picture

The youngest girl told my 4 year old to touch her and my husbnd saw this an automatically yelled at him but I knew it was her. An we got into an argument over this.\

AA0708's picture

Exactly and bm is always accusing us of child abuse she has already called cps once on us. Has a boyfriend tells daughters he is her cousin but they have a kid together ughhhh I don't know im stressed. He says that how can I hate two beautiful little girls who do mistakes. An I need to forgive his mom cause that's jus how she is.

Hanny's picture

You said you just got married. Has all this happened since your marriage? If not, I think YOU made the wrong decision.

myspoonistoobig's picture

That last comment he made... that would be my exit cue.

Peace out asshole, fatten up your kids on your own.