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no ss, i am not starving you

I.Just.Live.Here's picture

This afternoon I was making the boys lunch and ss said specifically that he did not want rice. I've adopted a more vegan diet so my food choices are very limited and the boys really like meats and cheese so we normally have different foods for lunch. I made just enough rice for myself and a little bit for bs since he is too young to say whether he wants something or not. I hate to waste food so of course my measurements were very accurate. My DH and I also don't have a microwave so basically everything in our home is either cooked on the stove or eaten as is, there is no way I could have made more rice quickly for ss when he decided he wanted some. Ss decided that since I wouldn't give up my lunch, which he already had lunch that he specifically asked for, I must be starving him... he was sent to his room because it was so ridiculous I didn't even want to sort of deal with him.

Does anyone think what I did was wrong?


noidea1010's picture

Nope. I figure you were nicer then me to make him rice after he said that he didn't want it. I would have told him that he should have spoke up when I asked him the first time.

Stupidlyoptimistic's picture

Not wrong at all! I go through this with SS a lot. He'll ask for something, but if it isn't made just right, he won't eat it. Also, BM accused us of starving him because we wouldn't make him something else if he didn't like what we made for dinner. This isn't Burger King. You can't have it your way! Lol! Kid was offered food and refused it. His fault. And hers for allowing him to believe he could have hot dogs over a healthy meal. }:)

I.Just.Live.Here's picture

Funny, our BM decided we were torturing SS4 when we made him try pears. PEARS! THE AGONY OF PEARS!!!!!!

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

No, you didn't do anything wrong. I don't know how old your SS is, but at some point a kid gets old enough to deal with the consequences of "changing their mind." You aren't doing the kid a favor by scrambling at the last second because he decided after the fact that he wanted rice. Next time you ask him if he wants something, maybe he will give it a little more thought and make a choice he's happier with.

I don't give up my food for my bios that are out of diapers, particularly if I asked them if they wanted it while I was cooking, and they asked for something else. NOPE!

Starla's picture

Well it sounds like your ss had a meal in advanced I right? If yes, he is just being a shit and in my house, the shit makes the next meal for all including dishes. I'm cut and dry like that.