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do you have a favorite skid?

queenofthedamned's picture

Is it wrong?

I gotta say, skid2 is my favorite. By far. He is a sweet, smart, easy to love kid. And I do love him. He is thoughtful, kind and funny, and generally no trouble.

Skid1, not so much. He's brought a lot of stress and drama into our lives, and while he does have a loveable side, it's not the same as skid2.

I do feel slightly guilty about it, though. Parents aren't supposed to have favorites. But I'm not *really* a parent, so it's ok, right?


twopines's picture

I had a favorite skid until about a month ago. Never felt guilty. It's like having a favorite coworker or neighbor, IMO.

queenofthedamned's picture


myspoonistoobig's picture

I have a favorite, not SS, but one of my DD's.

I feel really bad about feeling that way, but I try very very hard to treat them all as much alike as I possibly can, and I love them all.

And honestly, they're all pretty young so that could change. Smile

queenofthedamned's picture

I try hard to treat them the same too but it is a challenge sometimes. I worry that skid1 notices sometimes, but at other times I don't give a fuck cuz he's such a little shit.

queenofthedamned's picture

Oh man my dog has been with me through ups and downs, thick and thin. He was a rescue and the first time I saw his sad little eyes I was done. I have no doubt he'd maul anyone who tried to raise a hand to me, but he's the best family dog you'll ever meet.

queenofthedamned's picture


GeorgianPeach's picture

Yes! Guilty here too!

2 Step Kids. One tells me I am not her parent or her mother, lies and is a mini version of BM. The other is very affectionate, loving, respectful and does anything she is told to do without question. Sometimes I have to admit she behaves better than my biological kids.

I think some kids make it easy to love them and others make it hard. It's human nature. i also think we are lucky to have at least one good step kid.

AliceP's picture

I like SD12 because she's normal, friendly out going actually lovesher dad when given the chance, however she could be dropped off in the middle of the earth and told she'd never see her family again and she would be just fine with that. lol She's resiliant and doesn't seem to have strong bonds even to her mom.

I like SD11 because she is not trying to grow up to fast, she is sweet and loving to her little sisters however her immaturity makes her hard to want to put up with, even the little kids get bothered with her, and she has absolutly no friends. But I could hang out with her one on one and be perfectly content.

There is nothing I don't like about them, just concerns about them so no I don't have a favorite.