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well that was short lived

purpledaisies's picture

As most know my dh lost his job and we are currently trying to make a go at bird breeding businesses. Well when dh told yuck about his job loss she was OK with not getting cs for a while or just partcial. She seemed to be understanding. Well dh did pay 2 1/2 weeks and we are planning on paying another week. She seemed fine with this till the business took off. Its not like we were not going to pay at all just not as much as he is supposed too.

Well cs sent a letter just a normal letter wanting dh to contact them which he did and got things arranged with them. I truly don't think yuck said anything to them to make them send a letter. I just think it was procedure no big deal.

However what comes after that is yuck calling dh telling him he has to pay or he's going to jail and blah blah blah. Whatever, dh said he talked to cs and has it arraigned. Yuck said that is not what they told me but you have to call back later and ill tell you what they said.

Dh said no I know what they told me so I'll go by that.

Who does she think she is by trying to say the cs said something they didn't??? Geez like we are that stupid!


purpledaisies's picture

We just started this business this month. We had to buy everything to start up there is no profit fir a while.

AngelOfMisery's picture

BM's do not understand such statement. The only thing they do understand is. IF you sold a product then that money should go to her period! because he owes. :?

I have already went through this one 5 years ago and if you don't watch it she'll get you in a whole bunch of trouble when she does not see her money. Like calling the IRS on you and turning you in that you have such and such business and she knows for a fact you are not filing or you are fabercating your profit. :jawdrop:

My husband ex tried to turn us in for Tax evasion a few times and warn us we would be going to jail. Crazy wench!

purpledaisies's picture

We are already that taken care of. Thank you. That is a crappy thing to do. Sorry she did that.