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I just want to be a good mom and SM

newbiestepmom25's picture

I feel like I am doing everything wrong. DHs family keeps telling me that my 7month old is to old to keep breastfeeding. I don't think so. Breast milk is really good for him and its not hurting him plus I have started to integrate some baby food. My family keeps telling DH and I to stop being so over protective with SS5. I'm sorry I just don't think kids should be left outside unsupervised or in their room to long without being checked on and I am really serious about the car seat and seatbelt. He is not tall enough to not have the car seat. I don't think SS10 missing one meal because he wont eat and wont stop complaining is going to kill him. I'm sorry but I don't do specialty meals eat what is on your plate or go to your room until you feel hungry enough to eat it.

I'm just tired of everyone's 2cents.I'm just trying to be a good mom.


Steppin's picture

You are. Don't worry Smile Everyone has some silly opinion about breast feeding, but it doesn't really matter what they think! I only stopped at 6 months cause I worked full time and couldn't keep up with all the pumping.. so that's when my milk ran out. Some say that's too early to stop. I say f you.

nothinforya's picture

My SD15 was breast fed until she was over 5 years old. It totally ruined her, made her dependent and enmeshed with her crazy mother. But you, newbie, are going to follow the sensible clues from your child, who will self-wean when real food is more interesting.

Crazy_in_Ohio's picture

While that's a very general set of things, I think you're doing fine.

I am a huge proponent of breastfeeding(but do not down anyone for their choices) and I've told people to f*ck off a time or two in my day when I got unsolicited advice about breastfeeding. I wish you the best of luck in that battle.

Seven months is NOT too long to do it. I'd go for a long as you can.

PeanutandSons's picture

Just ignore. That's one of the most frustrating things about being a step mom, how everyone feels so free to critasize every thing you do.

American Academy of Pediatric reccomends a minimum of one full year of breastfeeding. World Health Organization reccomends a minimum of two years. Notice that both of those say MINIMUM. Tell anyone who questions you to STFU. I breastfed my first for two and a half years and plan the same for my one year old. No one other than myself and my baby gets a vote....well maybe dh gets a half vote, but he's on board so that's not an issue for us. A breastfeeding relationship has two people in it, a mom and a baby, that's it. Look up benefits of extended breastfeeding, and print out some info for nosy relatives.

As for the Car Who bitches that their grandkids are TOO safe in the car? My 4 year old is still in a 5 point harness and will be for a long while yet..

Lalena75's picture

Sounds like a darn fine job to me, my sis breastfed her 2 till they were 8-9 months then pumped so they got breast milk till they were 2 but were onto bottles and cups, children need checked on and interaction or you end up with my SO's kids always hurt or fighting and so darn clingy and desperate for human contact and interaction you'd think they were raised in an institution aometimes. Don't let others ideas of how you should parent make you feel like your doing a bad job.
Everyone has an opinion on how to raise kids take the advice you want ignore the rest, you know your baby better than them.

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

Oh dear. What?!? I am 4 feet and 11 inches... and I only hit that at 15.

What if my unborn daughter is more petite than me? What if she never hits 4 foot 9?!?!?

20 plus's picture

I breast fed till DD was a little over 2. It's no ones business what you do.

By the way my DD is super duper smart. She takes gt classes 2 years ahead of her classmates and if all goes as planned will have 8 college credits when she graduates. Who knows if it was even a tiny bit affected by nursing or not.

She also co slept with me and is perfectly independent and a well adjusted teen. She spends a lit of time with me and DH and is fun to be around. Each family is different and I am super happy DD is still in to us at almost 14 but not in a creepy way Smile

Follow your instincts and do what works for you.

New second wife-step-mom's picture

Sounds like you are doing good all the way around.

I breastfeed for 12- 14 months.

misSTEP's picture

Commit this phrase to memory for these people: "Thank you. My DH and I will discuss it and take your advice under consideration."

That is all. They may mean well but they cannot run your life for you unless you let them.

Bojangles's picture

Well they sound nosy and ill informed. Medical opinion recommends breast feeding for a year! That stuff is grade A super baby food, and free, unlike formula. I breast fed all 3 of mine for around a year. And you are spot on with the timing for introducing first baby food. As for car seats - car safety is really important! You are not OTT or too protective, they are just slack. Let their advice go in one ear and out the other.

realitycheckmom's picture

I breastfed DD until she was 14 months old. She drank breastmilk out of a sippy cup except at night. She still wanted a night time feeding. I had to stop because I was on steroids for bronchitis and she didn't like it but by the time I was done my milk had pretty much dried up.

I have a friend who has a daughter that is only 3 months older than my DD. They have her in a backless booster seat. Their daughter is maybe an inch taller than mine but heavier at almost 5 years old. Their daughter is in 7/8 clothes. But my DD is still in her full car seat and will remain in it until she either has grown too tall or out of the weight. It scares me that they would put their child in a booster seat that she is not ready for but it is a big deal to them to push their child to be much older than she is (if this makes sense). They had to take her out of an infant seat when she was about 4 months old. My DD stayed past six months and only switched out because her legs were too long. My friend and her husband made comments about my daughter still being in a baby seat in front of my DD and I just politely pointed out that my DD was going to be in the safest seat appropriate for her age and size. I am sure it will bite their kid in the butt one day with all their pushing for her to be older than she is.

GrtMa's picture

Tell them to go to hell....... Why are they so concerned about issues they have no control over. They need to get a life... I breastfed exclusively for 9 months before I had to start supplementing. When I got comments that did not support it - I raised my hand and told them to move on.

RedWingsFan's picture

What you do with your infant is YOUR decision, period. I would tell them to mind their own business and frankly, I wouldn't be all nicey-nice about it either. Then again, I don't seem to know what being nicey-nice is anymore.

Seriously though, your life is your life to live. Don't let anyone tell you how to do it or that you're doing it "wrong". It's YOUR decision!
