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newbiestepmom25's picture

I have been breastfeeding my 6 week old BS and my breast are always sore Sad I don't pump because it makes me feel like a cow lol and I feel it takes away from the bond. please tell me how long I should breast feed my sis says 3 months my mom says 6. and when do we start using baby food and when we do are we still suppose to be bottle feeding? Sorry but DH is of no help BM never breast fed. Please help and also any tips for making my breast less sore


newbiestepmom25's picture

nipple sheilds? and thank your for the advice my nipples are so sore I feel like crying.

Clearly An Upgrade's picture

Nipple shields are amazing. It's a very thin piece of plastic that goes over the entire area that your baby latches onto. Even if your skin is cracked and bleeding, you will be able to nurse without much discomfort. It actually seemed to help my DD2 with her latch, and extended breast feeding (which I was VERY close to giving up on) past those first weeks up to age 1 year & 3 months.

You can probably get one for free at the hospital you gave birth at, order online, or they sell them in baby-centric stores. The Medela brand is great. Make sure it's the very thin, pliable plastic kind that you use during nursing, not the ones that are supposed to keep your shirt or bra from chaffing you or showing leaks.

I know pumping isn't much fun, but if you are too sore to nurse, it's a good option for keeping up your milk supply and giving yourself a chance to heal. Just take your shirt off while you give baby the bottle of pumped milk to keep the skin to skin happening.

Good luck!!

newbiestepmom25's picture

THAT SOUNDS AMAZING : THANK YOU. I will diffently be looking for nipple gaurds immediatly Smile

newbiestepmom25's picture

well I will not be breast feeding past one years old for a fact but to each their own. I really think it could be a latching problem I wan't this to be a beautiful experience not one where I am always in tears and pain.

newbiestepmom25's picture

how do you properly freeze and store breast milk and how long until it goes bad?

newbiestepmom25's picture

thank you that it music to my ears I never thought of freezing the milk now I know if I ever decide to pump I have options of storing so I can give my breast a rest.

Lalena75's picture
Everything you ever wanted to know about breast feeding and contacts for local resources.
I only breast fed my dd for 2 months it was horribly painful, I was engorged cause I didn't want to pump (the bonding thing) and she had such a time trying to latch on we were miserable.
My ds I did it for 6, but I got help, I pumped and froze it when I was engorged.
Everyone's different how long they want to (my sis 11 mo, with one 9 with the other) it's what works for you pumping and freezing the milk won't mess up bonding bottle nipples are so different now a days, and the milk will stay good frozen for quite some time, take off enough to let your milk come down and not feel in pain over it.

orlane's picture

If they latch right, you will not only NOT experience pain, it will be pleasant. Get thyself to a lactation consultant! Or La Leche League! You will be so happy you did!

newbiestepmom25's picture

Thank you you are so sweet and what great advice I was trying to breast feed and was cryingand I read your sweet words and it put a smile on my face. Thank you sometimes we all need a little kind words and encouragment:)

newbiestepmom25's picture


3familiesIn1's picture

If you are engorged and do not want to pump, put cabbage leaves in your bra to reduce the pressure - yeah weird but it works.

I breastfed my first until she was almost 3 - yes 3 not a typo, my second for 18 months. My midwife had all sorts of remedies, for sore nipples it looks like you have a lot of advice already - it gets better, it goes in phases of soreness.

Breastfeeding is the best thing you can do for your baby if you can make it as long as possible. You just need to do only as long as comfortable - if its too much pain then it won't be worth it for you.

Pumping takes some getting used to - I had a manual pump - worked great when I returned to work - I also hand pumped to relieve tension when baby took a nursing strike along with the cabbage leaves in the bra Smile