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We now have custody of SS17

lily11's picture

Just to update... DH got custody of SS17. It was a surprisingly simple process. BM did not even show up in court.

That was two weeks ago and the attorney office still has done nothing to stop the child support though. They assured us they would expedite this process and now they are just letting the paperwork sit.

They say it will take 4-6 weeks for them to process this. Really?!? BM is going to get at least 2 extra months of child support in the mean time and there is no way she will ever pay any of it back.

Is there nothing we can do?!


realitycheckmom's picture

File a civil suit and file for child support retroactive to the day the new CO was put in effect.

lily11's picture

We did have it ordered so that she has to pay back any money she received after May 31. But we are still waiting for the final signature from the judge to officially stop child support.

How the heck will we ever enforce it? She has no job and spends it as fast as she gets it. She calls child support her "paycheck". Seriously.

I want to make her pay it back through her tax refunds at the end of the year. The attorney office said we will have to pay quite a bit to get that done....

Why? This is such a frustrating process.

misSTEP's picture

I don't know about your state but in my state my DH is within a month away of paying off his CS obligations. He even has the notarized documents from the courts stating when his obligation is going to end.

I asked him to call CSE because we all know that the courts don't necessarily communicate with them! They told him the exact check that his support would be ending on AND told him that if they took too much (mandatory withholding here for CS), they WOULD be paying him back.

Whether or not they pay it to BM, they will reimburse DH and then go after BM for any overages.

As long as the CS order is retroactive to when you got custody, he should get the cash back. Although I know how tough it is to be an unwilling loan officer getting no interest!

lily11's picture

What states are you in misstep and Formeraagirl? We are in Texas. If that's the case and the state will go after BM for the money we would be so thrilled. It is ridiculous for that to women to blow all that money at the liquor store when her son needs some new clothes!!!

The attorney said nothing about the child support office getting DH's money back though. She said we would have to pay HER to go after BM for it. That just doesn't sound right to me.