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Online Summer Tutoring! SCORE

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SO I did a little online research and found SD an online tutoring course. For $18 a month, it will set lesson plans, track progress, and send reports to parents for students who need a little extra help to get to grade level perforamnce. This will be perfect for us because for us to take her to the school for tutoring this summer, it would mean a 40 minute drive round trip. This will save time, and money in the long run and DH and BM (if she so chooses) can be involved in the process as much as they want. You can access the software online, so SD can do it at both houses. That means that DH will be able to see if SD is actually doing any work when she is at BM's or not. BM will be happy because she won't loose any of her "time" with SD. I use that word loosly because when I say BM time I mean Grammy, and SD's friends time because Lord knows BM doesn't spend very much time with her anymore. Maybe if she would make SD keep her little happy ass home every once in a while, SD wouldn't need the extra school help to begin with because she would have done all of her lesson plans and studdied for her tests, but noooooooo that isn't why SD is having soooooo much trouble with school. Once again it is alllll DH's fault! FU BM


MotherTrucker's picture

It is called . I just googled it and it came up! Love Google. Pretty sure I would be lost without it. haha