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Oh joy, BM has graciously said we can keep the skids for Mothers day...

luchay's picture

God I am soooooo annoyed.

We had them last year - it was OH's w/e and he offered to take them back early - Sat night - so they could spend the day with her but she said NO.

So we spent a fabulous day with the skids moping and mine feeling odd about being with me and unable to spoil me - no breakfast in bed, cooked freaking lunch for everyone. Just great.

This year - again it's OH's w/e. I TOLD him to make sure they were with her this year, he said "yes, I know - they don't want to be with me on mothers day, they want to spend it with their Mum."

Of course, she has said "no, that's fine, you keep them"

And he told me - with the added comment - here's the kicker -

"they will be so miserable not spending the day with their mum poor things, we'll have do to something special for them to cheer them up!"


So I told him straight, thanks for ruining MY mothers day 2 years running, I don't want to spend the day with your 2 miserable kids. They will miss their mum and bring everyone down like they did last year, and it's not fair. So, you WILL be returning them late afternoon and we WILL be going out to dinner, you, me and MY kids.

Then I politely reminded him that it's MOTHER'S DAY and that instead of making it all about his kids and freaking BM he could have shown SOME concern for how his arrangements affect ME as well. He did get the message. Said Sorry, he had been a bit thoughtless - ok I get that it's his weekend, but to make it all about them because they can't see BM - FML


luchay's picture

You know, I don't get that - I'd want mine with me, but it's not even that that annoyed me so much - it was the "we'll have to do something special for them" that really made me mad!

Newstep's picture

We have SD this year too. That is usually one day BM can't get out of having her. She tries to get rid of her every other holiday but that she usually has her.

luchay's picture

She's been palming them off on us a LOT lately - her weekends etc, so we are secretly hoping their is a future step-dad in the picture!!

She's been very quiet with the abuse etc too....

Silver linings LOL

herewegoagain's picture

How strange? I remember the CO in Texas had the EOW but when it came to Mother's day and Father's day, it didn't matter whose weekend it was, they were to go with their Bio-Parent for the holiday, ie. BM Mothers Day, Dad for Father's Day...of course, BM ALWAYS kept her for Father's Day because she didn't want to make HER HUSBAND or OTHER CHILD feel No skin off my back.

herewegoagain's picture

Of course, if you are custodial, then you might be screwed...but here is what the Texas Standard Order says...

6. Father's Day Weekend - Father shall have the right to possession of the child each year, beginning at 6:00 p.m. on the Friday preceding Father's Day and ending at 6:00 p.m. on Father's Day, provided that if Father is not otherwise entitled under this Standard Possession Order to present possession of the child, he shall pick up the child from Mother's residence and return the child to that same place.
7. Mother's Day Weekend - Mother shall have the right to possession of the child each year, beginning at 6:00 p.m. on the Friday preceding Mother's Day and ending at 6:00 p.m. on Mother's Day, provided that if Mother is not otherwise entitled under this Standard Possession Order to present possession of the child, she shall pick up the child from Father's residence and return the child to that same place.

MommaSaSa's picture

Eww. How ANNOYING. And especially the let's do something to cheer THEM up. Seriously, WTF!!! Since it's THEIR day??!!

Last year, the night before Mother's Day, I had a HORRIBLE dream about BM that stuck with me from the moment I woke up through out the whole freakin' day. I can't escape that disgusting bitch. Hopefully this mother's day is better, and hopefully yours turns out AWESOME too! Don't let your skids or ANYONE ruin YOUR day! Happy Mother's Day awesome lady!!! <3

Lalena75's picture

I predict we'll have SO's kids for mothers day again this year it falls on SO's time like last year. However he told her a week in advance she could have them she said they did mother's day early, but the kids said they didn't. It falls on his week again I reminded him to remind her she gets them that morning till 7pm. Bet she swears they do something this weekend and the kids will have no clue. All the kids (I even think my exh's gf's dd is coming) are going to make the footprint and handprint flowers on poster board and decorate them. I think it'll be fun and I'm making some for my mom and SM too.

hereiam's picture

"we'll have to do something special for them"

And that something special would be dropping them off at BM's for Mothers' Day. Guess what kids? You get to be with her after all. Yea!

sterlingsilver's picture

Our co has the kids with me on M'sD and xh on F'sD. However, ss16 has been here with us for the past 4 yrs on M'sD. It's a bit awkward b/c dh always does a BBQ for me and my boys always buy me a card, flowers and gift (I raised them right! lololol) and ss16 always enjoys the meal and then goes to his room or is obnoxious in some way by hanging out TRYING to be nice but just getting in my face and annoying me. My boys always feel awkward and so I make time for them to give me my gifts. I would LOOOOOVVVEEEEE for ss16 to go spend the day with bm but he hates her and dh has never made him go over in 4 yrs. He has only gone over to her house 1 overnight in 4 EFFIN years. Ok she's a loser, drug addict and alcoholic, but for one day? PLEEEAAASE???

Ok it's not my venting time, sorry, tongue in cheek! lol

luchay's picture

Smile I get you all, and you know, it's not even so much that they will be here when they want to be with BM, or that they will make me and mine feel awkward doing normal mothers day stuff, it really was that comment of doing something special for them - I mean really OH?

Yes, BM is pulling these stunts to get on my nerves and spoil the day for me, I don't get it though - don't ruin it for yourself and your kids just to spite me silly bitch.

Yes, I will be laying down some orders LOL - it doesn't feel right but situations call for action sometimes! So, breakfast in bed please, with a leisurely stroll around the Sunday market next, lunch - probably just hot chips and jam donuts at the market LOL, relaxing afternoon at home doing not much of anything, then drop off skids, and dinner out with MY kids.

It will be fine, and we ARE NOT basing activities on the brats OH!