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Someone said something about this being a site to vent, and it is.

Anon2009's picture

But, (there's always a "but" in life Smile )

This is a public site, and the Internet. Nobody's going to agree on everything.

Most of us are strangers. As with anything, when we put info out there about ourselves, or our feelings, we are opening ourselves up to the good chance of people disagreeing with us and forming opinions about us. Nobody's going to see eye to eye all the time.


Kilgore SMom's picture

^^^^ I agree. Most of the time when I post I want the hear other people take on things I post postitive and negative. That way I know if I'm over reacting to something or if people agree with me.

Newstep's picture

Me too!! I seem to need validation that my feelings are justified. It is hard to get that from our SO/DH's because it is always about them or their kids.

Anne Boleyn's picture

Agree. If you are posting pubicly on a site where it allows people to comment on said post, you have to expect differences of opinion. I have learned to ignore the comments that are not helpful, misguided or mean. Those are rare though. I have to say that getting your opinions has helped me tremendously. I certainly wouldn't have drawn the line in the sand with FDH the way I just did if I wasn't encouraged to do so. I've learned a lot, especially from people I disagree with initially.

aggravated1's picture

Oh, I totally agree. There was a post this week where myself as well as others diasgreed with someones "tactics", and we were called "broads" and accused of attacking a poster because he was a man. I formed quite a few opinions about the posters who jmped to that assumption.

SMof2Girls's picture

I absolutely agree. I think there's a balance between presenting a different or adverse opinion, and just flat out attacking or belittling someone.

It's a risk you take when you post on the internet, but I just don't see what those negative nancy's are getting out of it either.

*shrug* .. like someone here has said before, you take what you can use and leave the rest Smile

RedWingsFan's picture

Yep - so much so that I usually respond to every comment on my posts whether I agree with them or not.

I LOVE the differing opinions, perspectives, scenarios. It makes you THINK. Could I have done this better? Is this the right choice for me? Maybe I AM wrong in this thing? Maybe *I* need to change?

I have grown a lot as a person in the past few years. This site has helped me tremendously with regards to how I feel about stepdevil, DH, BM and my role with each of them. I truly appreciate everyone here, regardless of what they've said to me.

Sunflower1's picture

I like the differance in opinion. It's nice to come to this site and learn from others situations and discover whether I have a logia mite complaint or not. Like Redwings said, it makes you think.