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If BM asked to talk to you

Anon2009's picture

what would you say to her?

Me, I'm past the point of wanting to unload on her. But I would tell her that I hope she reaches out to her daughters and gets help for herself so she can be there for them. But if the kids were little and she was calling, and she thought she had to protect her kids from me and teach them it's ok to treat me like crap, I'd politely but forcefully let her know I am nobody's doormat.

For the record, I have never talked to BM. Ever. Never met her either. And I plan to keep it that way.


Disneyfan's picture

The BM I get along with-chat a bit about whatever.

The BM I hate- tell her to go play in traffic.

hereiam's picture

what would you say to her?

"What's your problem, bitch." No, I'm just kidding. It's fun to think about, though!

I let BM know I am nobody's doormat from the get go. She does not have the nerve to talk smack to me. She thought I was mean to SD once and said something to my husband about it, but not to me.

SD is 22 now (lives with BM) and my husband won't even talk to BM. I sure as hell have nothing to say to her.

Just J's picture

My step kids are over 18 and DH has had no contact with her in over a year(thankfully) but if she had wanted to speak to me in the past I'd have told her that supporting her extravagant lifestyle was not my DH's job and stop treating him like her personal ATM and stop living like she's rich. Oh and that I'm glad her ugly husband is an alcoholic woman groper because that's what she gets for marrying the first guy who agreed to just because she couldn't stand the fact that her ex found me and we got married. And that she can get all the fake boobs she wants but she'll still looked like a used up whore.

Just J's picture

Lol @love4lemons, she wishes! At least that creepy guy has a job, her DH works part time doing high school security! She really traded up.

theoutsider's picture


Stupidlyoptimistic's picture

I hang up on her when she tells the skids she wants to talk to me. }:) we have nothing to talk about!

purpledaisies's picture

In the early days I tried but after she showed her true colors nope nothing!

Now its more of just polite at drop offs and no words are normally exchanged.

If she asked to talk to me now I'd ask what's up as things have calmed down a lot. But then nope not all. I'd said II had nothing to talk about.

missflo's picture

"Ohhhh, so you've finished torturing fdh and emotionally crippling and socially retarding your children so its my turn now? No thank you."

bearcub25's picture

I have said everything I wanted to say to BM already. It was along the lines of she need to get her self together to be there for her kids...after she lost custody. She then told me she knew how to parent and was a good mother, still scratching my head on that one.

I have no reason to have contact with her now. I will call her out, with DSO's permission when she is bringing me into the mix...I won't take her shit since I am raising her 1 under 18 out of juvie kid. She lost that right when she lost custody.

tryingtobecalm's picture

I will have to think of something to say to Crazy McLoony as we have to go to a 'team around the child meeting' next week to sort out her access. We won custody and now she is bitching that she hasnt seen SS5 since she beat him up.... yeh good reason for that!! I just hope the school, Doctors, social services back us up this time. I want to remain calm and demure but I will want to dive accross the table and knock her teeth down her throat! No words needed for that!

DarkStar's picture

BM, a cat shows more interest in her kittens than you show your kids.

Your absence in their lives is just as toxic as if you beat them. It broke my heart to hear the little ones say how much they miss you, how you are never around when they are visiting, and if you are, you are either sleeping or locked in your room. Funny, they don't say that much anymore, because they are starting to care less and less about having you in their lives.

Perhaps if you showed an inkling of interest in them....spend time with them, play with them, talk with wouldn't have 2 children with diagnosed behavior disorders, a nine year old boy that still poops his pants, and a 14 year old daughter that is working on screwing her way through high school.

Oh yeah, and the fact that you take care of yourself pretty well with your nails and your hair and your piercings, yet do not pay ONE DIME toward the kids' care and expenses also shows what a pathetic waste of space you are.
You make me sick.

Drac0's picture

If Donkeykong said he wanted to talk to me I would say,

"Mmm...okay...but you might want to bring a dictionary."

DaizyDuke's picture

DH told me once that he thought BM2 and I should have coffee.. after all his previous GF had done just such a thing! I have no idea if this hairbrained idea came from BM or DH or both of them, but I looked him right in the eye and told him it would be a cold day in hell before I had coffee with BM. I hate her, I tried to be nice to her but she has been nasty to me for NO reason on numerous occasions, refuses to respect boundaries and just flat out refuses to respect and she is NOT a person that I would ever even be "friendly" with for a nanosecond if I didn't know DH.

He never asked again...

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

She'd have to get through DH without him shooting in her in the head first... but if she tried:

I'm sorry, I don't speak crazy.